In the Argentine's Bed / Secret Baby, Public Affair: In the Argentine's Bed. Yvonne Lindsay

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In the Argentine's Bed / Secret Baby, Public Affair: In the Argentine's Bed - Yvonne Lindsay

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her body was utterly focused on Amado. He entered her in a single swift motion that pushed her into the soft mattress.

      So aroused already, she couldn’t stop herself from climaxing again immediately. Tremors rippled through her. She could hear the sounds she was making, but she couldn’t do anything about them. Couldn’t prevent her arms from winding around his powerful torso and clutching him close.

      “Oh, Amado.” She heard herself cry out his name as he moved inside her. He thrust into her, gentle, then harder, slow, then fast. Taking his time, then rushing until she climaxed again—and again—totally unable to control the spasm of her muscles and the shivering sneezes of sensation that racked her body.

      She took him deeper, pleading with him in Spanish and in English and several other languages to take her and love her and hold her and make her his. To go faster and rougher and harder and…

      Amado shouted as he climaxed. She opened her eyes in time to see his face in tortured ecstasy. He held her so tight she could barely breathe and they crashed into the mattress together with force. He panted, hugging her to him, moaning, as he throbbed inside her.

      “Por amor.” His breath rasped against her ear.

      Susannah blinked, blinded by even the tiny slivers of moonlight that played across the walls. Love?

      It was probably just an expression. She didn’t know Argentine idioms.

      Besides, her mind didn’t seem to work too well anymore. She was all body. All sensation, all touch and lick and soft, pliant wetness.

      Amado’s head lay on her chest—he appeared to have collapsed from exhaustion, but she could see his eyes on her, wide and dark and filled with…amazement.

      Susannah blew out a breath. The first hint of rational thought came sneaking back.

       What the heck happened to you?

      Had she really been yelping and panting so loud that she set the dogs off?

      A flush spread over her already hot and sticky face.

      As if they’d been listening, the dogs let out a chorus of enthusiastic barks.

      Stray shards of the things she’d said—that she’d moaned and shouted—popped into her mind. Local idioms she’d learned over the years while being instructed never to use them under any circumstances. Words that had apparently lodged in her subconscious waiting for just this moment to make their appearance.

      Amado still stared at her. Barely blinking.

      “Are you okay?” Her words sounded oddly clinical in the thick lush silence of the night.

      “No,” he breathed. “I’m much, much, much, better than okay.” He swallowed. “You?”

      The words appeared to cost him great effort. How long had they been…Susannah bit her lip. It could have been hours. The poor man was exhausted.

      Or was he? She thought she detected a sudden wicked gleam in his eye.

      “You are a woman of many dimensions, Susannah Clarke.”

       Far more than I’d previously suspected.

      Susannah wasn’t sure it was a good thing to be capable of such total sexual abandon. Seemed the kind of trait that could get you into trouble.

      At least her secret would be safe with Amado. Tierra de Oro was very far from New York. And surely no one would ever get her going like that again.

      Thank goodness.

      Amado’s breathing slowed and steadied. His muscles relaxed and grew heavier, as he pulled her closer to him. He shifted slightly, and let out a sigh.

      He’d fallen asleep—on her.

      Susannah couldn’t help a burst of silent laughter, and even the vibration of her chest didn’t stir him. He looked so sweet lying there, his handsome face nestled between her breasts and his arms wrapped securely around her torso.

      Apparently he was quite at home with her in his bed. And why wouldn’t he be? She had no illusions that this was a rare occasion for him. He was gorgeous and an incorrigible flirt. She really didn’t even mind.

      Did she?

      She swallowed.

      Didn’t want to think about that.

      In a day or so she’d be back in New York, updating her database and checking on the deliveries she was expecting from vineyards all around the world.

      Including Amado’s. Some of his wines were daring and successful to the point where she was sure Tarrant would want them for his own cellars.

      Which meant she’d still have to deal with Amado.

      Or not? Amado concerned himself with the aspects of the business that interested him, the hands-on growing and fermenting. He left the marketing and shipping to his capable staff.

      Most likely she’d chat on the phone with a friendly assistant who’d give her the advertising spiel on the various wines and send her samples and…


      She couldn’t leave here without the DNA sample.

      Susannah swallowed hard.

       I’ll give you a sample of my DNA—just to prove that you’re wrong, of course—if you’ll spend the night in my bed.

      She’d held up her end of the bargain.

      But somehow, asking for his DNA now would be harder than ever.

      Chapter Four

      Susannah snuck out of Amado’s bed and back into her own room sometime before dawn. She needed to compose herself and regain her professional demeanor—or what was left of it—before she confronted him again.

      His enormous white dogs greeted the sunrise with a chorus of enthusiastic baying. Heat crept up her neck when she heard the sound.

      She dressed carefully in a plain black dress and arranged her hair into a chignon. It was too tangled to wear down. Her lips were red from kissing and she tried to tone down her flushed cheeks with loose powder.

      There wasn’t anything she could do about the dazzled look in her eyes.

      When she heard Rosa arrive in a car and start clattering around in the kitchen, Susannah took a deep breath and went downstairs, determined to act as if nothing had happened. Her offer to help was politely rebuffed so she sat in front of the unlit fireplace.

      When breakfast was ready, Rosa yelled up to Amado. Susannah rose from the sofa and held her breath as his door creaked open.

      Amado appeared, sleepy and disheveled, at the top of the stairs. He stopped when he saw her. Susannah swallowed as he rested his eyes on her and a smile spread over his face. He eased down the

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