The Tycoon And I: Safe in the Tycoon's Arms / The Tycoon and the Wedding Planner / Swept Away by the Tycoon. Barbara Wallace

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The Tycoon And I: Safe in the Tycoon's Arms / The Tycoon and the Wedding Planner / Swept Away by the Tycoon - Barbara  Wallace

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stood up too fast.” That combined with three hours of shut-eye the night before and plodding around in the rain on top of the news that she owed the hospital a small fortune had left her drained and off-balance. But she refused to play the sympathy card. She didn’t want him thinking any less of her. Then again, was it possible to sink lower in his estimation? She stifled a groan.

      “I think this news has taken its toll on you.” Lucas stared at her, holding her gaze captive. “Do you have family around to help?”

      Did Chad count? Not in her book. “No. My mother is out of town and my father... He’s not in the picture. It’s just me and Molly.”

      “I’m sorry to hear that.”

      An awkward silence ensued. Hoping to fill in the gap so he didn’t feel that he had to say anything sympathetic, she added, “We do okay on our own. In fact, I should get back to the hospital soon.”

      “I’m sure your little girl misses you.”

      The mention of her daughter had her remembering Lucky Ducky. She pulled the keychain from the pocket of the robe and fidgeted with it.

      “I see you have your duck handy. Is it special? Or do you just like to have something to fidget with?”

      Kate stared at the trinket. “My daughter gave it to me after winning it at Pizza Pete’s Arcade. She said it was to keep me company. I tossed it into my purse and eventually it became sort of a good luck charm.”

      “He looks like a reliable, no-nonsense duck. No quacking around.”

      She found herself smiling at his attempt at levity. “He’s definitely seen me through some tough times. Now, I should get cleaned up. Molly’s dad will be leaving soon and I need to be there when he does so she isn’t alone.”

      His gaze moved to her bare ring finger. “You’re married?”

      “No. Chad’s my ex-husband. And...” She shook her head, fighting to hold back another yawn and...losing the battle. “Never mind. I keep rambling on when I need to get out of your way. I’m sure you have better things to do.”

      “What time are you expected back at the hospital?”

      “Not until three. It’s best if my ex and I keep our time together at a minimum. Molly has enough to deal with. She doesn’t need to see her parents arguing.”

      “You still have a couple of hours until you have to be back. Why don’t you take a nap and later I’ll give you a ride to the hospital?”

      His offer filled her with a warmth that she hadn’t felt in a long time. “I couldn’t ask you to do that. You don’t even know me.”

      “You aren’t asking. I’m offering. And after I kept you up late last night, I owe you this.”

      “But it isn’t necessary—

      “It’s still drizzling outside. You don’t need to get wet again. So do we have a deal?”

      “How is it a deal? What do you get out of helping me?”

      “Let’s just say it feels good being able to help someone.”

      She had a feeling there was more to his statement than he let on. Was he wishing that someone would help him? What could a wealthy, sexy bachelor need help with?

      She looked into his blue-gray eyes. “Are you sure?”

      “I am. Now do you promise you won’t go sneaking off again?”

      She was exhausted. And he seemed determined to be a Good Samaritan. What would it hurt to accept his offer?

      “I promise.”

      * * *

      A ball of sympathy and uneasiness churned in Lucas’s gut. He knew all too well the hell a parent went through when they felt as if they’d lost control of their children’s safety. When his ex-wife had up and left him, she’d written only a brief note saying she’d take good care of their little girl. Until his private investigator had tracked her down in California, he hadn’t been able to function.

      This thing with Kate hit too close to home. But how could he turn his back on her when her daughter was in such shaky circumstances?

      He needed time to think. In fact, that’s all he’d been doing since Kate went upstairs to lie down. But it was almost three and he hadn’t seen any sign of her. The memory of her pale face and the dark smudges under her eyes had him thinking she was still asleep. Perhaps she’d forgotten to set the alarm on her phone. Or maybe she was so tired that she’d slept right through it. He couldn’t blame her.

      He should wake her, but the thought of going upstairs left a sour taste in his mouth. He hadn’t been upstairs in a long time. There was nothing up there but gut-wrenching memories of everything he’d lost—his family...his little girl.

      Still he had to do something. He’d given his word that he’d get her there on time. The thought of a little girl—the image of his own daughter crystallized in his mind—sick and alone spurred him into action.

      He moved to the bottom of the steps. “Kate!” Nothing. “Kate, are you awake? It’s time to head to the hospital.”

      He waited, hoping to hear a response or the echo of footsteps. There were no sounds. Surely she hadn’t left again without saying anything. Unease churned in his gut. No. She’d promised and he sensed that she prided herself on keeping her word.

      “Kate, we need to go!”

      The seconds ticked by and still nothing. There was only one thing left to do. His gaze skimmed up the staircase. He’d been up and down those stairs countless times throughout his life and he’d never thought anything of it. Then came the day when he’d climbed to the second floor only to find his wife was gone along with his baby girl. The memory slugged him squarely in the chest, knocking the breath from his lungs.

      That never-to-be-forgotten night he’d cleared out his personal belongings and moved to the first floor. He’d wanted to avoid the memories...the pain. Now because of Kate and her little girl, he had to climb those steps again.

      Putting one foot in front of the other, he started up the stairs. He faltered as he reached the landing with the large stained-glass window, but he didn’t turn back. He couldn’t. This was too important.

      He turned, taking the next set of steps two at a clip. His chest tightened and his hands tensed.

      Don’t look around. Don’t remember. Just keep moving.

      His strides were long and fast. He kept his face forward, resisting the instinct to survey his surroundings, to let the memories crowd into his mind—not that they were ever far away.

      Lucas stopped in front of her door and blew out a pent-up breath. He rapped his knuckles on the heavy wood door. “Kate, are you awake?”


      He knocked again. Still no response.

      Was it possible she was sick? Walking around in the cold air while soaking wet certainly

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