The Barrington Brothers: When Opposites Attract... / Single Man Meets Single Mom / Carrying the Lost Heir's Child. Jules Bennett

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The Barrington Brothers: When Opposites Attract... / Single Man Meets Single Mom / Carrying the Lost Heir's Child - Jules Bennett

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has been texting me.”

      No way could Tessa explain what she’d experienced last night...or hadn’t experienced, since Grant put on the brakes. She’d wanted him, would’ve probably given in to her desires, but he’d given her an orgasm and sent her back to bed. What was that? The adult equivalent to milk and cookies? Why did he call the shots?

      “What does he want?” Cassie asked, sliding her hands into her pockets.

      Pulling herself back to the present, Tessa shrugged. “I have no idea. He’s just asked if we can talk. I refuse to answer him.”

      “Jerk,” Cassie muttered. “Well, we need to get going, because I’m supposed to meet with Grant this afternoon.”

      Tessa stilled. “What for?”

      “He wanted to interview me and ask questions about my perspective regarding the movie. He’s meeting with Dad this morning.”

      Tessa’s grip on the reins tightened. She wondered what he thought about discovering her gone this morning. There was no way she could wake up and see his face, not after their raw, emotional—and physical—connection last night.

      “Well, this is interesting,” her sister said, a smile spreading across her face. “Has a certain producer caught your eye?”

      Tessa laughed. “More like I’ve caught his.”

      “Even better,” Cassie squealed, clasping her hands together. “You can’t keep things like this from me.”

      Leading Don Pedro toward the ring, Tessa fell into step beside her. “I don’t even know what there is to tell,” she began. “He’s made it clear he’s attracted to me, but I don’t have time for this, and we’re so different.... I can’t even name all the reasons.”

      “What’s the main one?”

      Tessa squinted against the bright spring sun. “His life is in the city. He’s not a dirt-and-boots type of man.”

      “So? A sexy guy like Grant can be anything he wants. What else bothers you?”

      “Our age. He’s ten years older than me.”

      Cassie sighed. “You mean he’s experienced?”

      “Well, there’s that, but he’s just... I don’t know. Out of my league.”

      Cassie gripped her arm and shook her. “Don’t ever say things like that. Nobody is out of your league. If Grant is interested, why not see what happens? Age won’t matter, and as far as him being a city boy, that’s just geography. Unless you’re not interested in him.”

      “I’d have to be dead not to notice him on a physical level, but when he kisses me—”

      “Wait,” Cassie interrupted, holding up her hand. “Kisses? As in plural? Why didn’t you start there when I asked about him? Why start with all that’s wrong instead of what’s putting that dreamy smile on your face?”

      “Because I’m scared,” Tessa said honestly. “I want him too much and I just... I’m afraid to give in.”

      “Mama made us promise to hold out for love. I truly loved Em’s dad, even though he didn’t love me. I still do in some ways, even though he’s gone.” Cassie shook her head and smiled. “I’ve never seen you even question putting aside your fears for a man. That should tell you something, Tess.”

      Nodding, she returned her sister’s grin. “I know. But I need time to think, and I can’t do that and work on qualifying, too. So, let’s get our day started.”

      “Fine, but this conversation is far from over.”

      Tessa laughed. “I had a feeling you’d say that.”

      * * *

      Grant’s meeting with Damon was insightful. They’d talked quite a bit already, but today Grant was able to get more personal, detailed information from the man. They’d gone over the script with a finer lens, as well.

      He wanted Damon to have a hands-on experience. As coproducer, Grant wished to showcase not only the racing legend, but the man behind the Barrington dynasty.

      And now Grant was headed to Cassie’s cottage to talk to the shiest Barrington sister. He was very interested in getting her angle on being not only Damon’s daughter and growing up with a famous father, but also as a trainer for the mogul.

      Grant had barely knocked on Cassie’s door before she answered it. “Hey, come on in.”

      He stepped over the threshold, taking in the spacious cottage that mimicked his. Of course, his wasn’t littered with a Pack ’N Play, a high chair and various kid toys.

      “Emily is lying down for her afternoon nap,” she told him, closing the door behind him. “We should have a few uninterrupted hours.”

      She gestured for him to have a seat on the floral sofa. “Can I get you a drink?”

      “I’m good, thanks.”

      Cassie took a seat at the other end of the couch. With a sigh, she propped her feet on the coffee table and offered him a smile. “I’m really excited about this film, Grant.”

      Easing into the cushions, he nodded. “I’m pretty anxious to get things going. Once my crew arrives, this place won’t be the same for a few months.”

      Cassie shrugged. “It’s the busiest time of the year for us, but we’ll be here and gone with the upcoming races. So at times we’ll all be tripping over each other and other times you’ll have the place to yourself.”

      “I promise we will all work around your and Tessa’s training. It was written into the contract, but I wanted you to hear it from me as well, so you didn’t worry.”

      “I appreciate that.” She eased an arm along the back of the couch and pinned him with her blue eyes. “Should we talk about you and my sister now or after you interview me for the film?”

      Grant paused for a second, because not many things in this life surprised him, but then he laughed. “And what is it you’d like to know that she hasn’t already told you?”

      “I’d like to know if you’re toying with her or if you’re genuinely interested.”

      “Anything we have going on is really between Tessa and myself,” he told her.

      “Of course it is, but you need to understand who you’re dealing with.” Cassie slid her hair behind her ear and paused, as if to choose the right words. “Tessa has never made time for herself for anything. Dating especially. She’s gone on dates, don’t get me wrong, but she never dates for any length of time because the guys normally can’t handle her love and dedication to her career.”

      Love and dedication to a career? She was speaking his language.

      “She’s had one very serious relationship and that ended recently,” Cassie went on. “I won’t get into details, because she’d kill me, but he used her. He’d put a ring on her finger and

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