Rancher's Refuge. Linda Goodnight

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Rancher's Refuge - Linda  Goodnight

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the windshield at the pharmacy.

      Struggling with the uncomfortable notion that some twisted portion of her brain found any man attractive, Annalisa clutched the pharmacy sack like a life preserver. He’d rescued her from the woods, taken her to the doctor, bought her medication. Now what? Where did she go from here?

      Chapter Three

      To her credit, his sister hadn’t beeped a word of surprise when Austin returned to the ranch with burgers, fries and Annalisa Keller in tow. He was glad. He was no mood to explain his annoying need to make sure Annalisa was all right, particularly because he had no explanation other than sympathy. The woman was in a fix, and even if she was liar, she was injured, alone and penniless.

      He hoped he wasn’t harboring a fugitive.

      With the scent of fresh burgers and fried apple pies tantalizing the kitchen, the three congregated around the wooden table and fell upon the food like starving cougars.

      From behind his burger, Austin watched Annalisa and pondered. She was kick-in-the-gut pretty, probably late twenties like Cassie and as anxious as he was. He wished he wasn’t so intrigued.

      “Still got a calf out there somewhere,” he said, more to get his mind off the mysterious woman than because he worried about the calf.

      “Too dark to go after her now,” Cassie said. “Maybe her mama will bawl her home.”

      “Hopefully.” At first light, he’d be out searching. He’d be on the lookout for other things, too.

      “Were you hunting for the calf this afternoon,” Annalisa asked, “when you...found me instead?”

      Her worried expression made Austin want to reassure her. He didn’t know why. Nothing about this day made sense. “Calves get out all the time.”

      She hadn’t said much other than a thousand thank-yous that were starting to set his teeth on edge. He didn’t want thanks. He wanted her to go away so he could stop worrying about her.

      But if she did, he’d worry more. What if she was in trouble? What if she was like Blair...

      He put the brakes on that runaway train. Annalisa Keller was a stranger who would be gone as soon she finished that jumbo, everything-piled-inside burger. He didn’t know where she’d go, but she was going. End of subject.

      In a dainty motion that enthralled him, the woman on his mind folded the carryout paper napkin in tidy thirds and patted her mouth. The action inadvertently drew Austin’s attention to the shape and curve of bowed lips and to the pale strain pulling the corners down. Her upper lip was still puffy but nothing like before. The red streaks on her throat had faded, as well. Whatever had happened was fresh when he’d found her at the waterfall.

      She’d had a tough day. The protective male in him wanted to do something to make things better, but how could he when she wouldn’t tell the truth? He gnawed the edge of his burger, amazed at his line of thinking. Something about this woman got to him, and that was dangerous.

      Her hair, wet from the waterfall, had dried and apparently Cassie had loaned her a brush because the golden blond waves curved neatly to her shoulders. Two thick, lazy curls framed her forehead and bracketed her cheekbones and eyes. Again, he noted the strain and the beginnings of bruises on her cheek and temple.

      “You look pretty rough,” he said. “Exhausted, too.”

      “Austin!” Cassie scolded. “No girl wants to hear that.”

      “Well, look at her.”

      Annalisa’s gaze moved back and forth between the brother and sister. “I am a little tired. If I could impose on you for a ride to a shelter or a hostel...”

      “What are you talking about, girl?” Cassie laid aside her burger and reached out to pat Annalisa’s arm. “Tomorrow is soon enough to worry about that. You’ve been through too much for one day. You’re staying right here tonight, isn’t she, Austin?”

      Austin choked on a French fry. He’d been thinking more like renting her a hotel room. “I—uh—”

      “Of course she is.” Cassie threw down her napkin and rose. “Annalisa, if you’re finished eating, come with me, and I’ll show you the guest room. Once you get some rest, everything will look much better.”

      As if she had no argument left in her, Annalisa took the white pharmacy bag from the table and followed Cassie.

      Still sputtering, Austin watched in sheer dread as his sister ushered a total stranger down the hall and out of sight. A stereotypical hairdresser, Cassie was a people person with a real knack for listening and counseling. She probably knew more about the citizens of Whisper Falls than anyone. And if she’d decided to pry into Annalisa’s personal life, she would.

      Cows and horses and hay meadows Austin could control. Like women in general, his sister was out of his league.

      He could hear Cassie’s chatter, like a tour guide, talking about towels and extra blankets and one of his T-shirts. His brain skittered to a stop. Cassie was loaning Annalisa one of his T-shirts?

      He squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head. That was not an image he wanted to entertain.

      Stuffing the rest of the burger in his mouth, he got up to clean the kitchen. Cassie managed to get out of cooking and cleaning most nights. She might be a good listener, but she despised housework.

      By the time Cassie returned, humming as if she’d done her good deed for the day, Austin was elbow-deep in soap suds.

      “You should buy us a dishwasher,” she said blithely. It was an ongoing discussion between them.

      “I don’t mind washing dishes. Grab a towel.”

      “You are so weird.” She opened a drawer and pulled out a towel. “Guys don’t like doing dishes.”

      Austin lifted a handful of suds and let them slide through his fingers. “Suds therapy. Keeps me from throttling my sister.”

      She sniffed and tossed her head. “You need some kind of therapy.”

      He flipped suds at her. “Is this your night to insult your big brother? Don’t forget, I brought the burgers. You’re supposed to be nice to me.”

      “True.” Cassie swirled the towel around a red plate. “I like her.”


      She rolled her eyes. “Annalisa. She seems nice.”

      “She’s hiding something.”

      Glass clattered as Cassie opened the cabinet and slid dishes inside. “You like her, too. I saw you watching her.”

      “Don’t even go there. I was watching her because she’s a liar, and I’m a suspicious man.”

      Cassie ignored him, something she did on a regular basis. “I invited her to stay with us for a few days until she gets things figured out.”

      Austin’s hands clenched around

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