Secret Admirer: Secret Kisses / Hidden Hearts / Dream Marriage. Christine Rimmer

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Secret Admirer: Secret Kisses / Hidden Hearts / Dream Marriage - Christine  Rimmer

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      “No,” she replied wearily, glad her mother had finally changed the subject. “Mindy said she’d do it.”

      “You could get off your stubborn high horse and ride home with him in that dream machine.”

      “He nearly killed me in it this morning.”

      “Helen Geary’s version is way different than yours.”

      When they hung up, Jane got up and ran, shaking, down the hall to Andrea’s office.

      Jane had left her report and fund-raiser material with Andrea earlier, but now she didn’t feel up to the meeting. She felt like yelling and tearing her hair. Talking to her mother frequently did that to her. When she finally reached Andrea’s door, she took a deep breath and counted to ten. Then she counted to ten again before knocking.

      “Come in,” Andrea called from inside.

      When Jane opened the door, Andrea, who was tall, black-haired and slim, rose to greet her. The woman looked stunning in a navy suit with gold at her throat.

      “I can’t wait to talk to you,” she said. “I have some very exciting news.”

      Jane’s heart was already thumping madly as she sank into the chair opposite Andrea’s desk and crossed her long legs.

      “You’re doing a wonderful job. Management loves your ideas.”

      Jane nodded. Then she bit her lips, hoping against hope that she’d been chosen as director of market research. At least then she could quit worrying about Matt’s motives.

      Andrea lifted a folder from her desk. When Jane recognized her own handwriting on the manila cover, she began to tremble.

      “Your ideas for the fund-raiser are fabulous.”

      “The fund-raiser?”

      “They’re both passionate and personal. I want to hear more about your plans for the bake-sale auction Wednesday at the game.”

      “I have some friends who are cooking for free, to raise money for the event. And then—”

      The door behind them opened.

      “Sorry I’m late,” Matt said as he strode inside and sat down beside Jane.

      Andrea picked up another folder with lots of messy inky-black swirls and leafed through it. “I hope you don’t mind taking on a partner in your fund-raiser project this late.”


      “A very talented partner,” Andrea said quickly, glancing at Harper. “Matt approached me on this…this morning.”

      “Oh, really?”

      He was smiling with boyish mischief. Only, the charming smile that could make her heart do flips caused a very different reaction under these circumstances. If he’d been wearing his favorite Stetson, she would have snatched it and sat on it.

      “I don’t need a partner.” Jane’s voice was calm, but she knotted her hands in her lap so she wouldn’t be tempted to lean forward and pound Andrea’s desk, or better, his head.

      “His ideas for the fund-raiser are almost exactly like yours.”

      “How absolutely amazing,” Jane said, smiling tightly as she remembered her folder that had gone missing.

      “You and he both live in the same town. I’ve decided to put you on the same committee to raise this money. Matt says he’s totally free the night before and the night of the fund-raiser.”

      Why am I not surprised?

      “So, he’ll be helping you Wednesday night.”

      Suddenly the temperature in the room plummeted to sub-zero.

      “Nice view,” Matt said far too pleasantly.

      “Isn’t it?” Andrea shot him her most dazzling smile, and Jane remembered what her mother had said about some floozy nailing him. Andrea wasn’t exactly the kind of woman her mother had warned her about, but maybe good ol’ Mom had a slight, annoying point. Not that it mattered. Jane didn’t want him. She wanted to kick him or flatten one of his fancy tires. Or maybe strangle him with his loud tie.

      It was all she could do to keep her face blank. Somehow she forced a smile, but she couldn’t quite control her eyes. No doubt, they were shooting sparks.

      Not that Andrea, who was beaming at Matt, seemed to notice. Not that Jane blamed her boss for smiling at the handsome rat. Despite the chill in the room, the man radiated sex appeal.

      “This is great,” Andrea said. “The two of you on top of this—together.”

      “Teammates,” Matt supplied silkily, winking at Jane. “Hey, I don’t know if now’s the time, but I’ve come up with several new ideas. What about a chicken flying contest and maybe some armadillo races?”

      Jane began to cough.

      “Why, that’s brilliant,” Andrea said. “The male viewpoint is so refreshingly original. This is so…so Texas. Don’t you agree, Jane?”

      Jane swallowed. “My thoughts exactly,” she said, clasping her knotted hands even more tightly because she itched to strangle them both.

      Chicken flying contests—my you know what!

      Jane’s reaction to being blindsided and put on the spot while in Andrea’s office was predictable. What she did about it wasn’t. Normally she would have kept her cool and worked behind closed doors to resolve the problem. Today she stormed down the hall, threw open the door to Matt’s office and went inside without even knocking.

      He was at his desk, on the phone.

      Making a date with some floozy, no doubt. At the thought she saw green.

      His playful, sparkling green eyes rose to hers innocently when she hurled herself inside his office. Instantly he said a polite goodbye in his low, husky voice, and was off the phone before Jane could blink. He got up and shut the door.

      Carefully she stepped across papers, reports, corporate manuals and stacks of files.

      “Your office is a mess!”

      “I’m phobic about file cabinets,” he said.

      “You should be ashamed.”

      He grinned. “Something from my dysfunctional childhood. Haven’t told the shrink about it yet.”

      She didn’t laugh as she removed several files from a chair and slapped them on his desk before sitting down.

      “Coffee?” he offered as he sank into his leather chair on the other side of his massive desk, which was also overflowing with clutter.

      She shook her head so hard several pins flew out of her hair toward him. “This won’t take long.”


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