The Matchmaker's Happy Ending. Shirley Jump

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The Matchmaker's Happy Ending - Shirley Jump

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place pretty much to myself.”

      She gave him a quizzical look. “I thought the gym closes at ten.”

      “It does. I have…special privileges.” He broke into a light jog, arms moving, legs flexing. His effortless run caused a modest uptick in his breathing, leaving Marnie the one now impressed. She’d have been huffing and puffing by now.

      “Let me guess,” she said. “A cute girl at the front desk gave you a key?”

      “Nope. My key comes from one of the owners.”


      “I don’t own it,” he said. “I have a…vested interest in this gym. One of my high school friends bought it, and when he was struggling, he needed an investor, so I stepped in.”

      “You did?” She tried to keep the surprise from her voice, but didn’t quite make it. “That’s really…nice.”

      Not the kind of thing she expected from Jack Knight, evil corporate raider. He’d saved the gym owned by his friend, but not her father’s business. Did he only help friends? And let a stranger’s businesses fall to pieces? Or was there a nice guy buried deep inside him?

      Or were there a few things she hadn’t accepted about her father’s company and his role in its demise?

      A part of Marnie had always avoided looking too close at the details, because keeping them at bay let her keep her focus on Knight as the evil conglomerate at fault. But deep down inside Marnie knew her affable, distracted, creative father wasn’t the best businessman in the world. Helen refused to talk about it, refused to open those “dark doors” as she called them, to the past. And right now, right here, Marnie didn’t want to open them either.

      Jack leaned over, the scent of soap and man filling the space between them and sending that zing through Marnie all over again. “See? I told you, I’m not as bad as you think I am.”

      Her face heated. She reached for the hand towel on the treadmill and swiped at her cheeks, then took a deep gulp of water from her water bottle. “I never said you were a horrible person.”

      Out loud.

      “You didn’t have to. It was in the way you drove away from the restaurant earlier and in your stinging rejection of my invitation to coffee.” He bumped up the speed on his treadmill and increased his jog pace, his arms moving in concert with his legs. “And it was just coffee, Marnie, not a lifetime commitment.”

      He was right. A cup of coffee with a handsome man wasn’t a crime.

      Except this handsome man was Jack Knight, who had destroyed her father’s company in one of his “investments.” She doubted he even realized what he had done to her family, and how that loss had hurt all of them in more than just Tom Franklin’s bank account.

      She opened her mouth to tell him what she really thought of him, then stopped herself. That urge to keep the peace resurged, coupled with a burst of protectiveness. If Marnie lashed out at Jack, the conversation would get back to Dan and her mother. She had yet to tell her mother who Dan really was, unable to bring herself to wipe that smile off Helen’s face, to hurt her mother or disappoint her. Somehow, she had to tell her the truth, though, and do it soon.

      Wouldn’t it be smart to go into that conversation armed with information? And the best way to gather information without the other party suspecting? Dine with the enemy.

      Maybe her father hadn’t been businessman of the year, but she knew as well as she knew her own name that Knight Enterprises had been part of the company’s downfall, too. If she could figure out how and why, then she could go to her mother and warn her away from Dan. Maybe then both Franklin women would have closure…and peace.

      “You know, you’re right. It’s not a lifetime commitment,” she said before she could think twice. “I’ll take you up on your coffee offer.”

      He arched a brow in surprise, and turned toward her, but didn’t slow his pace. “Where and when?”

      “As soon as you finish your run. If that works for you.”

      Jack glanced at the time remaining on the treadmill’s display and nodded. “Sounds good. How about if I meet you up front in twenty minutes?”

      Enough time for her to hit the locker room and get cleaned up. Not that she cared what she looked like with Jack Knight, of course. It was merely because she was going out in public.

      As she stepped into the shower and washed up, she second guessed her decision. Getting close to Jack Knight could be dangerous on a dozen different levels. A matchmaker knew better than to put Romeo and Juliet together—and especially not enemies like her and Jack. She had no business seeing him, dating him, or even thinking about either.

      She still remembered her father’s heartbreak, how he had become a shell of the man he used to be, sitting at home, purposeless, waiting for a miracle that never came. His life’s work, gone in an instant. And all because of Jack Knight.

      The last of the lather went down the shower drain. She’d have coffee with Jack, and in the process, maybe find a way to exact a little revenge for how he had let her father fail, rather than help the struggling businessman succeed.

      What was that they said about revenge? That it was a dish best served cold? Well, this one was going to be rich, dark and steaming hot.

      Seventeen minutes later, Jack stood in the lobby of the health club, showered, changed, and his heart beating a mile a minute. He told himself it was from the hard, short run on the treadmill, but he knew better. There was something about Marnie Franklin that intrigued him in ways he hadn’t been intrigued in a hell of a long time.

      Her smile, for one. It lit her green eyes, danced in her features, seemed to brighten the room.

      Her sass, for another. Marnie was a woman who could clearly give as good as she got, and that was something he didn’t often find.

      Her love/hate for him, for a third. He knew attraction, and could swear she’d been attracted to him when they first met. Then somewhere along the way, she’d started to dislike him. Yet at the same time, she seemed to war with those two emotions.

      He had done some preliminary research before he hit the gym, but his files were filled with Franklins, a common enough last name. Then it hit him.

      Tom Franklin.

      A printer, with a small shop in Boston. Nice guy, but such a muddled, messy businessman that Jack had at first balked when his father asked him to take on Top Notch Printing as a client. He hadn’t realized at the time what his father’s real plan was—

      Well, maybe he had, and hadn’t wanted to accept the truth. Buy up the company for pennies on the dollar, to pave the way for a big-dollar competitor moving into town, another branch of the Knight investment tree. Within weeks, Tom Franklin had been out of business.

      Oh, damn. If Marnie was that Franklin, Jack had a hell of a lot to make up for. And no idea how to do it. Jack’s memory told him that none of Tom’s daughters had been named Marnie, though, so he couldn’t be sure. Maybe it was all some kind of weird coincidence.

      Just then Marnie came down the hall, wearing a navy and white striped skirt that swooshed around her knees,

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