An Unexpected Countess. Laurie Benson

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An Unexpected Countess - Laurie  Benson

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she actually believed that.

      ‘Perhaps Mr Colter and I have nothing in common and therefore we have nothing to discuss.’

      ‘Nonsense, you are just trying to dissuade me from inviting him.’

      ‘That is not true. I am simply trying to remind you that even if you invite Mr Colter here, he will not be proposing to me before he leaves.’

      ‘How do you know that? You have not seen one another in two years. Things can change.’

      ‘People do not change, Mother. If we did not fall in love two years ago, we will not be falling in love now. Love doesn’t work that way.’

      ‘How do you know it does not? One day you may suddenly look at him and realise he is the man you cannot live without.’

      ‘He is mute,’ Sarah stated more firmly.

      ‘No, he is not,’ her mother replied with just as much conviction.

      ‘I know you want me to find a nice American man to marry and I want to find one. I do. But Mr Colter is not that man.’

      ‘You don’t know that. Can I help it if I want to see you happy and in love? Can I help it if I want to be a grandmother some day? I am your mother, and I want what is best for you.’

      She looked over at her father for help, but by the amused expression on his face, he would not be offering any.

      ‘What other news has Mrs Colter sent? I am certain that entire letter isn’t all about her son.’

      Dear God, let it not be all about her son.

      ‘Any news of our neighbours?’

      ‘Mrs Stevens has had her second child and Mrs Anderson her fifth. Both had girls.’ She arched her brow at Sarah.

      Sarah drank more chocolate.

      ‘And Susan Philpott and Jonathan Van Houten are wed.’ This time both brows went up.

      ‘Has anyone suffered an injury? Is anyone ill?’


      ‘I am simply asking because that does happen to people, too.’

      Her father laughed and turned to accept a letter from Bayles, their butler. Sarah’s attention was immediately drawn to it and she let out a breath when she spotted the official government seal on the paper.

      ‘Mr Harney passed,’ her mother said, drawing Sarah’s attention away from her father’s concerned expression as he began reading the letter.

      The shadows of grief were back in her mother’s eyes. Sarah didn’t believe they would ever go away. Each time they got word that someone had died, the announcement would scratch at the scabs covering the fresh wounds of grief over Alexander’s death.

      ‘How sad. He was a nice man.’

      ‘He was. Mrs Colter says she stitched a memorial for Mrs Harney since the widow’s eyes are failing. Mrs Harney is very fortunate her son lives within a few miles of her. He has taken her into his home.’ She picked up her stack of letters and stood. ‘I’m going to write to her now to express our condolences. Then I’ll pen a letter to Mrs Colter letting her know I plan to invite Robert down to London shortly after he arrives in England.’

      As her mother walked out the door, Sarah poured herself more chocolate from the Wedgwood pot. Morning chocolate was the answer to everything—or it had been at one time.

      Her father put down his letter. ‘I’m sure this goes without saying, but your mother and I would never force you to marry someone you do not love. She is only trying to be helpful.’

      ‘By finding every American man in England to place in my path?’

      ‘If that’s what it takes to find you a husband, I suppose so.’

      ‘Please convince her not to invite Mr Colter here in hopes of a match. We are unsuitable for one another and both know it. He is much too dull for my taste and I believe my exuberance frightens him.’ She tilted her head and tried to see what her father was reading. ‘Is it bad news?’

      ‘It’s a letter from Washington. The banking problems at home have not improved. More people are being refused lines of credit and we must decide how we will respond to our countrymen over here.’

      ‘Should we be worried by this?’

      He gave her a reassuring smile. ‘We are fine and our stables at home are unaffected. Men will always need horses, although I will write to Perkins informing him to be cautious in extending credit.’

      She adjusted her cup in its saucer. ‘It would be easier if you were home to oversee this.’ If they left Britain, perhaps her parents would never learn about what Alexander did.

      ‘Perkins is very competent. I trust him.’

      ‘I hope President Monroe appreciates you.’

      ‘This is not about President Monroe. I want to give back to the nation that has allowed me to live the life I lead.’

      The turn in the conversation made her uncomfortable. If Alexander’s treasonous act was revealed, her father might be relieved of his position. ‘Have you decided what you will do when this is over?’

      He shrugged. ‘We will return to New York. Perhaps I’ll run for office or seek a position in Washington.’ Sitting back comfortably in his chair, he took a sip of coffee. ‘Have I ever told you how my father fought as a colonel alongside President Washington and was instrumental in the success of the Battle of Long Island?’

      ‘You know you have...many times,’ she replied with a grin.

      ‘Then you understand patriotism is strong in our family. My father was a patriot, I am and your brother proved to be more of a patriot than either of us.’ Talking about his love for his country brought life to her father like nothing else since her brother’s death.

      Four days ago she had inadvertently opened a letter addressed to her father that was mistakenly placed with her mail. She read about how this person was in possession of a letter her brother had written to an English general revealing details about Fort McHenry. This person wanted to exchange that treasonous letter for a large yellow diamond that could be located using Lady Everill’s bracelet.

      If her father had opened that letter, there was no telling if his heart would have survived the news. They had almost lost him from the grief he suffered over Alexander’s death. The only thing she found that helped him accept her brother’s death was that Alexander had supposedly died a hero protecting the people of Baltimore that night five years ago. What would happen to her parents if they found out he died a traitor?

      She needed that bracelet and that diamond to spare her parents further pain. It sounded easy. But it wasn’t. However, nothing was going to stop her from finding that bracelet and the diamond and protecting her beloved parents.

      * * *

      Gravel crunched under his boots as Hart walked towards the viewing stand at Tattersall’s

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