The Royal House Of Karedes: Two Kingdoms. Marion Lennox

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The Royal House Of Karedes: Two Kingdoms - Marion  Lennox

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the perfect sapphire, the perfect diamonds—”

      “You mean, it’s enough to put a down payment on my loft. Buy some new equipment. Pay some overdue bills. Pay some bills for my mother, maybe even convince her to move to a nicer place.” She gave a rueful laugh. “That’s what I’ll do with the commission.”

      “You support your mother?”

      Maria gave a little shrug. “She isn’t up to working.”

      “Surely, she could—”

      “She doesn’t think so. And I owe her. She sacrificed everything for me …”

      “You can’t really believe that,” he said, a touch of anger in his words.

      “What does it matter? I do what must be done, Your Highness, the same as most people, but what would you know about that, in your world?”

      “That’s unfair.”

      “Is it?” Her lips stretched in a smile. “You show up at my door.

      You give me the most wonderful news imaginable.”

      “And that’s bad?”

      “Then you tell me the only way this—this miracle will happen is if I agree to sleep with you.”

      His eyes narrowed. “Trying to get out of our deal, Maria?” He moved quickly, covered the distance between them and caught her by the elbows. “All I did was turn the tables,” he said in a low voice. “You set the trap the first time. Now it’s my turn.”

      Maria could feel the sting of angry tears. She didn’t want to cry in front of him!

      “Let go of me.”

      “Why? Because you don’t like the truth?”

      “You wouldn’t know the truth if it bit you! There was no trap! You seduced me.”

      “I seduced you the way a chicken seduces a fox! You were good, I have to admit. I really believed you were a shy Miss Innocent lost on the streets of a strange city.”

      “Bastardo!” Maria hissed.

      Alex slid his hands to her wrists, clamped them hard and dragged her toward him.

      “You knew who I was. You intended to use me.” His eyes narrowed. “Now I’m going to use you.”

      He bent his head and took her mouth, his kiss hard and demanding and she hated him, hated the touch of his hands, the feel of his mouth. Hated, hated, hated… and then she stopped thinking and fell into the kiss.

      He felt it happen. Knew the moment she let go—and then his arms were around her, she was in his lap, his hand was under her sweater, his mouth was feeding on hers and it was as it had been that night, the hot need, the drowning passion, the desire to take and take and never let her go…

      His cell phone rang.

      Slowly, Alex came back to the world. The car had stopped. He cupped Maria’s shoulders, put her from him. Her eyes opened slowly; he saw in them everything he’d seen that night. Surprise. Desire. Even the innocence he damned well knew wasn’t real.

      Angrily, he yanked the phone from his pocket and flipped it open.

      “Alexandros? Are you there?”

      His father’s voice buzzed in his ear. “Ne,” he said, clearing his throat. Aegeus talked. Alex listened. Yes, he said again, yes, all right.

      But his eyes never left Maria’s face. The way she was looking at him, the way her lips were parted. He wanted to reach for her when the call ended. She knew it; he could see it, feel it. She was ready for him. God, yes, she was ready.

      But he wasn’t a fool. He would be in control this time, not she.

      The Mercedes slowed. Ahead, elaborate wrought-iron security gates swung slowly open. The car moved under a long archway of tall cedars and came to a stop in a circular drive before a magnificent glass and cedar mansion.

      “Where are we?” Maria said warily.

      “Bluebeard’s castle,” Alex said wryly. “My home, Maria. My housekeeper expects you. Go inside. See if everything is as you wish.”

      “I don’t under—”

      “There’s been a change of plans. I have work to do. I’ll be back this evening. Six o’clock. We have a dinner appointment. Be ready. I do not like to be kept waiting.”

      The commands were flung at her like stones from a slingshot. Maria lifted her chin and glared.

      “I have no interest in playing games, Your Highness, or going on pretend dates.”

      A smile spread across his lips. “In such a hurry to get to bed, glyka mou?” Her cheeks colored and he gave the kind of laugh she knew she would never forget. “It’s hardly a date,” he said brusquely. “My parents want to meet the winner of the royal commission.” He wrapped his hand around the back of her neck, drew her to him and kissed her, hard and deep. “One final reprieve, agapimeni, and then, rest assured, you will share my bed.”


      ALEX’S driver deposited Maria’s suitcase beside her, saluted briskly and strode back to the limousine.

      Wait, Maria almost said, but what would be the point? There was something intimidating about being delivered to the massive front doors of a mansion where she knew no one, but getting back into the car beside a man who’d just kissed her senseless wasn’t much of an alternative.

      She could hear the purr of the big car’s engine as it went down the drive. She took a deep breath, raised a hand toward the bell. The doors swung open before she could touch it and a small woman dressed head to toe in crisp black cotton stood looking at her.

      Wonderful. This had to be the housekeeper. Did she bear more than a passing resemblance to the one in that old movie about Young Frankenstein? Then the woman smiled, dipped a knee, and was instantly transformed from wicked witch to a welcoming committee of one.

       “Kalimera, Keeria. Onomázome Athenia.”

      “I’m afraid I don’t speak Greek—”

      “Of course. Forgive me. Good morning, madam, and welcome. I am Athenia. The prince has told me to make sure you are comfortable.”

      Did he leave the same orders for all his mistresses?

      “Thank you.”

      Athenia clapped her hands. A manservant appeared, inclined his head to Maria and scooped up her suitcase.

      “Really,” Maria said, with a little laugh, “no one has to bow to me. I’m not a royal or anything like that.”


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