Wed to the Texan / Taming Clint Westmoreland: Wed to the Texan. Brenda Jackson

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Wed to the Texan / Taming Clint Westmoreland: Wed to the Texan - Brenda Jackson

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am looking,” he drawled.

      She kept her attention outside, because although her pulse raced, she didn’t want him to know how hot and aroused she’d become.

      It was a quick flight. Then, with Toby at the wheel of the limousine and Brick in the passenger seat beside him, they drove to one of Jake’s friend’s luxury hotels. They arrived at an elegant restaurant on the top floor with maroon-and-white decor, and the maître d’ addressed Jake by name before leading them to a secluded corner. Seated at a linen-covered table centered with a white candle, they had a panoramic view of flaming torches lighting the beach and, directly below, landscaped grounds with tall palms.

      She had iced tea while Jake ordered wine. As soon as they were alone, Jake turned his attention to her again, taking her hand. His fingers were warm. Even that slight contact was electric.

      If only she could get pregnant! The longing came daily, and she reminded herself to stop wishing for the impossible. They’d seen the best doctors, made love all the time, and still no baby.

      She knew she should be happy with what she had. Jake was sexy and thoughtful. She had an easy, luxurious life, but she wanted more. He was totally engrossed in his achievements. When she’d married him, she’d known that he coveted success, but hadn’t realized the full extent of his preoccupation with money, luxury and absolute power.

      Candlelight flickered, highlighting Jake’s prominent cheekbones, throwing the planes of his face into shadow. She resisted the urge to reach across the table and touch a stray lock of black hair that waved slightly on his forehead. He’d chosen a seductive setting and turned his full attention on her. She had married a charmer deluxe and it was difficult to try to talk about subjects he didn’t care to discuss.

      In spite of his optimism about their future, she hadn’t been able to give him a child. That was why she needed to set him free and let him find a woman who could.

      He tilted up her chin. “No long faces,” he ordered gently. “We’ll have a baby. All the doctors have said we would. Give us time, Em.”

      “You’ve always gotten everything you’ve wanted.”

      “Not everything,” he said with that steely gaze coming. “Not until I had money and power. Growing up was a whole different story. My dad was a drifter and was killed in a barroom brawl. Mom had nothing, but she wanted the best for me and my kid sister. Mom always tried to see to it that I had good grades in school, and later, she and I both saw to it that Nina did. My life changed forever when I met Hubert Braden.”

      She knew about the man who had mentored Jake and his friends, Ryan Warner and Nick Colton.

      “It was wonderful that you and your friends got summer jobs landscaping and caring for Hub’s property in Dallas, but if you’d never crossed paths with him, I think the three of you would still have made fortunes.”

      “You have great faith in me,” he replied with a smile. “Hub counseled us. Later, after I had my accounting degree, he hired me to work for him and really took me under his wing,” Jake said, a faraway look in his eyes. “He gave me financial backing and advice when I went on my own. No, I couldn’t have done all this by myself, much less this quickly. I became a billionaire before I was thirty. That’s due to his money, influence and the business he tossed my way.”

      She recalled the frail elderly man who had round-the-clock nursing at his chalet in Switzerland. After their honeymoon, Jake had taken her to meet Hubert Braden. He could barely talk and looked as if he didn’t weigh more than eighty pounds. But his eyes lit up at the sight of Jake and she thought Jake’s visit with his new bride made him happy.

      “You may be right. But as strong-willed and shrewd as you are, I suspect you would have become a billionaire without help. I don’t know why you pursue money to the extent you do. You could live easily on what you have. Why do you want more?”

      “I thrive on work. Poverty was hell and I want to be as far away from it as possible. I like making money. Someday I might like to go into politics, and that takes financial backing.”

      Horrified, she stared at him. “If you say, ‘I might like to go into politics,’ it translates to ‘I might like to run for president.’ You don’t do anything in a small way.”

      He laughed. Creases framed his mouth as he revealed his dazzling white teeth. “I’m building a dynasty,” he answered, and she heard the steel in his voice. “I hope to have sons to leave it to.”

      One more reminder that she couldn’t give him a baby. She looked away and wondered whether Jake ever thought about the world except on his terms. “That brings us back to what I want to discuss with you,” she said stiffly.

      “We’ll talk soon enough when we won’t be interrupted. I see you’re all buttoned up again,” he added with amusement in his eyes.

      “We’re in public,” she replied. “I’m revealing enough bare flesh. You’ll see all you want of me later, I’m sure.”

      He inhaled deeply. “That thought tempts me to turn around and leave. Of course, we can get a suite here at the hotel. This is one of Ryan’s hotels.”

      “The rich get richer,” she replied, wrinkling her nose at him and knowing that he and his close friends still did all sorts of favors for each other as much as they would have if they had been blood brothers.

      “Let’s dance and see if we can get rid of that solemn look in your big blue eyes.” Without waiting for an answer from her, he stood and reached for her hand, giving her one of those looks that could melt her.

      Reminding herself to stay firm, she followed him to the dance floor and stepped into his arms as an old ballad played.

      He spun her around and dipped low, holding her easily in his strong arms. For a moment she forgot everything as he whirled and leaned over so she had to cling to him. When she gazed up into his eyes, his desire was obvious, making her heart race faster. Breathlessly, she held him as he swung her around, pulling her close.

      “That’s better,” he said, smiling, a warmth in his expression that was like sunshine pouring out when clouds drifted away. She had to smile in return, briefly succumbing to Jake’s charisma and letting her worries go.

      The ballad ended and a fast number began. Still holding her hand, Jake continued dancing to the faster beat. His muscled body moved with a fit male athlete’s grace. Her breasts tingled and with every brush of their bodies—hip against hip, shoulder grazing shoulder—she wanted more of him.

      She followed his lead, watching him. Jake’s body was long and lean and strong, sexy in his dark suit. She wondered if they would make love when they flew home, or if they would end the evening not even speaking.

      While their lovemaking was sensational, there was no intimacy, no real emotion. Tonight, if they made love, would be no different.

      When the dance ended, she was hot, breathless. Jake took her arm lightly and they returned to their seats to find their tossed salads waiting.

      She took a long drink of ice water, trying to collect herself and stop thinking about Jake’s kisses, his hands moving over her. “Tell me about your week,” she suggested, setting down the water.

      He placed his wineglass on the table. “You’re beginning to distract me when I’m away from home. Instead of keeping my mind

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