Wedding Party Collection: Here Comes The Groom: The Bridegroom's Vow / The Billionaire Bridegroom. Rebecca Winters

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Wedding Party Collection: Here Comes The Groom: The Bridegroom's Vow / The Billionaire Bridegroom - Rebecca Winters

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flashed her a hostile glance.

      “I only mentioned it, Mrs. Pandakis, because I’m sure he has suffered a concussion.”

      Despite his injury Dimitrios seemed to be alert enough to address his sister-in-law. “Ask the cook to make tea and sandwiches, Ananke. My secretary slept through lunch and dinner and must be starving by now.”

      Her brown eyes glittered angrily before she left the room.

      “Here’s your briefcase, Ms. Hamilton.”

      “Thank you.”

      “Leon— I’m glad you came to the plane. I couldn’t have gotten along without your help. In the morning, we’ll have that talk. All right?”

      “Only if you’re feeling much better, Uncle.”

      “I’m sure I will. Would you mind closing the door on your way out?”

      “No. Of course not.” His brown gaze darted to Alex. “Good night, Ms. Hamilton.”

      “Good night. It was very nice to meet you.”

      A strange silence filled the room after he’d gone.

      Alex was relieved to see Dimitrios’s eyes had closed. Finally he could rest. That’s why it came as a surprise when he spoke to her.

      “After today’s experience, I realize that along with your many attributes, you were born with an ability to read minds, too.”

      “You mean about my canceling the helicopter.”

      “Among other things.”

      “I did it for self-preservation.”

      “How so?”

      “You’re Thessalonica’s favorite son. The media would’ve had a field day if word had leaked out that you were being transported to the hospital from the plane. I’d have been forced to ward them off. To be honest, I didn’t particularly relish the thought after—”

      “After you thought it was the end, and your life flashed before your eyes?”

      She bowed her head. “Something like that, yes.” Except that was a lie. There’d only been one thought on her mind. One man.

      “I was concerned about the publicity. It would probably have given your government officials a heart attack to know you were hurt this close to the trade fair. As it is, your name’s going to be all over the news by morning.”

      “You think?” came the deep voice.

      It amazed her he had the energy to tease in his condition.

      “I’m sure your loyal pilot was shaken by the incident. No doubt he issued some strict orders to the hospital to stand by because they were going to be receiving some very precious cargo.

      “Right now the phones are probably ringing off the hook to every journalist that you’re back in Greece and something terrible happened to you in flight.”

      “Something did.”

      His comment sounded faintly cryptic. She kneaded her hands together.

      “We don’t have any business to discuss tonight. Why did you ask me to come in here?”

      “You’re the mind reader, Ms. Hamilton. You tell me.”

      She took a steadying breath. “I think your sister-in-law was right. You need rest, and I need to call the hotel.”

      “Don’t worry about canceling the reservation. I’ll take care of it.”

      “That’s the problem. You mustn’t do that.”

      His eyes opened. He seemed very alert all of a sudden.

      “Why not? If I’m to be confined over the next few days, it makes the most sense.”

      “The hotel is simply a place to sleep.” She tried reasoning with him. “I’ll be available to you at all hours otherwise.”

      The tension was mounting. “What aren’t you telling me?”

      She’d seen him in this mood before. He wouldn’t give up until he had the answer he wanted. She’d learned from past experience it was pointless to try to thwart him.

      “Someone else is staying with me.”

      His black eyes penetrated the distance between them. “Yanni?” he asked in a deceptively silken voice.

      “No. His name is Michael. I don’t think I’ve mentioned him before.”

      “No, I don’t believe you have. Does this Michael appreciate the fact that you’re here on business?”

      “Yes. Of course. Please don’t think that I was attempting to take advantage of your generosity. I’m willing to pay for the room personally.” She didn’t believe it was necessary to mention Michael’s friends.

      “Do you suppose he’ll live if I ask you to stay here at the villa until I’m back to normal?”

      Unless his pain was much worse, she couldn’t understand why he sounded so surly. Under normal circumstances he never allowed any weakness to show.

      Obviously the trade fair was even more important to him than he’d let on. It was only natural he didn’t want anything to go wrong this close to the opening. The thing to do was placate him until he started feeling better and could walk around without too much discomfort.

      When she thought about it, she realized he was used to having her in calling distance at the office. Oftentimes they sat across from each other at his desk to do business until late. She could see it would frustrate him to have to phone back and forth to the hotel.

      “Apparently my request is causing you grief.”

      At the sarcastic comment, heat filled her cheeks. “Not at all!” she rushed to assure him. “I was just thinking that I have to get something from him.”

      “Leon can run by the hotel in the morning and pick up whatever it is you need, unless you require it tonight.”

      “Oh, no. I— It’s a costume.”

      A half-smile broke the corner of his mouth. For some reason her comment had pleased him.

      “Let me guess. For your television interview you’re going to appear as Thessalonica, wife of the King of Macedonia.”

      She chuckled softly. “It’s not for me. In any case I won’t be going anywhere near the media.”

      “Who then?”

      “The man in charge.”

      “If you’re referring to me, I haven’t been in charge of anything since you took over Mrs. Landau’s job.”


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