Scandal In Sydney: Sydney Harbour Hospital: Lily's Scandal. Marion Lennox

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Scandal In Sydney: Sydney Harbour Hospital: Lily's Scandal - Marion  Lennox

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so pleased,’ Evie was saying warmly, and she hugged him. ‘She’s a very competent nurse. I agree you should have told us, but …’ she cast a disparaging glance at Finn ‘… I can see why you wouldn’t. She looked bad though when she left this morning. Is she okay?’

      ‘She has gastro,’ Luke said. ‘Remind me to speak to Admin. She’ll have got it here; she’ll get paid for time off or I’ll take it further.’

      ‘She needs time off?’


      ‘Where is she now?’ Finn growled, and Luke fixed his friend with a challenging stare.

      ‘At home,’ he said. ‘In my bed.’

      ‘How wonderful,’ Evie said happily. ‘Lily and Luke … Ooh, I love it.’ She cast a cheeky look at Finn. ‘Maybe it’s time you tried a solid relationship, Mr Kennedy.’

      ‘In your dreams,’ Finn snapped.

      ‘Aren’t you having one?’ Luke asked.

      ‘He’s been seen with Mariette from Accounts,’ Evie said, disparagingly. ‘Not exactly a long-term proposition, that one.’

      ‘Will you butt out?’ Finn was almost explosive.

      ‘Like you butted out of Luke’s love life?’ Evie retorted. ‘Certainly, Mr Kennedy. Can I walk you to Theatre, Dr Williams?’

      ‘Yes,’ Luke said with relief.

      ‘And tell me about Lily on the way. Leave nothing out. First sight, first touch, first kiss. The whole romantic fantasy.’

      Fantasy, Luke thought. She had it right there.

      Lily woke as someone was vacuuming right through the door.

      There were sunbeams on her counterpane. Her counterpane?

      She was lying in the middle of a king-sized bed, on down-filled pillows, ensconced in crisp, white sheets and fleecy blankets.

      The room was spacious, painted in cool soft greys, with white drapes—masculine but not too harsh.

      The focus of the room was the floor-length picture windows, and through the windows Sydney Harbour.

      She could see the Manly ferry chugging across the harbour. She could see the opera house.

      A sunbeam was on her nose.

      The cramps had stopped. She wriggled, very carefully. The nausea had gone as well.

      She’d died and gone to heaven.

      She was in Luke Williams’s bed.

      It didn’t matter whose bed she was in, she decided. Anyone with a bed like this was a friend for life.

      Was she more like her mother than she’d thought?

      Even that concept wasn’t enough to spoil what she was feeling right now. Like life might be possible again.

      A tap on the door. ‘Come in.’ She hauled her sheets to her chin, expecting … Luke? Instead a chubby little lady in a floral pinafore peered round the door, looking anxious.

      ‘Are you awake, dear? I didn’t want to disturb you, only I popped my nose round the door an hour ago and saw you hadn’t drunk anything. I think Dr Williams would like you to drink. Would you like a cup of tea?’

      Lily thought about it. She had many things to think about, but right now tea was pretty much the limit of her brain power.

      ‘I’d love one.’

      ‘With lots of sugar.’ The lady beamed. ‘I’m Gladys Henderson and I do for Dr Williams. I do for other doctors in this apartment block as well but he’s my favourite. But he’s in my bad books for not telling me you were coming. They tell me you’ve had quite the romance and then you just start doing night duty and no one knew. And now to get this nasty bug … But we’re all so pleased for Dr Williams. He’s ever so nice and we’ve been thinking he goes up to that farm of his all the time with only his old uncle, and he stares at nothing and just thinks and thinks about that poor young wife of his. But she’s four years dead, and we’re so pleased … well, not pleased she’s dead, of course, but pleased as Punch that he’s got a young lady. And that’s enough from me; you don’t want me standing here gabbling for ever. I’ll make you a nice cup of tea and plump your pillows and then you settle down and sleep until the doctor comes home. Ooh, I do love a good romance.’


      LUKE’S list went overtime. There were always complications, he thought. The problem with being a plastic surgeon with a decent reputation was that he was sent other people’s mistakes. Repairs of repairs … He hated it.

      His real work, his passion, was repairs that made a huge difference to people’s lives. Birth defects, accidents, improving the aesthetic results after disfiguring cancer surgery.

      He’d refused at first to do cosmetic surgery but there was a need. The lines blurred between vanity and distress and he couldn’t say no.

      Regardless, he left the hospital as he always did on a Wednesdays, feeling that his time could be better utilised. Feeling that there should be something more.

      Like going home to Hannah and their little boy?

      No. Time had left him ceasing to miss Hannah. In truth, their marriage had been … problematic. He didn’t miss her as if he was missing part of himself. He missed what could have been without even knowing what that was.

      He was going home now to another woman.

      She might not still be there. She might have had her sleep and gone back to that appalling boarding house.

      He’d fetch her back.

      Um … no. It was none of his business where she was living.

      But now half the hospital believed she was his long-term lover. And it was his business. He’d compromised her reputation. Maybe some kind of primitive instinct was kicking in, making him feel …

      Dumb? Too chivalrous for words? He hadn’t even had sex with her.

      But the whole hospital thought he had, and he wasn’t doing logic right now. He swung into the underground car park as Mrs Henderson was loading her buckets into the back of her cleaning van.

      ‘Oh, Dr Williams, I’m so pleased you’re home,’ she said. ‘I’ve been popping in to check on your young lady all afternoon and I didn’t like to leave until you got home so I thought I’d do Dr Teo’s spring cleaning. His place has been wanting a good going over for ever. But she’s looking a little better. I gave her a nice boiled egg and she managed to eat most of it. She wanted to get dressed an hour ago but I said you wouldn’t hear of it and if she tried I’d ring you. So she’s gone back to sleep like a good girl. And she’s lovely.’ She beamed. ‘Just lovely. I knew you’d

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