What the Prince Wants. Jules Bennett

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What the Prince Wants - Jules Bennett

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for some time. Iris started fussing a bit, but just like moments ago, Darcy patted her back and spoke in those hushed tones.

      He’d never seen anything like this. He’d tried all damn night to calm his daughter.

      Karina would’ve known what to do. Even though he and Karina had been separated for nearly a year before she died of a sudden aneurism, he still mourned the loss. The rock-climbing accident had changed him, had him pushing her away due to his stubborn pride and fear of not being the perfect husband and father, but a part of him would still always love her. She’d been a loyal wife and an amazing mother.

      When Darcy bent over the sofa and picked up a stuffed lamb, Colin clenched his fists at how the denim pulled across her backside. Why couldn’t he tear his eyes away? Why couldn’t he concentrate on something other than her tempting shape? No, she couldn’t stay.

      What he needed was someone old enough to be his grandmother, with many years of experience, a woman with silver hair in a bun and ill-fitting clothing. What he did not need was a woman who could kick-start his libido without even trying. But, damn it, she’d calmed Iris and had done so with the ease of an expert.

      “What is her daily routine?”

      Colin blinked as he stared back at the woman who was trying to be professional when his thoughts had been anything but.


      Dancing the lamb toward Iris’s nose and then pulling it back, Darcy simply nodded without even looking at him. “Yes. Naps, eating schedule, bedtime.”

      Since coming to LA only days ago, he did what worked best for them and he was still adjusting. As hard as this change was, he wasn’t sorry he’d made the move.

      Colin glanced at Iris’s smile, the prominent dimple in her cheek that matched his own. Sure, she’d smile for the stranger, but not for him? He loved his little girl with every bit of his soul. He’d give anything to be able to care for her on his own without the fear of his handicap harming her, but he had to face his own limitations to keep her safe.

      “Mr. Alexander?”

      Colin returned his gaze to Darcy who was actually staring at him. Oh, yeah, she’d asked him a question. Unfortunately, he was going to have to end this trial before it started. Having someone like Darcy here would be a colossal mistake.

      Holding those bright green eyes with his, Colin took a deep breath and said, “I’m afraid I can’t use your services.”

      * * *

      Darcy swallowed her shock. What had he just said? The very survival of Loving Hands was contingent on her landing this job. She refused to take no for an answer. She couldn’t afford to.

      She also couldn’t afford to keep making eye contact with Mr. Alexander’s baby blues. No, blue wasn’t the right word. What was the proper description for a set of eyes that were so mesmerizing they nearly made her forget all her troubles? The power he possessed when he held her gaze was unlike anything she’d ever experienced, so she kept her focus on the sweet little girl in her arms.

      Holding onto a squirming Iris was difficult enough without the added impact of desire. Though she’d certainly take a dose of lust over the ache in her heart from holding such a precious child. She’d avoided working with babies for years, giving those jobs to her employees. Unfortunately, the entire staff of Loving Hands had been let go and Darcy had to face her demons head-on if she wanted to save her grandmother’s company. So, his “no” wasn’t an option.

      This would be the first job caring for a young child she’d taken on since having been told at the age of twenty-one she couldn’t have kids due to severe endometriosis. She could do this...she had to do this. No matter the heartache, Darcy had to pull through.

      But first she had to convince Mr. Alexander she was the one for the job.

      Turning to fully face the sexy father, Darcy kept her hold on Iris, who was nearly chewing the ear off the poor lamb. A sweet smell wafted up from the child’s hair, no doubt from whatever shampoo her father used for her.

      Darcy had learned from the emails and phone conversations that Mr. Alexander was a single father and new to the area. She also knew his wife had died suddenly just a few months ago. What she didn’t know was what he did for a living or where he was from. The sexy, exotic accent that made her toes curl in her secondhand sandals clearly implied that he wasn’t American.

      Honestly she didn’t care where he was from as long as he was here legally and the job posting was legit. He’d offered her a ridiculous sum to live here for the next six months and care for his daughter, and that money would help her save her grandmother’s dying agency...the agency Darcy’s ex had pilfered money from, nearly leaving Darcy on the street. Oh, wait, he had left her on the street.

      Darcy didn’t know what happened at the end of the six months, and with the amount of money he’d offered, she didn’t need to know.

      “You can’t use me?” she asked, not ready to admit defeat. “Do you have another nanny service lined up?”


      Shoulders back and chin up, Darcy used all of the courage she wished she possessed to cross the room. Closing the gap between them only made her heart pound even more. She would do whatever it took to pay tribute to the grandmother who’d given up everything to raise her.

      Darcy’s nerves had kicked into high gear before she’d even arrived here because so much was riding on this one job. Being turned away by the client hadn’t been her biggest concern, either. Darcy had truly feared she’d take one look at the child and freeze...or worse, break down and start sobbing.

      Yet here she was, holding it together and ready to fight for what her ex had stolen from her. Darcy had already given up her apartment and had slept in her car those first two nights until her best friend discovered what happened. Now Darcy found herself spending nights on the sofa in her bestie’s overpriced, undersized studio apartment. This live-in nanny position would secure a roof over her head and a steady income to help get Loving Hands back up and running.

      As if all of that weren’t stressful enough, her would-be employer had opened his door and all coherent thoughts had completely left her mind. A handsome man holding a baby was sexy, no doubt about it. But this man with his disheveled hair and piercing eyes had epitomized sexy single dad. Those tanned muscles stretched his T-shirt in ways that should be illegal. Not to mention the flash of ink peeking from beneath his sleeve.

      The man who all but had her knees trembling and her stomach in knots was trying to send her on her way. Not going to happen.

      “So you have nobody else lined up,” she repeated, praying she came across as professional and not pushy. “I’m here, your sweet little girl is much happier than when you answered the door, and you’re ready to usher me back out.”

      When he continued to stare as if trying to somehow dissuade her, Darcy continued.

      “May I ask why you’re opting to not even give me a chance?”

      His intriguing set of eyes roamed over her face, sending spears of tingles through her body just as powerfully as if he’d touched her. It was as though he was looking straight into her soul.

      Iris squealed and smacked Darcy on the cheek with the wet, slobbery

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