Boardrooms & a Billionaire Heir / Jealousy & a Jewelled Proposition: Boardrooms & a Billionaire Heir. Yvonne Lindsay

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Boardrooms & a Billionaire Heir / Jealousy & a Jewelled Proposition: Boardrooms & a Billionaire Heir - Yvonne Lindsay

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think I’m just buying another failing company to carve it up and sell it off at a profit, ruining lives and families in the process.”

      “Are you?”

      “That’s not what I do.”


      Her scepticism ratcheted his annoyance up a notch. “I’ve saved more jobs than I’ve destroyed.”

      He shouldn’t care. Hell, he didn’t. But despite that, irritation flared and he suddenly leaned forward, making her jump. “I’ve publicly refuted every crooked claim, every accusation. But rebuttals don’t sell papers—bad press does.”

      He tightened his jaw, refusing the fury access before pulling back with a disgusted snort. “Go on, name a story.”

      “I don’t…”

      “Do it, Holly. Name your damn price if that’s what it’ll take.”

      She inched back in her chair as far as she could go before saying quietly, “The East Timor construction company.”

      “The press said I bought it out and sacked the workers, leaving thousands of families without income. They glossed over the fact it was actually a front for a terrorist group. I dissolved the company and built a school in the local village instead.”

      They both paused as the waiter brought their food. But as the man left, Jake said curtly, “Next.”


      “You want to know. I’m telling you.” He forced his expression into neutrality, revealing nothing. “Next.”

      She swallowed and suddenly his eyes were drawn to her throat, to the heartbeat that was undoubtedly thumping wildly in her chest. “Paul Bradley.”

      “My chief financial officer.” He picked up his fork, spearing the gnocchi with curt precision. “I demoted him to my Hanoi office because he vocally opposed one of my takeover bids.”

      Holly’s fear suddenly gave way to anger, giving her the strength to face his stare with one of her own. “‘Cross me and you’ll pay’?”

      “Yes. I demand loyalty in my staff. I won’t stand any bad-mouthing, especially when he was wrong. I had to make an example of him.”

      “Was Mia Souris an example too?”

      As a dark scowl creased his forehead, she blithely charged on. “She was your secretary and made a mint with her story. Why haven’t you made her pay, too?”

      “What makes you think she hasn’t?”

      At her sudden silence, he said softly, “The last I heard she was working as a waitress in a London club, trying to escape the notoriety of her kiss-and-tell article.”

      He placed his fork on the plate and drew the napkin slowly, almost sensuously, across his mouth. “You are a surprising woman, Holly McLeod.”

      “Why?” She studied her chicken penne, wondering how she’d manage to keep it down when her belly was churning so much.

      “Are you pushing my buttons to get reassigned?”

      Astonished, she jolted straight in her chair. “If you’re unhappy about my performance, Mr Vance—”

      “It’s Jake, for Pete’s sakes!” His voice then became less harsh. “Say it.”

      She said slowly, “Jake.”

      “Much better.”

      She blinked at the warm languor in his deep voice. “I just want to do my job.”

      He studied her for the longest time, until she began to wonder if she’d left a bit of food on her mouth or something.

      “So let’s just agree to focus on our jobs, shall we?” he said softly.

      She nodded, suddenly desperate for space. With a low murmur, she excused herself and headed for the bathroom.

      While Holly washed her hands at the sink, Jake’s suggestion played over in her head. It made perfect sense. Do the job she’d been blackmailed into doing, get what she needed and move on.

      If he was here for just an innocent pre-investment visit, then he’d have nothing to hide, right? But if his motives were ulterior, then for the sake of Blackstone’s, she’d be justified in finding out what they were.

      But as she straightened her skirt and rechecked her lipstick, she noticed her worried frown in the mirror. Quickly she smoothed it out. Yeah, just keep telling yourself that, Holly.

      Jake watched Holly make a beeline for their table but before she could reach him, an impeccably dressed man intercepted her.

      She whirled, and her look of surprise, then disgust, registered so clearly that Jake slowly stood. As the man whispered something then glanced over to Jake, her expression smoothed.

      She sighed, shrugged and made her way back to the table.

      With a frown, Jake remained standing, unashamedly taking advantage of his height against the shorter man. A man who was standing close to Holly. Too close for Jake’s liking.

      Irrational anger tightened his muscles, shocking the hell out of him. Through his surprise he heard Holly murmur, “Max, this is—”

      “Jake Vance,” Jake supplied and offered his hand.

      Max smiled and returned the shake. “Max Carlton, head of Human Resources.”

      Ten seconds and Jake had him summed up. Immaculately groomed. Subtly cologned. Even without his intel, he could spot an office player a mile off. It was something in the eyes, the way they shifted and moved, the expression a concentrated effort in politeness. Carlton was too polished, too smooth, and his smile was a blokey smirk that Jake found offensive.

      “So how’s Holly working out for you, Jake?”

      Jake noted Holly’s frown. “Fine,” he answered smoothly, as if their topic of conversation wasn’t standing right next to him.

      Max smiled, a man-to-man grin that set Jake’s teeth on edge. “My assistant’s one of a kind.”

      “Didn’t she move to PR over a year ago?”

      Max’s face tightened and he glanced quickly at Holly, who gave him an innocent shrug.

      “A temporary position,” Max conceded stiffly. “If Holly’s work performance makes the grade, there could possibly be a permanent transfer.”

      Jake was so intent on Max’s visible unease that he almost missed Holly’s start of surprise. Then, with a smooth adjustment to his tie, Max said, “If you’ve got any personnel or staffing questions, just give me a yell. Holly knows where to find me.”

      Under a rock, no doubt. Jake caught Max’s wink at Holly, who ignored it with a dark frown. But when Carlton’s gaze deliberately roamed

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