A Venetian Vampire. Michele Hauf

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A Venetian Vampire - Michele  Hauf

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      “Yes.” He strolled around to the end of the bed and stood three feet from her. Kyler’s neck heated. She could feel his electrically sensual draw prickle at her skin through the air. Her nipples hardened. She caught her breath before another exhale could escape. “Tribe Incroyables.”

      “Seriously? The Incredibles? That’s kind of cocky, don’t you think?”

      “We are rather incredible,” he said with all the boisterous pride such a statement demanded. “I didn’t name the tribe. It’s a tip of the hat to Dumas’s musketeers. Our tribe leader, Christian De Bareaux, was a musketeer in the seventeenth century. He’s a good man.”

      “How many are in your tribe?”

      “About a dozen. But no women allowed. Johnny Santiago’s sister wanted to join, and we wouldn’t allow it.”

      “So an old boy’s club, eh?”

      “Exactly, and we like it that way. What about you?” He took her in, assessingly this time. “You are tribeless.” He stated it as fact.

      “I am, and I like it that way. I don’t care to have vampires telling me what to do.”

      “What vampire has told you what to do?”

      She met his gaze and felt his delving intrusion deep in her being. It felt as if he peeled her open to expose the center, the secret parts she tried desperately to keep concealed. She fiddled with the shirt hem as he stepped closer.

      “No one,” she said, looking away. And then, more testily, she argued, “None of your business.”

      “Ah. So someone has told you what to do, and you’re rebelling against it ever happening again. Good for you, Kitten.”

      “He didn’t tell me what to do. I want to do this for him. I owe him.”

      “Ah? For what, may I ask?”

      “None of your business.”

      “But the he you mention is the same he you’ve stolen the egg for?”

      “This conversation is over.” She turned to pick up the backpack, and he placed a hand against the wall over her shoulder.

      “Since we can’t leave,” Dante said, “and since we’ve dispensed with the get-to-know-you bullshit, and you’ve set a boundary on conversation topics, I’m of a mind to make a suggestion for a new activity.”

      She could make one guess what that activity was, but she wouldn’t—couldn’t—succumb to his seductions. No matter that this was the first time she’d seen him in daylight and noticed how clear his sea glass eyes were. Cool and mysterious, like the Venetian lagoon.

      “And what is your suggestion?” she asked before she could stop herself.

      “We can either turn up the volume on the television and zone out on some idiotic talk show, or...” He leaned in until his nose brushed her wet hair above her ear. “Despite the fact you’re fully dressed, I could nail you to the wall with this.” The heavy weight of his cock beneath the towel thudded against her hip.

      Kyler maintained a modicum of strength. “I thought you liked the red shirt?”

      He nodded and nuzzled his nose aside her cheek. “I do. The color makes your skin glow. But it’s a bit loose. It doesn’t emphasize your assets as something tighter would. I like your curves, Kitten.” He licked her skin. Shivers traced her spine. The vampiric shimmer sparkled into her belly. “All of them.”

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