Taming A Fortune: A House Full of Fortunes!. Allison Leigh

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Taming A Fortune: A House Full of Fortunes! - Allison  Leigh

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he didn’t have the kids and didn’t need her help, he’d...

      He’d what? Cut her loose?

      That might be the wisest thing to do.

      So why did he feel like reeling her in?

      Because she was beautiful. And fun to be around. In fact, if he didn’t have the kids to think about, good ole dependable Toby might even consider doing something wild and crazy—like having a one-night stand or a weekend fling with her.

      Talk about something totally out of character for a guy like him.

      But yeah, if he were footloose and fancy-free, that was exactly what he’d do.

      As he took another glance at Angie, saw the glimmer in her eyes, caught a whiff of her citrusy scent...

      Well, heck. If he had a babysitter willing to spend the weekend at the ranch with the kids, he just might consider taking Angie for a night or two on the town in Lubbock anyway.

      * * *

      The pizza-making station had been a smashing success. Altogether, they’d created three medium lopsided pizzas, one supersized with only meat, and one that was perfectly formed with every single topping.

      Once the homemade creations came out of the oven, the kids could hardly wait for them to cool before they scarfed them down.

      “Thanks for dinner,” Toby said. “It was awesome.”

      “It sure was,” Justin said. “I never made pizza before. It was fun.”

      “I’m glad you liked it.” Angie turned to the boys. “Hey, guys. I don’t suppose I could get you to do me a favor. After we get the kitchen cleaned up, I was hoping you’d teach me a few tricks on your PlayStation. I need a crash course.”

      “Sure!” Justin turned to his older brother, and the boys pumped their fists in the air.

      “Seriously? You want a lesson from the kids?” Toby asked. “And why the big rush?”

      “Mr. Murdock won his grandson’s PlayStation from him in a poker game.”

      Toby lifted his eyebrow. “He gambled with a kid?”

      “Long story. Anyway, he’s been beating me left and right on Madden.”

      “Oh, great,” Toby said, a spark of humor in his tone. “I thought I’d brought in adult reinforcement, but I’ve ended up with a fourth kid.”

      “Come on,” Justin said. “Let’s go, Angie.”

      “We have dishes to do first,” she reminded him.

      “No, you go ahead,” Toby said. “I’ll take care of the cleanup.”

      “Are you sure you don’t mind?”

      “After you pulled off such a successful dinner? Heck no. Besides, I’d hate to see Mr. Murdock get the best of you again.”

      She laughed, then took off with the boys.

      Twenty minutes later, Toby reminded them that it was a school night.

      “Aw, man,” Justin said.

      Angie wrapped her arms around his shoulders and gave him a squeeze. “You heard what Toby said. Maybe I’ll come back another night, and we’ll play again.”

      Toby let the kids stay up long enough to eat a bowl of ice cream topped with fresh strawberries for dessert. Then it was time for them to go to bed.

      Overall, it was one of the best evenings Angie had ever had. At least since... Well, since she’d had dinner with Toby and the kids a couple of nights ago at The Grill.

      Kylie approached the chair where Angie was sitting and placed a hand on her knee. “Will you read my Disney princess book to me before I go to bed?”

      “I don’t mind.” Angie looked at Toby for the ultimate okay.

      “It’s all right with me. Each night at bedtime, I read a story to her. After that, I read a chapter out of Treasure Island with the boys. We’re at a pretty exciting part, so it’ll be nice to get back to where we left off.”

      What a nice family ritual. Angie was glad she’d been given a chance to take part in it.

      By the time she’d read the princess story twice, gotten Kylie two glasses of water to drink and checked in the closet and under the bed for dragons three times, Kylie finally drifted off to sleep.

      As Angie quietly sneaked out of the little girl’s room, she wondered if she should wait for Toby, or just let herself out. Fortunately, she didn’t have to make a decision.

      Having finished his bedtime duties, Toby was already back in the living room, picking up ice-cream dishes and putting the sofa cushions and throw pillows back in place.

      “Listen,” he said, “I can’t thank you enough for your help with the kids. When I do handle bedtime by myself, it takes another hour.”

      “The kids really are amazing.” And Angie meant that from the bottom of her heart. She couldn’t believe her mom had referred to those sweet, adorable children as “rug rats.”

      “Look at you,” Toby said. “You’re the one who’s amazing. I can’t believe how quickly the kids have taken to you. Brian even talked to you about the girls in his class, and Justin didn’t try to sneak off to the barn once while you were here. And Kylie... Well, I can’t even tell you how great it’s been for her to be around a woman. My mom and my sisters help out whenever they can, but they’ve got such full schedules and lives.”

      Did he think Angie didn’t have much of a life? Or was she reading too much into what he was saying?

      “Anyway,” he said, “you’re great with kids. Are you planning to have some of your own someday?”

      “I haven’t really given it much thought.” She’d never been around children all that much. And her mom hadn’t made any big deal about motherhood—or parenthood, for that matter. So she’d never really considered it one way or the other.

      She did have to admit, though, that being around Toby’s kids had made her see motherhood in a brand-new light.

      “I suppose I’d have to think about getting married first,” she said. “And that’s never been a priority.”

      Toby seemed to straighten at that. “You mean to tell me that you’re twenty-four, incredibly beautiful, fun and smarter than an internet search engine, and there hasn’t been a single guy who’s come along and made you think about bridal showers and wedding cakes and the whole nine yards?”

      Toby thought she was beautiful? And fun? And smart?

      “I...uh...thought about it once, but it didn’t work out.” She hoped he wouldn’t ask for details. She hated talking about it. And there’d been so many witnesses that inevitably the subject always seemed to crop up when she least wanted it to.


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