New Arrivals: His Expectant Mistress: Accidentally Pregnant! / One-Night Pregnancy / One Tiny Miracle.... Rebecca Winters

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New Arrivals: His Expectant Mistress: Accidentally Pregnant! / One-Night Pregnancy / One Tiny Miracle... - Rebecca Winters

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don’t care what you say about Dino liking me. If we were to marry, he would feel another loss. You say you only get to see him one weekend a month and twice a year for a week. If we were to marry he would then have to share that precious time he has with you with me. The poor little darling would be so hurt.”

      In the next breath Vincenzo pulled her into his arms and buried his face in her hair. “Once we’re married, everything will change for the better for both of us.”

      “Vincenzo—we can’t even think about it without Dino having a part in the decision.”

      “I’m way ahead of you, so this is what we’ll do.” He lifted his head, forcing her to look at him. “There’s a hotel nearby where I always take Dino when I’m in Milan on visitation. I’ll drive you there now and then I’ll bring Dino back with me. We’ll have an early dinner together and tell him our plans.”

      Everything was moving too fast. “That sounds good in theory, but you’ve only just dropped him back with his mother. What if she has arranged something special for him? He hasn’t been home in a week.”

      A tiny nerve hammered at the edge of his mouth. She noticed it appeared when he was unusually tense. “If she has plans, it will be a first. As for my needs, this time they’ll have to take precedence.” After pressing a warm kiss to her lips, he let her go with reluctance and started the car.

       Chapter Three


      “Vincenzo! I saw your name on the caller ID and couldn’t believe it. We haven’t talked in ages. What can I do for you?”

      “I need my attorney’s help.”

      “Of course.”

      “I’m in Milan and am driving over to Mila’s villa right now to pick up Dino. It’s imperative I take him out for a few hours, then I’ll return him. She’s going to refuse because I only just brought him back from our holiday in Riomaggiore, but something’s come up and it’s vital I talk to him alone. Be the master counselor you are and call her attorney to let him know my special circumstances.”

      “I’ll get on it right now.”

      “Grazie, Arturo.” He clicked off.

      Whether Arturo could reach Mila’s attorney or not, Vincenzo had no intention of letting his ex-wife thwart him. She was already worked up because Dino had told her about Irena. He could just imagine the fireworks when he showed up at the door in a few minutes, but this was one time he didn’t care, because hopefully it would be the last time he or Dino would ever be at her mercy in the same way.

      “Signore?” The maid looked surprised to see him at the door.

      “Would you tell Mila and Dino I’m here to see them.”


      He moved inside the foyer and shut the door. The noise resounded in the tomblike interior. Pretty soon he heard the patter of feet.

      “Papa!” Dino came running into his arms.

      Mila followed. “What are you doing back here?”

      “Something important has come up. I need to talk to Dino for a little while. I hope you don’t mind.”

      She had to think about it. “You can go in the salon.”

      “No, I meant I need to talk to him away from here, Mila.”

      “I don’t want him leaving the house.”

      “Do you have plans for him?”

      “We don’t, do we, Mama?” Dino piped up.

      “That’s not the point, Dino.”

      “Then it won’t matter if I take him for a few more hours. I’ll have him back in time for bed.”

      “You’ve had your week with him, Vincenzo.”

      She didn’t care that their son could hear this. Much as Vincenzo hated it, she’d left him no choice. “Legally I have the right to be with him until nine tonight. I bring him back early as a consideration to you, Mila. Go ahead and call your attorney. By the time you reach him, I’ll have brought Dino back.”

      He glanced at his son. “We’re going out to dinner.”

      “Can we get pizza?”

      “If that’s what you want.”

      “With her?” Mila demanded.

      Vincenzo didn’t answer. Dino walked out the door with him. It closed hard behind them.

      “Mama’s real mad.”

      “I’m sorry about that. She’s missed you a lot.”

      They got in the car. “Are we going to eat with Signorina Spiros?”

      “We are.”

      “Did she want me to come?”

      “I’ll say. In fact, she refused to eat with me unless you came.”

      A smile broke out on his face.

      “Hey—our hotel!” he cried a few minutes later. “Is she waiting in our room?”


      Irena thanked the clerk in the gift shop and took the two presents she’d bought back to the hotel room. Vincenzo had told her it was the one he and Dino always stayed in. They pretended it was their home away from home. The more she was getting to know him, the more she realized what an exceptional father he was.

      If Vincenzo was the father of her unborn child, it would have no better parent. But she was getting ahead of herself. First they needed to broach the subject of marriage with Dino. These things took time.

      Under the best of circumstances, his son might need months, even a year, to get used to the idea. Unfortunately Irena didn’t have that long with a baby on the way. She still hadn’t given up the idea of going to Canada.

      Her ears picked up the rap on the door. Nervous over what was to come, she turned in time to see the two of them enter the room. It suddenly hit her they could be her future husband and stepson. As the thought penetrated, she was overcome by a myriad of emotions ranging from anxiety that it couldn’t work, to excitement that it might.

      “Hi, Dino!”

      His brown eyes smiled. “Hi, signorina!

      Vincenzo’s gaze traveled from one to the other. “I’ve just told him we’re going to have dinner here. I’ll call the kitchen. He wants pizza. What else would you like?”

      “Salad? Coffee?”

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