One Night in Buenos Aires: The Vásquez Mistress. Sarah Morgan

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One Night in Buenos Aires: The Vásquez Mistress - Sarah Morgan

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voice barely audible as it became harder and harder to speak. ‘You hurt me so badly, sex was the last thing on my mind.’

      He gave a cynical laugh. ‘If only that were true, life would be a great deal less complicated. Unfortunately for you and I, chemistry seems to override common sense every time. You were thinking about it as much as I was. I could see it in your eyes every time you sat in that chair not reading that book on your lap.’

      ‘That’s not true,’ she moaned, but the smouldering glitter in his eyes told her that the lie had been a waste of breath.

      ‘You want honesty between us?’ he breathed. ‘Then let’s have honesty. I have wanted you for every second of the day and night since the first time I met you and nothing has changed that.’

      His words affected her so deeply that there wasn’t a single part of her body that didn’t react. ‘So why did you let me sleep alone?’ She tried to remind herself that it wasn’t supposed to matter, that she wasn’t supposed to care any more, but it was as if her body was tuned to respond only to his. ‘I assume you were punishing me?’

      ‘Punishing myself,’ he said huskily, his hand curving over her bottom in an unmistakably possessive gesture that rocked her to the very core. ‘The doctor told me that you were to avoid all stress. From the disapproving look in his eyes, I assumed he considered me to be the cause of your stress. I stayed away from you and I can tell you that doing so has caused havoc with my stress levels.’

      His body was hard against hers and it was impossible to think. ‘I wondered whether—You told me I was thin …’ Overwhelmed by his sexuality, she tried to catch a breath, hating herself for giving voice to her very female insecurities. ‘And you keep looking at my hair—you don’t find me attractive any more.’

      ‘No, you’re right.’ His voice was thickened as he hauled her closer still. ‘I don’t find you at all attractive.’ But his words were loaded with self-mockery and she gasped as her body encountered the unmistakable evidence of his shockingly powerful arousal.

      ‘We really shouldn’t do this.’ Faith’s body was no longer her own. ‘This is going to make things worse,’ she moaned and he captured the sound with his mouth, the fierce demand of his kiss plunging her past the point of no return.

      ‘Worse?’ he murmured in a thickened voice. ‘How in heaven’s name can the situation between us be any worse, cariño? I’m made of flesh and blood, not stone, and the past few weeks have been intolerable.’

      She tried to hang on to her sanity. ‘You thought I became pregnant on purpose—’

      ‘Dios mío, why are you bringing that up now? It doesn’t matter any more! This is the only thing that matters.’ His hands cupped her face and he kissed her until physical sensations completely overwhelmed her. She reached for his shoulders, excited and terrified by the sexual craving that threatened to consume her.

      Even knowing that there was going to be even greater pain ahead, Faith was unable to do anything except respond. She was so lost in a wild maelstrom of sensation that she didn’t even realise that he’d unzipped her dress until it slid to the floor, leaving her standing in her underwear. She clutched at his shoulders, feeling the hard swell of male muscle under her fingers, revelling in the strength and power of his body.

      He was pumped up and aroused and she gave a choked cry as his hand cupped her breast through the thin, silken fabric and he stroked her with skilled clever fingers.

      The delicious friction of his thumbs over her nipples sent intense excitement shooting through her body and it would have been impossible not to respond. She arched against him in desperate invitation, feeling the heavy, rigid thrust of his arousal and the immediate explosion of heat deep in the core of her femininity.

      He kept his mouth on hers, his kiss demanding and shockingly intimate, but all the time his fingers teased her breasts, driving her wild. Only when her breasts ached and throbbed with almost agonising sensation did he slide his clever, confident hands down her shivering, quivering body.

      Mindless and desperate, Faith slid one foot up his leg and he caught her thigh in his hand, lifting her leg higher and wider, exposing her to his touch. Once, such a wanton position would have brought a blush to her cheeks but she was too aroused to think about modesty or behaviour. The response of her body was outside her own control and as she felt his knowing fingers slide over the thin fabric of her panties she shuddered and pressed towards his hand. Only a layer of thin, flimsy silk lay between them but it was too much of a barrier and she gave a moan and shifted her hips, just desperate for him to touch her there.

      But he didn’t.

      Instead he tormented them both by prolonging the moment that they craved so desperately, very much in control despite the hunger that consumed both of them.

      Driven wild with excitement, her fingers slid downwards, reaching for him and he broke the kiss with a harsh groan as the flat of her hand brushed against his pulsing erection.


      Desperate and urgent, her fingers dealt with his zip, slid inside and encountered the warm throb of masculine power. Touching him so intimately, she felt an explosion of pure sexual need. He was so unashamedly male, so virile, that for a moment her heart seemed to beat double-time. She couldn’t quite circle him with her hand and as usual she felt a flash of trepidation that he might be more of a man than she could handle.

      ‘You’re driving me wild, cariño,’ he groaned and his hand moved again and this time he slid his fingers under the silken barrier that still protected her. The intimate stroke of his fingers was the touch she’d longed for and she whimpered his name, her eyes closing as his fingers slid deep, her damp, desperate body closing around him. She didn’t know herself when she was with him. Didn’t recognise the person she became. Devoured by sensation she was powerless to resist as his long clever fingers explored her with astonishing expertise. She felt the pressure build, felt her body race headlong towards completion and then he gently removed his hand and brought his mouth down on hers with punishing force.

      His kiss made her so dizzy that she was only dimly aware of him lifting her, of him coiling her other leg around his hips. There was a brief moment of clarity when she felt the blunt tip of his arousal brush against her and then suddenly she felt a blind flash of panic and struggled against him. ‘No, Raul. No. ‘

      He froze, his breathing harsh, his body on the point of penetrating hers. ‘No?’ His voice was hoarse with disbelief, his entire frame straining with the tension of holding back. ‘What do you mean, no?’

      ‘We have to stop. Put me down!’

      Two streaks of colour on his cheeks, Raul hesitated for a tense, pulsing moment and then lowered her gently and released her. Stepping away from her, he leaned both hands against the wall and breathed deeply, clearly struggling for control.


      ‘Don’t.’ His tone was raw and savage. ‘Just give me a minute—’

      Faith watched helplessly, not knowing what to do or say, her own body singing with unresolved passion. It didn’t help that he was half-undressed, his bronzed back bared for her greedy gaze, his trousers riding low on his hips.

      She closed her eyes with a groan because her only hope was not to look at him.

       What was it

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