A Christmas Family Miracle: Snowbound with Her Hero / Baby Under the Christmas Tree / Single Dad's Christmas Miracle. Rebecca Winters

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A Christmas Family Miracle: Snowbound with Her Hero / Baby Under the Christmas Tree / Single Dad's Christmas Miracle - Rebecca Winters

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she planned to do about it for the rest of the holidays, Philippe came bursting into her room.

      “Mommy? Were you sick?”

      All her child needed was more worry. She hugged him hard. “I had a little tummy ache, but it’s all better. Do you know you were the best angel in the whole program? I’m so proud of you.”

      “Thanks. Uncle Raoul said so, too. Now we’ve got to hurry ‘cause he’s taking us for a long sleigh ride!”

      “I know. We need to get our parkas and boots on.”

      The last thing she wanted to do was face anyone, but she had to put on a happy front for Philippe. Once they’d gathered their things, they left her bedroom. On the way down she gave herself a talk about getting control of her life. She’d taken charge once before and had left Chamonix. She could do it again. It was time to act like a mother in charge of her son and do what was best for both of them.

      From here on out she needed to play her role as the happy aunt to the hilt. No one would be able to see the crack in her defense put there by Raoul himself. Her brother-in-law had become her greatest adversary, but no one else knew it.

      Maybe it was better he’d drawn the fragile curtain aside to expose what had been the elephant in the room for so long she couldn’t bear it anymore. Now that she’d reached flash point and had given in to her desires for that brief moment, she had no choice but to set up a counterstrategy to end the conflict for good. You fought fire with fire. That’s what she intended to do.

      “Are you feeling all right now?”

      Avoiding Raoul’s shuttered gaze, Crystal turned to Arlette. “Much. I think maybe I’ve been eating too many pieces of marzipan, so I’m going to stay away from it.”

      “Oh, dear. I’m sorry.”

      “It’s my fault for being a glutton. When I used to race, I’d eat tons of it for the calories and burn them off. But I’ve found I can’t do that anymore. It’s been sitting in my tummy like a pile of rocks.”

      Everyone broke into gales of laughter except Raoul. He knew the truth, but went along with her performance. That was good. She’d come down to the salon armed with a plan that was now set in stone.

      Everyone hugged the grandparents goodbye and left the house in two cars. Crystal got in the front seat of Raoul’s car. The boys climbed in back.

      “Where are we going, Uncle Raoul?”

      “To the same farm where I took you before, Albert.”

      “Did you bring the sleigh bells?” Philippe cried out excitedly.

      “I did. They’re in the back of my car.”


      The boys waved to the girls riding in Bernard’s car. Before long they reached the farm on one of the lower hillsides. A large sleigh and a small one, each with two horses, sat waiting for them along the snow packed lane. Their drivers, two older Savoyards, waved to them. With an overcast sky and the Alps in the background, the whole alpine winter scene didn’t look quite real and could have graced a Christmas card.

      “Can Albert and I go in the small sleigh?”

      “Maybe another time, Philippe. I need a chance to talk to your mother, and this would be a good time to do it.”

      Crystal shivered. She couldn’t imagine they had anything to talk about now. But remembering her plan to fight fire with fire, she didn’t try to accommodate her son’s wishes.

      “Okay.” To her shock, he went along with it. Except for when Raoul had to be gone on that emergency, her son had changed a lot and was so much more settled down, she hardly knew him.

      Raoul pulled to a stop at the side of the road and got out. With Bernard’s help they attached the bells to the horses’ trappings on the big sleigh, delighting the boys. The children climbed in with Vivige and Bernard, divvying up blankets for everyone who sat where they wanted.

      “Hi, Mommy!” Philippe waved to her. She waved back, but her attention was drawn to Raoul, who walked back to the smaller sleigh where she was sitting. His dark hair was partially covered by his navy ski hat. With the bite of the air, his warm complexion brought out his striking features. He was so alive and heartbreakingly handsome, it hurt to look at him.

      She quickly focused on their moustached driver in his old mountain hat who turned around to make sure they were settled. Then he shook the reins. Once the horses received that signal, they moved forward behind the other sleigh. She could hear the children whooping it up in the distance.

      As the horses paced along in rhythm, the sleigh bells made their distinctive sounds while the sleigh swished and glided across the snow. The outing was one of sheer enchantment, carrying her back to the other magical morning on the ski slopes with Raoul.

      The scene right now was too surreal for Crystal. She closed her eyes for a little while and just listened while she dreamed about what it would be like if he had any deeper feelings for her.

      Finally, today, the kiss of a lover full of hot-blooded passion had brought her own feelings closer to the surface to be acknowledged. But Raoul wasn’t her lover. He was a man who’d been with other women since Suzanne and enjoyed them. She knew he did, especially when he’d gone on climbing trips with Des.

      The kiss he’d given her in the bedroom was something he’d done in the nature of an experiment in order to wake her up to the possibilities of life, but it hadn’t been prompted by the earthshaking desire she had for him. When she’d told him she couldn’t accept his offer to run a ski school here, he’d left it alone. His calm acceptance gave her the proof he could compartmentalize his feelings for the good of the moment.

      To belong to him was a pipe dream on her part. Just entertaining the thought terrified her because she had to remember that the only person who truly mattered was Philippe.

      Even if Raoul did feel something for her, if the world were to hear they were a couple, the press would make it into a scandal that would follow her son for the rest of his life. There’d be questions as to whether Philippe was the son of France’s great sporting hero, or the son of Raoul Broussard—Eric’s brother and a celebrity in his own right among the mountaineers of Europe.

      She couldn’t do that to her precious boy. He was an innocent child who didn’t deserve to grow up under an ugly cloud of vicious lies and rumors.

      No … it was a dream she had to bury. The big question now was how to rein in her emotions until she left France with her son.

      “You’re so immersed in thought, I was afraid you’d forgotten I was here.” His deep voice insinuated itself inside her skin.

       Raoul, Raoul.

      Her eyes opened to a sky that had deepened into darkness. He’d leaned closer to her, bringing the familiar male scent she loved. Their breath curled in the night air and mingled. “To be honest, I was enjoying the silence. It’s heavenly out here, like we’re being pulled across a fantastic moonscape.”

      “You sound happy. Shades of the old Crystal are coming out in you more and more.”

      “The old Crystal?”

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