Secrets of a Chalet Girl:. Lorraine Wilson

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Secrets of a Chalet Girl: - Lorraine  Wilson

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Tash falling about laughing, clutching each other like schoolgirls. They would pay for this. Pippa and Holly were also smiling but in a ‘sorry it’s you but glad it’s not us’ way.

      They clearly weren’t sympathetic enough to save her.

      Was this what all bar hook-ups were like? Perhaps there was some kind of special code she should know about? Who knew, one raised eyebrow and you might accidentally agree to re-enact ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’!

       You’re acting remember, just do it!

      She closed the gap between them, hands trembling as she leant forward towards him, rising up on tiptoe so she could whisper in his ear. She desperately hoped he spoke English. The vast majority of Verbier residents did, to her surprise. Her French wasn’t up to more than ordering food or asking where the loos were. It hadn’t been an issue up until now given Scott only marketed Chalet Repos in the UK.

      The scent of him momentarily distracted her; it was citrusy, clean and masculine.

       Concentrate Flora!

      “I’m really sorry but I’m afraid I have to kiss you,” she whispered in his ear, aware of how close their bodies were. “I promise you I’ll go away immediately afterwards.”

      Then she sent her inhibitions flying and went for it, meaning to kiss his cheek and sod what Tash said but instead BlackBerry man turned his head and kissed her fully on the lips. Before she could register the feel of his lips on hers he was tasting her and teasing her and her lips responded to him, obediently, unthinkingly… it felt like she was falling down into another world – Flora in Wonderland.

      Christ, she really was actually falling. The guy had dipped her backwards, firmly supporting her back as he leant in for a deeper kiss. Her parted her lips with his tongue and her mouth welcomed him instinctively, wanting to say yes to whatever he asked.

      It felt strange. Strange and wonderful.

      Not to mention that this was a hell of a lot more than she bargained for. Her skin fizzed and the attraction hit her like a body blow. She’d thought these kinds of kisses only existed in the movies. Something deep inside her melted, mellowing her, her inner romantic responding to this stranger against her conscious will, issuing him an invitation.

      Her inner romantic was clearly a tart.

      In her dim awareness of what was going on in the background she heard wolf whistles. One of them sounded very much like Tash. It hauled her back to reality with a sudden lurch.

       Bloody hell. I’m in a ski resort bar with an audience. This has to stop.

      She tried to struggle upright. Instantly he helped her up, drawing back a little but his face remained close to hers, dark blue eyes locked on her in a way that sent darts of anticipatory desire zinging through her body. The air between them fairly crackled with sexual electricity. Every nerve ending tingled.


      Six months without sex could clearly send a girl a bit loopy.

      “Hi, I’m Zac Hengler, and you are?” His tone was as cool as though they’d simply bumped into each other, not shared that kiss, the kiss she was still reeling from.

      “Um, Flora,” she replied, feeling dazed and disorientated.

      “Umflora?” He grinned wolfishly. “Unusual name.”

      “Umflora Lyndon.” Despite her mortification Flora’s lips creased into an automatic smile, joining in his joke, her body determined to give this guy the green light no matter what she did.

      “I don’t usually do this, honestly. I’m sorry.” She shrugged, wishing she couldn’t still inhale the clean, citrus scent of his aftershave, that it didn’t make her want to bury her head against his chest.

       Down girl!

      “No need to apologise. So you’re English? Only an English girl would do that and then apologise.” Zac grinned.

      “I’m not, I just had to…” Everything was coming out wrong, her tongue not connecting properly to her brain. “We’re playing Truth or Dare. Really silly I know. It wasn’t my idea.”

      “Oh, I don’t know, I think it sounds like fun. Can I play?” Zac smiled a slow sexy smile and Flora’s insides gave a delicious lurch as though she’d been thrown into the air by a fairground ride – the Supersonic Swooner.

       Who needs a fairground ride with Zac around?

      Her cheeks flamed even hotter and she became intensely aware of Zac’s hand still resting on the small of her back. What would it feel like if those fingers dipped lower, stroking and touching… She took a tentative step back, confused, her desire to run battling her inner hussy’s craving to offer herself up to Zac on a plate.

       Don’t you dare! Single for a year remember? You’ve got to stop handing control over to men.

      “I don’t want you to get the wrong idea about me,” she said, not even sure what the ‘right idea’ was. Her physical reaction to Zac shocked her.

      “And what would that be? That you’re attracted to me?” His eyes held her gaze, challenging her. “So, tell me the truth, what made you pick me?”

      There was more than a hint of arrogance in his sexy smile and it stirred Flora’s fighting spirit. She’d had her fill of arrogant men and had no compunction about putting them in their place.

      “You looked bored,” she replied, shrugging. “And I thought maybe you’d been stood up from the way you keep checking your phone, so I felt sorry for you. Er, at least I assume you’re here alone. Oh God, you haven’t got a wife or girlfriend have you? I really should have thought…”

      She bit her lip, how could she have been so stupid.

       I’m never drinking Mojitos ever again.

      “Relax.” He laid a hand on her bare arm and another bolt of sexual electricity shot through her. Her eyes widened and she stifled a gasp.

       How does he do that?

      “No girlfriend, no wife,” he confirmed. “Since you’re asking.”

      “Good.” She exhaled loudly with relief. “I mean I’m glad I haven’t caused any problems, not…I wasn’t asking because of…”

       Shut up Flora!

      She fell silent and shrugged, shaking her head at her ineptness.

      “And you?” Zac’s eyes shone with amusement but beneath that she sensed something more serious - a magnetic tug, pulling her towards him. Pulling her into him. Part of her wanted to plunge right in, to jump instead of tentatively dipping her toe in at the edge of the shore.

      Sod paddling, she wanted to swim.

      “No boyfriend, no husband,” she confirmed, looking him directly in the eye. “And I’m not looking for either.”


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