Bought: His Temporary Fiancée. Yvonne Lindsay

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Bought: His Temporary Fiancée - Yvonne Lindsay

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dragged his cell phone from his pocket and waved it in her face. “Hello? You could have texted me.”

      “I didn’t have a chance. Seriously, you have to believe me. I would have, if I could.”

      He dropped into one of the bentwood kitchen chairs, the old wooden frame creaking in protest as he threw his weight against the back of the seat and shoved a hand through his dark hair. Unbidden, tears sprang to Maggie’s eyes. Times like this he reminded her so much of photos of their father when he was younger. All that intelligence, energy and passion. All so easily misdirected.

      She dropped down on her haunches beside him.

      “Tell me. What did they say?”

      He looked up at the ceiling and swore softly under his breath. “You know what they said. They’re accusing me of taking money, but they don’t have absolute proof it was me. Anyone could have made that trail go in someone else’s direction. I’ve been framed. I wouldn’t do something like that.”

      Her stomach knotted at the almost childlike plea in his voice. A plea that she, above all others, would believe him.

      “Did you, Jason? Did you do it?”

      He thrust himself up onto his feet. “I can’t believe you can even ask me that. I promised you I’d be clean after that last time and I have been.”

      “Mr. Tanner showed me the evidence, Jason. He said everything pointed to you.”

      She felt as if she was drowning. She wanted to believe Jason, really she did. But William Tanner had been very convincing. So convincing she’d agreed to participate in his charade to save Jason’s job.

      “So you’d rather believe him than me? Is that it? Are you still so goo-goo eyed after that one kiss at the ball that you don’t want to believe your own brother?”

      “Jason, that’s uncalled for,” she replied sharply, but she felt the betraying flush stain her cheeks.

      Her brother had teased her mercilessly about the kiss he’d witnessed at the ball, until he’d learned exactly who it was she’d been kissing. William Tanner was a man to be feared. No one knew exactly what his recommendation would be for the now defunct Worth Industries, and the rumors that the business could be wound down here in Vista del Mar had buzzed around the staff like a swarm of angry bees.

      “I don’t believe it,” he said, staring at her as if she’d grown two heads. “Even though he’s accused me of being dishonest, you still have the hots for him, don’t you?”

      “This isn’t about me.” She tried desperately to get the conversation back on topic. “This is about you. I asked you, plain and simple, Jason. Did you do it?”

      “It doesn’t matter what I say now,” he said bleakly. “You’re never going to believe me, are you? I’ll never be good enough, never be able to prove to you that I’m trustworthy again. Don’t wait up for me, I’m going out.”

      “Jason, don’t go. Please!”

      But his only response was the slam of the front door behind him, swiftly followed by the roar of his motorbike as he peeled out of the driveway. Margaret raised a trembling hand to her eyes and wiped at the tears that fell unchecked down her cheeks.

      If Jason was guilty of what Tanner had accused him, then she would continue to do every last thing in her power to protect him, just as she always had. But if he was innocent, what on earth had she let herself in for?


      Maggie was beyond worried by the time morning came. Jason hadn’t been home all night. Around four she’d given up trying to sleep and had done what she always did in times of stress—clean. By the time seven-thirty rolled around, the bathroom sparkled, the kitchen bench gleamed and every wooden surface in the house shone with the glow of the special lemon-scented polish their mother had always used.

      The scents were in their own way a little comfort, Maggie thought, as she finally peeled off her gloves and wearily went into the kitchen to put on a pot of coffee. She could almost feel her mother’s soothing presence in the background.

      The growl of Jason’s bike as he pulled into the driveway had her flying to the door. She yanked it open, then froze in the doorway. Uncertain of whether or not he would welcome her relief at seeing him home safe and sound.

      He came to the door slowly, his face haggard and showing a wisdom beyond his years.

      “I’m sorry, Maggie,” he said, pulling her into his arms and hugging her tight. “I was so mad I just had to put some space between me and here, y’know?”

      She nodded, unable to speak past the knot in her throat. He was home. That was all that mattered for now. She led him inside, pushed him into one of the kitchen chairs and set about making breakfast. As she broke eggs into the pan he started to talk.

      “At least I still have my job.”

      “Yes, you do,” Maggie replied. He still didn’t know her news, she realized. He wouldn’t be happy when he knew. She took a steadying breath. “Speaking of work …”

      “What?” Jason asked sharply, picking up on her unease instantly.

      “I got a promotion yesterday.” May as well transition into this slowly, she thought.

      “You did? That’s great.” Although Jason said the words, the lack of enthusiasm in his voice spoke volumes. “Ironic, huh? The day I get a final written warning and supervision, you get bumped up the ladder. So what are you doing?”

      “I’ve been offered an executive assistant position. It’s only temporary for now, but I’m hoping it’ll lead to better things in the future.” Much, much better things.

      “That’s cool, Maggie. Who to?”

      She stiffened her spine. He wasn’t going to like this one bit.

      “William Tanner.”

      “You’re kidding me. That insufferable jerk? He was the one who headed the panel yesterday. You didn’t take it, did you?” Realization dawned slowly. “You did. That’s how you knew about what happened to me.”

      “I had to, Jason. He didn’t leave me any option.”

      “What? He forced you to take a promotion? You should have told him to stick it where the sun don’t shine.” He made a sound of disgust and shook his head.

      “Jason, he was going to go to the police over you.”

      “But I told you I didn’t do it.”

      “All the evidence points to you, Jase. Unless you can prove otherwise, he holds all the strings, including mine.” Maggie sighed and reached out to ruffle his hair. “It’s not so bad, really. I get a raise in salary.”

      She balked at telling him the rest of Mr. Tanner’s demands. He’d totally flip if he knew.

      “I still don’t like it. I don’t trust the guy,” Jason grumbled as he gently swatted her hand away. “You had better not have agreed to work

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