Seducing The Enemy: The Wayward Son. Yvonne Lindsay

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Seducing The Enemy: The Wayward Son - Yvonne Lindsay

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opportunity, he’d cut her from Charles’s attention over the weekend, even going so far as to brush against her from time to time. He knew his touch unsettled her—the faint flush of color on her cheeks had been a dead giveaway—but she’d managed to gracefully extricate herself from each situation and create a distance between them that had left him frustrated both physically and mentally.

      This trip to the South Island was a godsend. She would be his willing lover before they returned, and stage one of his decimation of the things his father loved would have begun.

      By the time Thursday morning rolled around Judd felt as if every cell in his body was taut with anticipation over what this trip would bring. He’d done some more research and had personally contacted each of the wineries they were to visit to explain that he was coming in his sister’s stead. So far the reception had been promising, as had been the sample wines that Nicole had in her office that she’d received in advance of the trip. He could see why she’d chosen them. They had distinct appeal on many levels. His sister definitely had a strong talent for innovation and combined it with exemplary taste.

      The business side of the trip aside, he was looking forward to the concentrated time alone with Anna Garrick. That she very clearly wasn’t only made the prospect more appealing and the challenge even more enticing. He still well remembered her response to his kiss that first night at The Masters’. Remembered the feel of her body, her full breasts, the soft curves of her body against his, the taste of her. Damn if he wasn’t getting hard just thinking about it.

      He walked into the dining room at the house that already felt like home and saw Anna at the sideboard helping herself to cereal and milk.

      “Good morning, all ready for the trip?” he asked.

      She took her bowl over to the table and sat down before acknowledging his presence.

      “Good morning,” she said, her voice a little husky as if she’d not long been awake.

      The fresh scent of her and her immaculately applied makeup gave lie to the thought that she’d tumbled straight from bed. Add to that the fact that she was dressed smartly in a cream blouse neatly tucked into a pair of taupe-colored trousers that she’d cinched at the waist with a wide black belt, suggested she’d been up for some time. The blouse was made of some sheer floaty fabric that clung to her in all the right places. Beneath it he caught a hint of a lacy camisole. He was going to have to exhibit some control, he decided, if he wasn’t to walk around all morning in a state of constant arousal. But there was something so carnally alluring about her, he knew it would be easier said than done.

      Anna pushed her cereal around in her bowl, clearly not finding the prospect of breakfast at all tempting. In the meantime, Judd helped himself to some fluffy scrambled eggs and a couple of strips of grilled bacon.

      “Are you sure you really need me to come with you on this trip?” she blurted as he sat down and reached for the coffeepot on the table.

      “I wouldn’t have said so if it wasn’t necessary.”

      She sighed, the action making her breasts rise and fall beneath the gossamer-fine fabric and making his fingers itch to touch it and what lay beneath.

      “I really don’t think I should be leaving Charles, what with Nicole gone, as well.”

      Judd felt his resolve harden. “He’s an adult and quite capable of taking care of himself.”

      “But he’ll be alone.”

      “In a house filled with staff? I don’t think so. I’ve spoken with Mrs. Evans already. She’ll keep a close eye on him.”

      “It won’t be the same,” Anna replied, a mutinous set to her mouth.

      He’d just bet it wouldn’t be the same. And if he had anything to do with it, it wouldn’t be the same ever again. If Anna was going to pay a furtive visit to anyone’s room, it would be to his from here on in.

      “He’ll cope. Mrs. Evans will be staying in and has all the necessary numbers if she needs assistance.” He looked at her swirling her spoon in her now-soggy cereal. “Are you going to eat that?”

      She looked down at her bowl, a flash of surprise on her features when she saw the mess in there.

      “Um, no. I’m not hungry.”

      “Are you sure? There’s no meal service on the flight.”

      “I’m aware of that. I’ll be fine.”

      “You don’t look fine.”

      She huffed another sigh. “Look, I don’t like small aircraft, that’s all. But I’ll be okay.”

      “Fifty passengers isn’t such a small aircraft. If you’re that worried, I can hold your hand for the entire flight. Rest assured, I’ll take good care of you, Anna,” he said, giving her a look that intimated a whole lot more than hand-holding.

      “I think I’ll be able to manage without that. Besides, it’s more likely that the prospect of being with you for the next few days is what makes me anxious.”

      She got up and placed her bowl and spoon on an empty tray at the end of the sideboard. Judd stood and blocked her path as she went to walk past him.

      “Now, why would that be, I wonder?” He lifted one finger and traced the edge of her lower lip. “Could it be that you’re anxious to repeat that kiss we shared in Adelaide?”

      “N-no, of course not,” she refuted.

      “Really?” he said softly. “Do you ever think about it?”

      She shook her head and he leaned in a little closer.

      “I do.” He let his hand drop. “And I look forward to the next time.”

      “There won’t be a next time,” she said adamantly, nudging past him and heading for the door.

      He watched her leave with a small self-satisfied smile on his face. Oh, yes, these next few days would prove very interesting indeed.

      Anna shot up the stairs to her bedroom and closed the door firmly behind her as if another barrier could make a difference to the way Judd Wilson made her feel. She rested a hand on her chest, feeling her rapid heartbeat beneath her palm.

       He’s just teasing me, she told herself. Playing games like a cat with a mouse. I certainly don’t want a repeat of that kiss.

      Liar! her alter ego whispered in her ear. She shook her head to rid herself of the word echoing in her mind and mentally rechecked her luggage for the trip away. She had everything she needed and then some. All of it nondescript and practical, with not a single low-cut neckline or suggestive hemline amongst it all.

      Externally, at least, there’d be nothing about her to tempt Judd Wilson. She hadn’t been unaware of his presence these past days. In fact, she could almost say she’d been hyper-aware of him. She’d chosen the blandest combinations of clothing she possibly could every single day, and yet, on several occasions, she’d caught him looking at her as if he’d like to eat her all up.

      The visual image of him doing just that forced a moan from her constricted throat. The flat of her hand drifted

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