Sweet Surrender, Baby Surprise / The Secretary’s Bossman Bargain: Sweet Surrender, Baby Surprise / The Secretary’s Bossman Bargain. Kate Carlisle

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Sweet Surrender, Baby Surprise / The Secretary’s Bossman Bargain: Sweet Surrender, Baby Surprise / The Secretary’s Bossman Bargain - Kate Carlisle

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were only twelve.”

      “I always felt like a grown-up,” she said, smiling as she broke a breadstick in half and munched on it. “My parents traveled quite a lot for their foundation so I was used to spending time alone. It was okay. I was a self-sufficient kid.”

      Cameron sipped his wine. “You were lonely.”

      “Oh, please,” she said, waving the comment away. “Don’t make me sound like some poor little rich girl.”

      “Why not?” Cameron’s tone was so compassionate that Julia felt her eyes sting. Good grief, would she burst into tears merely because someone showed kindness to her?

      “Because no one cares,” she said. “Boo-hoo, all the money in the world but no one to love her. It’s such a cliché.”

      “Clichés are true for a reason.” Cameron put down his wineglass. “Some things are more important than money, Julia.”

      Did he mean love was more important? Julia wondered, but wasn’t about to ask him out loud. Instead she said, “I agree, but it’s easy for people with money to say it’s not important. So rather than annoy my friends, I keep it simple and don’t talk about myself.”

      “Except to me,” Cameron said, and his lips twisted in a grin.

      She frowned as though she’d just realized the same thing. “So it would seem.”


      The baby was asleep in his bed when they returned to the suite. Sally and her friends assured them they’d had the time of their lives and wanted to do it again. Then they said good-night.

      “Would you like a nightcap?” Cameron asked, as he headed for the dining room liquor cabinet.

      “I have a long day tomorrow,” she said, tossing her sweater over the dining room chair. “But I wouldn’t turn down a cup of hot chocolate.”

      “That’s not quite what I had in mind, but okay.” He shut the cabinet and followed her into the kitchen. “I’m not sure we have all the ingredients.”

      “We do.” She pulled a slab of chocolate down from the cupboard and began to break it into chunks.

      “Where did that come from?”

      “I brought it with me,” she said.

      “You always travel with your own supply of chocolate?”

      She looked at him as though he were a dimwit. “Of course.”

      “Oh, right, guess you never know when you’ll be called on to make dessert.”

      “That’s right.” She placed the chunks in a small saucepan, added a touch of water and put it on the stove.

      “That’s it?” he said, his tone dubious. She pointed to the pan, then the fire. “Chocolate. Hot. Equals hot chocolate.” “It seems like cheating.”

      She rested her fist on her hip. “You think I should carry cocoa beans and grind them to dust first?”

      “Something like that.”

      She laughed. “This skips a step or two.”

      He gave her another skeptical look, then stared at the pan. “I’m not sure about this.”

      She stirred the mixture slowly. “Because you’ve always made it with cold milk and chocolate syrup.”

      “Well, yeah,” he said, biting back a grin as he leaned against the bar. “Anything else is just un-American.”

      “Don’t judge until you’ve tried it,” she said mildly, adding some more drops of water as she continued to stir.

      “It’s starting to smell good.”

      “Here, you stir,” she said, handing him the spoon as she turned down the fire slightly. “I need to make whipped cream.”

      “I suppose you brought that with you, too.”

      “Always.” She pulled a container from the fridge.

      He couldn’t hold back his smile. “I like the way you travel.”

      She reached into a drawer and pulled out her own hand mixer, poured cream into a bowl, threw in a heaping spoonful of sugar, and began to mix it up. Less than four minutes later, she had a bowl of thick, pillowy whipped cream. She poured the creamy chocolate into two small coffee cups, added a dollop of whipped cream on top, and handed one to Cameron.

      “Sip the chocolate through the cream,” she instructed. “That way, you get the hot with the cold, but you don’t dilute either.”

      She stood inches away, watching him as he tried the concoction. He watched her, too, as he sipped the hot, creamy chocolate through the cool, soft whipped cream. It was possibly the most sweetly decadent thing he’d ever eaten.

      “Well?” she said.

      He stared at her and wondered what the chocolate and whipped cream might taste like when licked off her breasts.

      “It’s almost immoral, it’s so good,” he said, his voice husky.

      Her cheeks began to turn pink again and he found he enjoyed making her blush. He also savored watching her realize the direction his thoughts were traveling.

      She coughed to clear her throat. “So, you like it?”

      “Like it?” He took another long sip and emptied the cup. “Yeah. I’d suggest you package it, but I’m afraid it might be banned in thirty or forty states.”

      “I’ll take that as a compliment,” she said demurely, and placed her cup on the counter. “Thank you.”

      “No, thank you. It was delicious.” He put down his cup and reached for her. “I want to taste it on your tongue.”

      Before she could utter a word of protest, his mouth consumed hers.

      The heat was instant and overwhelming. The sweetness of her mouth was incendiary. Pressing her against the kitchen wall, he kissed her again and his tongue swept inside, tangling with hers. Now he tasted the need in her. Now he sensed the surrender he’d craved from the first moment he’d seen her in his shower, her long legs wet and warm, her breasts firm and round. He wanted her with a fervent passion he hadn’t felt in months, maybe years. Maybe since the last time he’d been with her.

      He ravaged her mouth again and again, sweeping and plunging and reveling in her heated depths. She wrapped her arms around his neck and raised herself so that the apex of her thighs pressed against his burgeoning erection. He held her there with one hand while he shifted his other hand up to cover her breast. She moaned and he knew she wanted him as much as he wanted her.

      His body shouted at him to take her here, now, against this wall. Tear off her clothes and plunge into her over and over again until they both slid to the floor from sheer exhaustion. He couldn’t remember feeling

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