The Nurse's Bodyguard. Melanie Mitchell

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The Nurse's Bodyguard - Melanie  Mitchell

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looked down at their clasped hands. Hers was slender, delicate and soft; his was large, thick and imposing. Despite the contrast, he sensed the unexpected strength that had helped her fight off two men in a dark parking lot.

      “Not a problem.” He grinned again and said, “I could’ve lied and said I was in the neighborhood and decided to stop by, but I thought you’d see past that one.”

      She chuckled and pulled back her hand. “Well, the medical center is a bit away from the Army base...”

      They started toward the hospital’s entrance. She intended to walk him out, but before they had covered much ground, he placed a hand on her arm, stopping her. “Um, Claire. One more thing.”

      She turned to face him and her eyes climbed hesitantly up the considerable distance to meet his. She swallowed and said, “Yes.”

      “Will you have dinner with me?”

      Claire took a half step back and bit her lip. Luke could tell that her mind was racing, hastily trying to come up with an excuse—any reason she could use to plausibly but politely decline his invitation. He cringed inwardly. He really didn’t want to beg, but he was willing to do whatever it took. Claire’s lips parted and he knew she was going to say “no,” so he forestalled her. Very quietly, he added one word. “Please.”

      * * *

      IT WAS THE “PLEASE” that did it, Claire mused later. Well that and the random, funny and sometimes oddly sweet smiles that contrasted so markedly with his imposing presence. It was also his intensity and the concern he’d displayed by coming to see her, despite being almost dead on his feet. It was his sharp, knowing hazel eyes with the amber flecks, and it was his impossibly large hands; hands that could obviously be deadly, given their size and strength, but hands that felt gentle, strong and protective when holding hers.

      Claire took a shallow breath. She couldn’t hide her apprehension as she searched his eyes. Her nod was very slight, and she said, “I need to go report to the charge nurses and finish charting. That shouldn’t take more than twenty or thirty minutes. Do you mind waiting?”

      The smile that crossed his face dispelled any lingering doubts. He gestured toward the playroom with his head. “I saw the latest iteration of Super Mario on one of the computers. You think I can interest one of the kids in a game?”

      Claire’s smile mirrored his. “Yes, I’m certain you can. But I’ve got to warn you, they’ll beat the daylights out of you. Those kids are brutal!”

      THIRTY MINUTES LATER, Claire returned to the playroom. After reporting to her colleagues and completing her charting, she’d slipped into the nurses’ lounge where she quickly brushed her hair. For a moment, she thought about leaving it down, but she coiled her hair back into a knot and secured it with a large clip. She dabbed on lip gloss and rinsed her sweaty palms. Her last act before re-joining Luke was making a quick call to Jessica.

      “Um, hey,” she said when her roommate answered. “I just wanted to let you know I’m going to be home late this evening.” She took a breath. “I have a date.”

      “Fun!” Jessica replied. “Who’s the lucky guy? That cute doc who did his residency at Johns Hopkins?”

      “Uh, no. It’s the lieutenant from Saturday—Luke.”

      “What?” Jessica barely stifled a shriek. “Oh my gosh! How in the world did that happen?”

      “He came by the hospital this evening to talk to me. It kind of took me by surprise, but, well, he seems nice, don’t you think?”

      “I don’t know about nice, but he gives new meaning to the term ‘hunk.’” Claire heard her friend chuckle. “Now that I think about it, he did seem to be taken with you... Oh my gosh!” she repeated.

      Claire glanced at her watch. “Look, I’ve got to go. I’ll fill you in when I get to the apartment.”

      “Okay, but keep your phone with you all the time, and try to call and let me know how it’s going. Not that I don’t trust the lieutenant, but I want to make sure you’re safe and all.”

      “Yes, Mother.” Claire smiled into the phone. “I’ll be careful.”

      Clicking off, she glanced in the mirror again and noted that her cheeks were flushed. That wasn’t surprising—her heart rate must be well above a hundred. She grabbed her new purse and lightweight jacket from her locker and took a deep breath. “Well, here goes,” she murmured.

      * * *

      THIS TIME THEIR roles were reversed. Claire stood at the door and watched in astonishment as the very large American man sat cross-legged on the floor surrounded by six Korean children and several adults. He was engaged in a heated video game match, and from all appearances, she concluded that he was getting soundly defeated by a twelve-year-old boy named Heen-nak.

      Exaggerated groans and growls from Luke mingled with giggles, cheers and jeers from the children. Finally, Luke tossed down his control box. He clutched his chest and fell to one side moaning, “You got me... That’s it... I surrender!”

      Several children, a couple clutching IV poles, mobbed him. After a few moments, Luke sat up and fist-bumped the young victor. “Great game, dude!” He glanced at one of the adults, who translated. The boy smiled shyly. Luke gently patted the boy’s head and glanced toward the door. Spying Claire, he stood. “Thanks again, partner. I’ve got to go now, but I’ll practice up some and maybe we can have a rematch soon.”

      He waited for the translator and the young boy grinned and nodded his head. “Thank you, mister.”

      All eyes were on the huge man as he strode across the room. Claire saw appreciation in Luke’s face as he moved toward her, and her heart rate intensified. No man had ever looked at her that way before, with admiration tempered by respect.

      “Are you ready to go?” The corners of his eyes crinkled as he smiled at her.

      Her own smile was shy and a little uncertain. “Yes, I’m all checked out and charted.”

      Luke walked very close to Claire as they crossed the lobby. It was nearing dinner time and the hospital was teeming with patients, family members and hospital staff.

      Luke was both more and less imposing than before. Wearing his uniform, he’d been disconcerting, simply because the clothing conveyed such authority. The loose-fitting uniform shirt, however, had camouflaged his daunting size. Although Luke’s polo shirt was not tight, Claire couldn’t help but notice the bulk of the heavy muscles in his chest and arms and the thickness of his neck.

      Luke’s size probably attracted attention back in the States, so in Korea, he was nothing short of a giant. As a result, his efforts to study the crowd—trying to spot anyone who seemed unduly interested in Claire—were hampered by the fact that pretty much everyone was staring at him. He didn’t seem too concerned, however. Perhaps because any potential assailants would be forestalled by his presence.

      Initially both Luke and Claire were a little stilted. Luke tried to break the ice as they exited the building. “Thanks for coming with me like this. I know it’s short notice and all...”


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