Baby's First Christmas: The Christmas Twins / Santa Baby. Tina Leonard

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Baby's First Christmas: The Christmas Twins / Santa Baby - Tina  Leonard

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“I don’t want you in trouble with your boss.”

      Jessie glanced over at the truck. “My family owns the company. I’m the president of Jessie’s Girl Stuff.”

      He couldn’t help smiling. “I sensed you might be a bit of a princess. Tell me more.”

      “In case I’m the future mother of your child?”

      “It’s an intriguing thought. I’m not as put off by it as I probably should be, under the circumstances.”

      “And what are those?” Jessie asked.

      “You’re a highly excitable female,” Zach said. “But I was looking for some excitement so I’m okay with that.”

      “Funny,” she said, “you don’t seem like the type to like a high-maintenance woman.”

      “True. There’s a difference between high-maintenance and excitement. I love independence in my women.”

      “Excellent.” Jessie jangled his keys at him and headed toward his truck. “Thanks for the wheels.”

      “No problem.” He headed after her, getting into the passenger seat. “My wheels are your wheels. It’s the least I could do for a lady who gave me an afternoon I’ll never forget.”

      She barely glanced at him as she switched on the engine. “Wow. Listen to all that vroom.

      “Yep,” he said happily, putting his arms behind his head. “It’s a lot of horses.”

      “And won’t I just look sophisticated when the valet parks my truck at the convention?” She glanced at him. “You can get out now. I’ve turned on the amazing vehicle without incident.”

      “Oh, I’m not getting out.” Zach grinned at her. “My stuff’s all packed and in the truck bed. I like your style of traveling, so I tossed my change of clothes into a hefty bag.”

      “This hefty bag of mine,” she said, holding up her carpetbag, “is a Merada Fine. It cost one thousand, nine hundred and fifty-four dollars. Please do not refer to it in the same breath with a plastic garbage sack, as convenient as one is at times.”

      “That much money and it doesn’t even carry itself. Gosh, you’d think it could run by remote control or something. Or voice activation. ‘Purse open,’” he said. “‘Purse close.’”

      “Very funny. My girlfriend makes these purses, so I’ll thank you not to make fun of them. I’m supporting her efforts.”

      He touched her cheek. “Meradas are actually a respected breed line of horses in Texas. So it’s interesting that you’re carrying something that’s a little less urban than you’re used to.”

      “Coincidence. Nothing more.”

      He grinned at her stiffness. “We actually have the same sense of humor if you’d ever let yourself smile.”

      “I smile. Just not around annoying men.”

      He laughed. “I don’t annoy you that badly. Do I?”

      “Need you ask?” She backed down the driveway. “I’ll take you with me, simply because you’re such an excitement freak. This is going to be the most boring thing you’ve ever done in your life.”

      “Lots of women there, though.” Zach pulled his hat over his face, preparing to snooze while Jessie drove. “As long as my eyeballs are busy and excited, that pretty much takes care of my brain’s need for activity.”

      “It’s nice of you to trust me to drive your truck.”

      “No trust involved. I’m right here, overseeing the whole adventure.” Assuaging his conscience from the front seat of his truck was no difficult task, but she didn’t know that. Although he tried to drift off, Zach could smell Jessie’s fragrance, making it entirely too difficult to relax.

      Possibly his senses were overstimulated because he’d been thinking of the upcoming holiday season, which Jessie had mentioned after their glorious afternoon together. He’d always loved winter holidays, most of all when he was a child.

      He might have a child one day to decorate the house for, bake for and share stories with. A longing burst inside him that he’d never before recognized. “I never thought I’d want children,” he said slowly, and Jessie nodded.

      “You’ve alluded to that.”

      “If I had kids, though, I’d have a reason to hang candy canes. I like to decorate at the ranch.” Zach frowned. “Duke tells me I’m being childish because I love Christmas.”

      “Didn’t you say he’s just had a baby? He’ll probably beat you to the decorating this year.”

      Zach grinned, enjoying the thought of the tables turning on his big brother. “I’ll be at his elbow every time he puts one raisin on a gingerbread man, every time he hangs an ornament, to tell him how childish he is.”

      “Probably one reminder of a person’s mistakes is enough,” Jessie said. “I sure wouldn’t want anyone belaboring me over mine.”

      He raised a brow. “Story time.”

      “I’m busy driving.”

      He sent an assessing look her way. “Try one on me. I know nothing at all about you, except that you have a strong sense of adventure.”

      “Change has been my downfall. Really.”

      “Not from my point of view,” Zach said sincerely, “unless you count T-bird sex as a pastime.”

      “I don’t,” she said, and he grinned.

      “Maybe I’m the catalyst for change in your life. I’d count that as being a positive influence.”

      “Maybe just a pain in the ass,” she said, a trace of irritation in her voice.

      “Hmm.” Zach thought about the sheets of plastic he’d dragged over her pretty T-bird to keep the chickens out of it and decided not to push his luck. No one ever knew what the future would bring. “So did you love him?”


      “The ex-boyfriend who cheated on you.”

      She turned her head to look at him briefly. She’d put on big black sunglasses with gold G’s in the corners that made her look like a reclusive movie star, and she had on way too much red lipstick for kissing, although it did look porn-star sexy on her. When they got to know each other better, he was going to tell her that all these girly enticements she was using to subconsciously lure him were not necessary. He liked his women plain and natural.

      “I did not,” she said. “If I’d loved him, why would I be sitting in a Ford?”

      He mulled that. “Perhaps you said Ford in a slightly disdainful tone.”

      She laughed.

      He noticed

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