The Corporate Raider's Revenge / Tycoon's Valentine Vendetta: The Corporate Raider's Revenge / Tycoon's Valentine Vendetta. Yvonne Lindsay

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The Corporate Raider's Revenge / Tycoon's Valentine Vendetta: The Corporate Raider's Revenge / Tycoon's Valentine Vendetta - Yvonne Lindsay

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sat upright on the bed and rubbed her head. “I was trying to adjust to the idea.”

      “Damn it. It’s not an idea. It’s a baby.”

      She remained seated, probably fearful of rising and fainting again. That was just fine with him. He needed to hash this out with her. Fainting wasn’t an option.

      “I meant you, Evan. I needed to adjust to you being the father.”

      Evan let go a string of curses.

      Laney stood. He watched her legs wobble a little, but she held her ground. He was red-hot and ticked off. Yet, at the same time concerned for the baby.

      His baby.

      “Sit down, Laney. Let’s talk about this.”

      “I’m not ready to talk about it.”

      “Sit.” He pointed to the bed. “I’ll do all the talking.”

      “Imagine that,” she muttered, but she sat anyway.

      “I’m marrying you. As soon as I can make the arrangements, we’ll have a small ceremony and—”

      “Whoa!” Laney put up a stopping hand. “Are you crazy? I will not marry you.”

      Evan scoffed at her refusal. “It’s not negotiable.”

      “It’s not negotiable?” A hot gleam of anger crossed her features. “Okay, I lied. It’s not your baby. It’s Joe the bartender’s. Remember him?”

      Evan braced his hands on his hips. “Sure do. Good old married Joe. His wife, Tessie, waited tables at the Wind Breeze and never let him out of her sight. Nice try.”

      Laney rolled her eyes.

      “Don’t deny it, Laney. The baby is mine.” Evan was sure of it now. If it weren’t she wouldn’t have had such a panicked look on her face when he discovered the truth. At least, she’d been honest about the time frame. They’d spent a lot of time in and out of bed those days. Evan would bank his last dollar that she hadn’t been with another man while on the island. She wouldn’t have admitted to him that he was the father otherwise. After all, he knew she thought of him as the enemy, the man responsible for all of her current problems. “And you will marry me.”

      Laney frowned, her eyes narrowing. “You’d do anything to get your hands on The Royals, wouldn’t you?”

      “If you remember, your hands were on me—all over me, babe, at least half a dozen times. So don’t go pointing fingers. We’re both responsible for this.”

      “I’m willing to take full responsibility.” She cast him a dry look. “You’re off the hook.”

      “Hell would have to freeze over first. And you know damn well this isn’t about the hotels, Laney. You’re carrying my child. My flesh and blood. I’m giving that child a name. And making damn sure you take care of yourself while you carry him to term.”

      “Don’t even suggest I’m not taking care of this child!”

      “Prove it. Marry me.”

      “My answer is no.” She folded her arms across her middle, shook her head and stared at him.

      He stared back. If she wanted a contest of wills, she’d get one. “Let me put it this way. My child will have my name and my protection. If you don’t accept this proposal, I can guarantee your hotels will fail and it won’t be pretty, Laney. You’re out of your depth with this. I’ve rescued failing enterprises and brought new life into them. That’s how Tempest has thrived against worthy competitors. Now, do you or don’t you want to save The Royals?”


      Two weeks later, Laney stood with one hand holding a bouquet of white fragrant gardenias, while the other hand clasped onto Julia like a sinking swimmer clutching at a lifeguard. “I can’t believe I married him.”

      Julia hugged her close, whispering in her ear as they stood in the vestibule of the Beverly Hills Courthouse, “You’re doing it for the baby, honey. You’re giving him legitimacy and saving your father’s company all at one time.”

      Though unconvinced, Laney nodded as she peered across the hallway, watching Evan shake hands with his brother Trent. He’d flown in from Texas for the wedding and was leaving later tonight. Evan and Laney had agreed on having one person stand up for each of them during the civil ceremony and Trent had been the brother to win the coin flip. Laney’s decision had been much easier. She couldn’t imagine this day without Julia by her side.

      “But maybe the price is too high.”

      “Laney, look at him. He’s not exactly your average Joe. He’s a good-looking devil, intelligent and focused and I have a feeling that this might work out for you.”

      “Devil being the key word here.”

      Julia shook her head solemnly. “I don’t know. He promised to help The Royals out of financial ruin. And he accepted your terms for the prenuptial agreement. You retain full ownership of The Royals. He has nothing else to gain. If you let me play the advocate for a second, I think all he really wants is a place in his child’s life. Besides,” Julia said almost wistfully, “he’s got a gorgeous brother.”

      Laney looked at Trent and let go a quiet chuckle. “If you like the tall, dark and incredibly rugged type.” She’d been introduced to Trent right before the short ceremony.

      “What’s not to like about a man who can pull off wearing a Stetson in the heart of L.A.?”

      But Laney thought Evan the better looking of the two. He wore a stylish three-piece black suit, white shirt and gray silk tie, appearing dashing and handsome and…smug.

      Darn him.

      She’d resisted his daily proposals and had actually gotten good at saying no to him, though he’d been doggedly persistent, claiming he wouldn’t give up. He wouldn’t allow her to shove him out of the baby’s life.

      To add to that, there had been another costly problem at Royal since she found out about the baby. Laney and her team had done everything in their power to figure out a solution, but with having queasy days, Evan showing up on her doorstep every night and mountains of additional paperwork piling up, Laney knew she couldn’t do it all alone anymore.

      She’d given it a good deal of thought and had finally concluded that raising a child without his father wasn’t right. She couldn’t quite bring herself to deny her child a family life, even if it were in name only.

      Somehow Evan managed to convince her marrying him would solve her problems. She had to honor the vow she’d made to her father. She wanted to save The Royals.

      Evan had pulled out all the stops, including showing her his portfolio, his track record with hotel management and his profit-and-loss statements.

      Laney knew he was a sound businessman.

      But she didn’t think she’d wind up married to him.


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