Tycoon's Temptation: The Truth About the Tycoon / The Tycoon's Lady / HerTexan Tycoon. Allison Leigh

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Tycoon's Temptation: The Truth About the Tycoon / The Tycoon's Lady / HerTexan Tycoon - Allison  Leigh

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she found herself smiling when the observation came from him. “Surprising, I know, but you are not the first to accuse me of that.”

      “I’ll bet.” Lines crinkled at the corner of his eyes, and the tiny scar disappeared.

      He wasn’t quite smiling but she still felt the impact, and for a moment the metal bars of the cell, the chirping of Carla’s voice from out front, everything else disappeared.

      “It’s getting late. Don’t you have to get supper on or something?”

      Hadley nearly jumped out of her skin at the sound of her brother’s voice.

      The cell bars were back.

      Wood’s hand slowly fell away from her jacket and she looked over her shoulder at Shane. His eyes were hard.

      She very nearly argued with him that she had nothing more pressing to do than stand there staring at the man in the cell. Well, the brave little part of her that occasionally snuck past her larger sissy part nearly argued with him. But the truth was, she did have to get supper started. And after that, she needed to mix up bread dough for the rolls she’d bake first thing in the morning, and she had to get the tower room prepared for a guest coming the next day.

      Staying wasn’t an option, even if she could have summoned the nerve to flout Shane.

      Wood moved away from the cell bars and sat down on the cot, back propped against the wall again. He ran the tip of his index finger over the edge of the adhesive on his forehead.

      She wondered what he was thinking and she wondered over the fact that had her brother not been standing there acting all Cro-Magnon, she would have actually asked Wood. And wasn’t that a surprise? Maybe if she pretended she were a fearless heroine, set on freeing the misunderstood hero, she’d manage to pull it off.

      Or not.

      “You better feed him,” she hissed as she passed Shane. “And give him some aspirin or something for his head. Better yet, call in a doctor. For all you know, he could have a concussion.”

      “Mr. Tolliver’s gonna get everything he deserves,” Shane assured.

      Ordinarily that would have been a comforting statement. In this situation, however? She grimaced and left, casting one last look at Shane’s prisoner.

      He wasn’t looking at her, this time. He was staring down her brother across the distance of the cell, and even though he was behind bars, Hadley couldn’t help but wonder which of the two men would come out on top.

      She pulled on her stained jacket and went back outside, waving to Carla, who was still jabbering on the phone. The sun had begun to set. Lights were glowing from the window fronts of the businesses along Main. The snow had stopped for the moment, and everything was covered with a thin veil of perfect white powder.

      Including the wreck she could easily see from where she stood, still sitting atop the Finns’ tow truck.

      Wrapping her jacket more tightly around her, she hurried in the opposite direction toward the boardinghouse. She could have gone by the church to get a ride from her dad. He’d have undoubtedly still been there. But since it was nearly as far a walk to Beau Golightly’s home-away-from home as it was to Tiff’s, there seemed little point.

      Besides. She wasn’t quite ready to find out whether or not her dad had been in on her brothers’ ganging up on her over Wendell.

      Her face felt stiff with cold and her hands were completely numb by the time she climbed the wide porch steps leading to the front door of the aging Victorian. But inside, the air was warm and welcom ing. From the parlor, she could hear someone tinkering on the piano. Probably Mrs. Ardelle. She regularly insisted that she was musical, but—so far—hadn’t proved it by the way she attacked the keys.

      Still, Mrs. Ardelle was a darling soul, and if she wanted to pretend she could play, who was Hadley to stop her?

      She hung up her jacket on the coat tree in the wide hall and walked through to the kitchen, located at the rear of the house. The ever-present coffee was hot so she poured herself a mug before getting down to preparing dinner. Her residents didn’t join her in the dining room for dinner every night. They were all welcome—for a fee, of course, which Hadley charged only because her sister tended to get on her case when she didn’t—but usually one or two showed up.

      Fortunately, cooking for a handful of people was mindlessly familiar to Hadley, and by the time they sat down around the oval walnut table in the dining room, the resulting meal was perfectly edible and showed no sign that Hadley had fretted her way right through preparing it.

      In the morning, after she’d baked up a batch of sticky cinnamon rolls and cranberry walnut muffins, she prepared a small picnic basket and walked back downtown to Shane’s office.

      The door was unlocked. Carla wasn’t at her desk yet, but she could plainly hear her brother’s voice coming from his cubicle in the back, so she walked right through.

      His eyes perked up at the sight of the cloth-covered basket in her mittened hands, and he waved her over to the chairs. A good sign. Shane had always had a soft spot for her rolls.

      She set the basket on his desk and sat down, busying herself with tugging off her mittens and unwinding her red scarf from the collar of her serviceable blue parka while he finished his phone call.

      “So, you are still speaking to me.” He reached for the basket.

      She nimbly slid the basket out of his reach. “Have you come to your senses and let that poor man go?”

      “If I haven’t, you think I’m going to change my mind through your bribery attempts?”

      “I’m sure he didn’t really try to bribe you.”

      He folded his arms across the top of his desk. “Are you, now?”

      She had a moment’s pause. She had no idea what might have transpired between Shane and Wood when she wasn’t around.

      Then she thought of those intensely blue eyes that had occupied her dreams the entire night. “Yes. I am sure.”

      He eyed her, shook his head and sat back. “Fine. As it happens, I’ve let—”

      “Good morning.”

      Hadley jumped a little and turned her head. Wood stood behind them. His hair was darkly damp and falling over his forehead as if he’d just showered, and it partially obscured the fresh bandage there. He’d also replaced his bloodstained shirt with a royal blue one she distinctly remembered giving Shane two Christmases earlier. “Good… morning.” Speech was hard when her breath was caught in her throat.

      Shane grabbed a large manila envelope and held it toward Wood. “Check the contents and sign the report. Bus leaves for Billings in about thirty minutes. I’ll drive you over.”

      “You’re leaving? But what about your car?” She looked from Wood to her brother. She was glad Shane was being more reasonable about holding Wood, but she couldn’t say the same thing at all about the prospect of the man leaving so quickly.

      And wasn’t that ridiculous? He was a stranger, just passing through. A victim of her preoccupied

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