Dare Me. Jo Leigh

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Dare Me - Jo Leigh

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arranged her dress so it wouldn’t wrinkle too badly and tried to get comfortable, pleased that Cameron had held the cab, with the meter running, because the air-conditioning felt great. It would have sucked to arrive at the hotel drenched in sweat.

      The ride was going to cost a fortune, though. She had enough room on her credit card to cover a number of catastrophes, everything from having to spend the night at the hotel to emergency clothing replacements. But she had the feeling Cam wouldn’t let her pay even half.

      While he spoke to the driver, her discomfort reared its head again. Excited as she was to be given the award, she dreaded these social gatherings. They were never easy for her no matter what the circumstance. She opened her purse, which was just big enough to hold her folded notes, lipstick, key and money.

      “All right?” Cam asked as he touched the back of her hand.

      “Nervous. But I’ve got my speech in my purse.”

      “Ah, I wondered if you’d have to give one.”

      “I don’t mind. It’s mostly thank-you stuff. The magazine took a chance with me. One that’s made a big difference in my life. The wine world is big on accolades and prizes. I imagine it’s the same thing with beer.”

      He nodded slowly, as if she’d said something he needed to consider. “Especially with craft beers. Yeah. But here’s something that’s been bothering me since you opened the door. That lipstick you’re wearing—is it difficult to put on?”

      “Not particularly.”

      “So it wouldn’t ruin anything if I kissed you? A lot? Perhaps all the way to the banquet?”

      Molly smiled, feeling a bit of that giddiness he seemed to inspire, not sure if he was teasing or not. “I might need to breathe from time to time. Oh, and I wanted to fill you in on who’s going to be at our table—”

      “Other than that?” he asked, his mouth so close, the scent of wintergreen made her want to taste him.

      “Other than that, I don’t see any problem at—”

      He stole the last word, but she didn’t mind. She’d wanted to kiss him, too, and would have if she hadn’t been so focused on getting out the door. Since their date, they’d spoken on the phone four times, and those conversations had fueled her libido way more than any of the men she’d actually been with.

      Cam was being so careful, it made her heart swell. His palm was on the nape of her neck, his other hand on her waist, touching her lightly, as if she were made of spun glass.

      “I’ve been thinking about kissing you since Sunday’s taxi ride,” he whispered, nuzzling her ear.

      His lips moved down her neck, then lower still, to just above her bodice. His breath was warm and shivery, and she touched the back of his head to keep him right there, but when the taxi stopped for a red light, she let him go.

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