The Barrington Brothers: When Opposites Attract... / Single Man Meets Single Mom / Carrying the Lost Heir's Child. Jules Bennett

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The Barrington Brothers: When Opposites Attract... / Single Man Meets Single Mom / Carrying the Lost Heir's Child - Jules Bennett

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and he was worried...for her. Her heart tripped in her chest and fell. That was it. She’d gone and fallen in love with this man she’d sworn to stay away from, the city slicker who’d invaded her privacy with not much more than a wink and a smile.

      “Don’t worry about me,” she told him. “Do whatever you like.”

      Grant shook his head. “Funny thing. I don’t know what I like anymore. This is all new with you and I want...I want this to be good. But I’m barely hanging on here, Tess.”

      She smiled, loving that she had this control over such a powerful man. Obviously, she was going to have to take the initiative or they’d be dancing around this sexual tension come Christmas.

      With her eyes locked on to his, she peeled off her plaid shirt and let it fall to the ground with a noisy, wet smack. She toed off her boots and tried as gracefully as possible to shimmy out of her wet jeans. Although shimmy wasn’t the right word—she more or less hopped and grunted until she was finally free. Not the sex appeal she’d been hoping for, but when she glanced at him again, his eyes were on her legs, her nearly transparent tank and her erect nipples. His gaze consumed her, burning her skin.

      Praying for courage, Tessa reached for the hem and pulled the tank over her head, tossing it aside and leaving her in her very wet, lacy white thong and matching bra.

      “I may have planned a little seduction at your cottage,” she admitted, resisting the urge to cross her arms over her chest. “But when you opened the door, I kind of chickened out.”

      Grant continued to give her a visual sampling, and she wished he’d say something, do something. Her body was trembling with need and an ache she’d never known.

      She’d been aroused before, plenty of times, but this time was so different. She feared she’d explode before he ever got his clothes off.

      “Slick, if you don’t say something, I’m going to have to wrestle myself back into those wet jeans.”

      He swallowed and took a step forward. “You’re beautiful, Tessa. I wish I could go slow, but I’m afraid the second I get my hands on you I’m going to snap.”

      Feeling suddenly even more powerful, she propped her hands on her hips, proud of the way her chest jutted out. “I’m not glass, Slick. Let’s see what you’ve got.”

      With a smirk, Grant started undressing at lightning speed, and it was Tessa’s turn to stare. Thunder and lightning continued outside, and she had never been more excited to be stranded in the middle of a thunderstorm.

      Once he was completely naked, Tessa couldn’t keep from gaping. Of course she’d seen a naked man, but had never been with one.

      “I’m not sure if I should feel self-conscious or if my ego just got boosted,” he told her. “But the way you’re looking at me isn’t helping my control.”

      “Maybe I don’t want you controlled,” she whispered. “Maybe I want you not to hold back, but just take me.”

      She was playing with fire, and she totally knew it. But she’d waited her whole life for this moment, and she didn’t want it to be perfect, to be slow and sensual. She didn’t want him to think or analyze. She wanted action, wanted him without worry or rules or restrictions.

      Tessa had nothing to compare this moment to, but if she was letting her emotions guide her? Yeah, they were out of control, and there was nothing more she wanted than to be...taken.

      Grant moved forward, like a stalker to his prey. Shivers raced one after another through her body. Anticipation and arousal consumed her.

      “Last chance, Country. You sure you want me...reckless?”

      Tessa couldn’t stand not having contact another second. She slid her hands up his damp, bare chest. “I wouldn’t have you any other way.”

      Grant’s arms wrapped around her waist, pulled her flush against his taut body, until every single point from her knees to her chest was touching him.

      And then his lips were on her. Not on her mouth, but on her neck, trailing down to her breasts. He arched her backward, causing her to grip tight to his bare shoulders.

      His assault wasn’t unexpected; he’d warned her, after all. But what she hadn’t anticipated was how she’d feel, how her body would the thrill of being taken, consumed, would override any euphoria she’d ever experienced.

      Grant cupped her bottom, lifting her against him. He walked toward the old, sheet-covered chaise in the corner of the room and laid her there, his body coming down to cover hers.

      The weight of him, the strength of him was so new, yet so welcoming. Instinct had her spreading her legs, allowing him to settle between them.

      Grant’s hands roamed down the dip in her waist and over her hips. “I want to touch you everywhere, Tessa. But right now, I can hardly wait to be inside you.”

      Reaching up to stroke the wet hair falling across his forehead, she smiled. “We both want the same thing, then.”

      “As much as I’m barely holding on here, I have to make sure you’re ready.”

      Her skin tingled, her body ached and she was damn near quivering. If she was any more ready, she could finish this job alone.

      Grant eased back, sliding a hand between them to find where she ached most for him. Just that one, simple touch had her hips lifting, her hands gripping his biceps.

      “You’re so beautiful,” he murmured as he stroked her. “So responsive.”

      Tessa closed her eyes, allowing him to take over, and relishing the moment. As much as she wanted to move faster, she didn’t want him to stop whatever his talented hands were doing.

      * * *

      Grant wanted to slide into her, but he couldn’t stop pleasuring her with his hand. He wanted this to be solely about her. Her head thrown back, her eyes closed and her panting all brought pleasure to him.

      And that right there told him just how special she was. He’d never been a selfish lover, but he’d also never taken the time to pleasure a woman and just watch her, ignoring his own wants, needs.

      “Grant, please...”

      Yeah, he couldn’t deny her, not when she was already begging.

      Grant eased back farther as realization dawned on him. “I don’t have protection, Tess.”

      A sweet smile spread across her face. “You’re lucky I was coming to seduce you. I have a condom in my jeans.”

      He shot off her and went in search of her wet jeans.

      “Front pocket,” she said, laughing.

      Grant searched there, pulled it out and ripped it open. Once he was covered, he settled back over her.

      When he leaned down to take her lips, Tessa wrapped her legs around his waist. Thunder rumbled so hard, so loud, the windows in the cabin rattled.

      As she opened her body, her mouth to him, Grant tried to ignore that

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