Mr. Right Now. Kate Hoffmann

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Mr. Right Now - Kate  Hoffmann

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through her hair on the way down her apartment stairs and dash on mascara and a little lipstick during her bus ride from her East Village apartment. “She wants everyone there?” she asked.

      â€œBig news,” Lizbeth warned. “I think bad news, too, from the look on Charlotte’s face. She’s wearing the same clothes she had on yesterday afternoon, her hair is a mess and she’s got raccoon eyes from her mascara. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Charlotte looking like a roadside rodent. Maybe Daddy Danforth has finally cut the purse strings.”

      Nina’s heart twisted in her chest. If the magazine was having financial problems then the first jobs to be cut would be editorial assistants. Her current position as fact checker was safe as long as Attitudes was still publishing. But her future as an assistant editor with the magazine suddenly looked bleak. “Are you sure she wants me there? I’m never invited to staff meetings.”

      â€œShe specifically asked that you come,” Lizbeth said.

      Nina jumped to her feet, hope springing to life inside her. “Did she ask for me by name?”

      â€œYes,” Lizbeth said. “She walked in my office, told me about the meeting and requested that I be sure to tell Tina.”

      Nina rolled her eyes and cursed softly. “Is my name that hard to remember? I’ve worked for Charlotte for nearly three years! She sees me at least four or five times a week.” She looked down at the bottle-green satin Chinese jacket and flowered skirt she wore. “I don’t look like I blend into the furniture, do I?”

      Lizbeth considered Nina’s skirt for a few seconds and put on her best Southern drawl. “My mama did have some dining room portieres that looked a lot like your skirt.”

      Nina strode to the door, pinching Lizbeth’s arm as she passed. “You’re so mean to me. I don’t know why you’re still my friend.”

      Lizbeth fell into step beside her as they strolled toward the conference room. “Because I’m the only one who really appreciates you,” she said with a lazy smile. “And your whimsical fashion sense.” She gave her the once-over with her critical fashion eye. “All right, I love the jacket. There, are you happy?”

      One thing Nina was happy about was that Lizbeth had forgotten the events of the night before. The last thing she needed was her best friend chiding her about the mistakes she’d made. Lizbeth just didn’t understand. She’d always had boys fawning over her and men falling at her feet. Nina had discovered boys a little later in life, so she’d been playing catch-up since she was eighteen. She sighed softly, glancing at Lizbeth. No matter how long she worked at it, she’d never catch up to Lizbeth.

      By the time they reached the conference room, all the chairs had been taken by senior staff. Lizbeth and Nina stood against the back wall and watched as Charlotte called the meeting to order. Nina couldn’t recall ever attending a staff meeting before. Charlotte preferred to deal with her one-on-one and important news was usually passed on to Nina through office gossip, haphazard memos, or not at all.

      â€œWe have a problem,” Charlotte began. “A huge problem. I’ve called you all in here because, frankly, I don’t know what to do.” To Nina’s surprise, the normally icy Charlotte looked like she was about to cry. “I can’t go to Daddy, so I’m asking all of you for your help.” She sniffed. “I know I haven’t always been the nicest boss, but I can’t change that now.” Her voice trembled slightly. “Yesterday evening I had a visit from a representative of NightRyder, some Internet company with truckloads of cash. They offered to buy the magazine.”

      A collective gasp sounded in the silence of the conference room, followed by a low murmur of whispered comments. Lizbeth turned to look at Nina, her eyes wide.

      Charlotte ran her fingers through her mussed hair and Nina noticed the shadows beneath her boss’s eyes. She had been crying. “Don’t worry, the offer wasn’t good enough to accept. But the next one might be. And as you all know, this magazine has always operated on a…tight budget. And now that Daddy—I mean, now that my investors have decided to curtail their rather generous funding, the magazine is more vulnerable than ever. We have to tighten our belt, be more efficient and—and do all those other things you people do when we need to save money. I’m sure you know what they are.”

      â€œLike cutting back on expensive business lunches at the city’s best restaurants?” Lizbeth murmured. “And throwing lavish parties for male models then writing them off against our photo budgets?”

      â€œShhh!” Nina hissed.

      â€œLena, where are you?” Charlotte demanded. Her gaze searched the room, but no one spoke up. The rest of the employees glanced nervously back and forth. “Well, where is my head of research? Lizbeth, I told you to bring her along. Where is Lena?”

      Suddenly Nina realized that Charlotte was talking to her. She raised her hand nervously. “I’m here,” she said. “Tina, I—I mean, Nina. Nina Forrester.” She groaned inwardly and bit back a curse. Now she couldn’t even remember her own name!

      â€œTina, I want you to find out everything you can about this NightRyder company. It’s owned by someone named Cameron Ryder. Call whoever you call and get me something, anything, on this man. I need to know everything I can about the enemy before I face him again. Oh, and find out if he’s married.” She glanced around the room. “As for the rest of you, no more spending. Cultivate new vendors who will extend us credit. Sell more ad pages. And there’ll be no more free beverages in the coffee room!”

      With that, she swept out of the room, leaving her staff to wonder whether they might be better off with Cameron Ryder at the helm of Attitudes. Nina and Lizbeth hurried out in front of the crowd, anxious to regain the privacy of Nina’s office. When they closed the door behind them, they both gasped and gaped at each other.

      â€œI suppose we ought to start revising our résumés,” Nina said.

      â€œYou don’t actually think Charlotte will sell to this NightRyder guy, do you?”

      Nina shook her head. “She’s not much of a business-woman and the magazine has always struggled. But then, maybe this Ryder isn’t much of a businessman.” She reached for her computer keyboard, then looked at the screen. The moment she’d walked in that morning, she’d typed up her two ads—the “coffee collision” ad for Mr. Right and the “Adonis” ad for Mr. Right Now, still torn between which one to place.

      As she stared at the screen, Nina’s mind again wandered back to her encounter with “Coffee Man.” How many times had she brushed him from her thoughts, trying to convince herself there was probably something seriously wrong with him? Maybe he picked his teeth or burped after dinner. Maybe he hated modern art or detested the theater. He could have all sorts of disgusting flaws. Like all the other men she’d met, she’d probably have dropped him sooner or later, so what was the point even wasting brain cells on him?

      A soft moan slipped from her lips. But he was incredibly intriguing. She suspected he had a body to match that gorgeous face, hidden beneath his staid attire. And though she usually didn’t go for the suit-and-tie type, he wouldn’t always be wearing clothes. A delicious shiver skittered up her spine and she couldn’t

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