Taming The Hunter. Michele Hauf

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Taming The Hunter - Michele  Hauf

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nudged down her dress strap, which exposed her breast. The first lash of his tongue to her nipple teased a moan from her. She squirmed beneath him, pulling him closer.

      “It’s very warm in here,” he said.

      “It is. We won’t feel the winter chill if we shed our clothes.”

      “Your postulation is correct.” He gave her breast a quick kiss, then glanced back up to her eyes. “There’s something about you, Eryss. It makes me want to dive in. Like I’m so comfortable with you that I forget this is only our first official date.”

      She tilted her head against his shoulder. “Curse you, rational thinking.”

      His laughter echoed in the room and the leaves shuddered, reacting to his energy. And Eryss couldn’t prevent herself from reacting, too. She straddled him and pulled down her dress straps further. “This is my body telling me to take what I want. I am a goddess of earth and winter, and I desire that you worship me. Kiss me right here, Dane. On my heart chakra.” She tapped between her breasts. “And don’t stop until you know I’m satisfied.”

      His smile was so infectious, she felt joy in her core. He leaned in to kiss her and the sweet, firm touch branded her softly. Stubble brushed her breasts with a tease. And he dashed his tongue over her curves, avoiding her nipple, which frustrated her in a good way. When he explored the underside of her breast, he paused and traced her skin with a fingertip.

      “This dark mark here. It’s not a scar?”

      “No, a birthmark.” It was about an inch long. A dark line right under her breast and between two ribs. She’d studied it often, wondering over it. “They say birthmarks are scars from a previous lifetime.”

      “I assume those who say that believe in reincarnation?”

      Oops. She wasn’t about to let him start thinking now.

      Diving in, Eryss kissed him hard and deeply, rubbing her breasts against his shirt and vest. His fingers found her nipples and he pinched them gently, then not so gently. She moaned deep in her throat and rocked her hips upon his lap.

      Moving too fast? Could one ever move fast enough toward destiny?

      “Dane, let’s do this. Share energies.”

      He kissed her jaw and nuzzled his nose against her cheek as he whispered, “Does that mean what I think it means?”


      Suddenly Eryss was airborne, and she landed on her back on the couch. Dane crawled over her, unbuttoning his shirt as he did, and she helped him pull the clothes down his arms and fling them to the floor. She pressed both palms to his chest, reveling in the solid muscle and warm, tickly hairs.

      “You’re beautiful,” she said. “Surfer guy.”

      He laughed that wondrous and soul-touching laugh, and she laughed because it was infectious and she wanted to take on the energy he put out.

      “You are the beautiful one,” he said as he bowed to kiss her between the breasts. “You and your energetic heart chakra.”

      He slid his tongue along the curve of her breast and glided up to suckle at her nipple. Raking her fingers through his hair, Eryss held him there, gasping as his expert touch moved the energy from her breast out through her body and to all parts that now tingled and curled. Her toes dug into the velvet couch.

      She reached down and unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, and he chuckled from his throat as he moved to her other breast. A confirmation that she was on the right path. Shoving down his pants to his hips, she then danced her fingers around to land on the head of his penis, which had escaped his boxers. Hot and hard, it filled her palm. He gasped when she clasped her fingers over the top of his erection, and his movement pulled him down through her grasp. She quickly caught him again and this time controlled the pistoning action herself.

      “Your energy is definitely very focused,” he said as he glanced up at her and winked. He closed his eyes, and she controlled his silence with a firm grip of his cock. He was able only to moan then, and that pleased her immensely.

      “You don’t want to go up to the bed, do you?”

      “No, I like it here in the jungle.” He shook back a loose strand of his hair from his eye. “Uh, do you have birth control? I don’t have a condom.”

      “I’m good. Birth control,” she replied. It was her standard way to explain that she conjured a birth control spell once a quarter under the harvest moon. But the guy never needed to know the method, or anything beyond that she was safe.

      She wiggled her hips as he slid her dress down to her thighs and then her knees, until she eventually kicked it aside. And all without letting go of his cock. So talented.

      “You’ve got the hold of someone who must prefer driving,” he commented as he looked down at her firm clasp.

      “It’s just so fun to hold. You don’t mind?”

      “Not at all. As long as you don’t mind me kissing you here.” He slid up alongside her so she didn’t have to let go of him, but also bowed forward to place a kiss at the apex of her thighs. And he didn’t stop there. His tongue dashed out to explore and taste and devour. “You smell like coconut here.”

      “I always use coconut oil in my body lotions.”

      “I like it. I think that stuff comes in handy as a lube, too, if I’m not mistaken.”

      “Oh, lover, we are not going to need it,” she cooed, and met Dane’s winking smile.

      Had she seen that smile so many times in her various reincarnations? Possibly.

      “Come inside me, Dane,” she whispered.

      He moved up to kiss her mouth, and his fingers stroked her folds still, tendering her most sensitive spots with ease and devotion. When she guided his erection between her legs, he propped up on an elbow and met her gaze. In the soft candlelight his eyes twinkled, and as he entered her, the intensity in his irises held her mesmerized. He owned her with his eyes, with the smile that grew as his rhythm began and the thickness of him filled her.

      Eryss clutched at his hip, beckoning him faster, and never losing eye contact. The expressions on his face moved from a tense, lip-biting agony to a cool, smirking confidence. And then his eyes closed and his body trembled. His thrusts grew deeper, harder. She dug her fingernails in at his hip, begging, pleading for the mastery.

      And the tug and tease of his erection at her clitoris summoned an orgasm that shook her very bones at the same time that he gasped and clutched the couch near her head. They came together.

      As they had through the centuries.

      * * *

      Dane was startled awake by Eryss’s cry. They lay entwined on the emerald sofa amid a wild and weird winter jungle. Still in the clinging throes of sleep, he watched as she sat up and touched her ribs just beneath her breast. Right where that weird birthmark darkened her skin.

      “You okay?” he muttered, fighting the urge to come fully awake.


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