Escape for Valentine's: Beauty and the Billionaire / Her One and Only Valentine / The Girl Next Door. Caroline Anderson

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Escape for Valentine's: Beauty and the Billionaire / Her One and Only Valentine / The Girl Next Door - Caroline  Anderson

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emerged in a strapless, jewel-blue, satin evening gown that revealed creamy cleavage on top and silver-strapped, sexy ankles on the bottom. She’d pinned her hair up in an ad hoc knot. As she moved gracefully toward him, the fabric rustled over her smooth calves, while her deep, coral lips curved into a satisfied smile.

      Hunter’s body reacted with a lurch, but then his stomach went hollow when he realized he couldn’t touch her.

      Kristy had absolutely nothing to worry about. If anybody was getting their heart broken around here, it sure wasn’t going to be Sinclair.

      Sinclair knew she’d be disappointed if Castlebay didn’t work out. There was her job, her future, Hunter’s reputation at the company, the success of the Luscious Lavender product line all to consider. And she’d reminded herself, she’d lived through two letdowns already. Still, walking up the stone steps to the Castlebay Spas head office, she was determined to fight the butterflies in her stomach.

      “What should I focus on first?” she asked Hunter, anxious to get her part right.

      She was wearing a mini, tweed coat dress, with pushed up sleeves, large black buttons, black stockings and high-heeled ankle boots. She’d pulled her hair into a simple, tight bob, as Jeanette had advised, and put on a little extra makeup, especially around the eyes.

      “Leave the financial details to me. Give out product information only. If I brush your hand, stop talking. And, mostly importantly, walk, talk and act like a winner.”

      She gave him a swift nod.

      “Oh. And mention that you’ve tried the mousse.”

      She shot him a disgusted stare.

      “That was just to lighten you up.” He pulled open the heavy brass and glass door. “Relax.”

      She took a breath. “Right.”

      They didn’t talk in the elevator. And while they crossed the marble floor of the Castlebay lobby, Sinclair concentrated on her new shoes. She did not want to stumble.

      “We have an appointment with Seth Vanderkemp,” Hunter said to the receptionist.

      Sinclair caught the woman’s admiring look at her outfit, and she couldn’t help but smile. Wouldn’t the woman be surprised to find out she was staring at plain, old Sinclair Mahoney from Soho?

      “Mr. Vanderkemp is expecting you,” said the woman. “Right this way.”

      She stood and led them down a long hallway to an opulent meeting room. It had round beech-wood table, with a geometric, inlaid cherry pattern. There were four high-backed, burgundy leather chairs surrounding it. And the bank of windows overlooked the Seine.

      “Good morning, Mr. Osland. Sorry to keep you waiting.”

      “Not at all,” said Hunter. “We just got here. And, please, call me Hunter.” He turned to Sinclair. “This is my associate, Sinclair Mahoney.”

      “Seth,” said the man, holding out his hand to Sinclair. “Pleasure to meet you.”

      Sinclair shook. “Sinclair,” she confirmed.

      Seth gestured to the round table. “Shall we sit down?”

      Hunter pulled out a chair for Sinclair, then the men sat.

      “Osland International’s latest acquisition,” Hunter began, getting right to the point, “is a boutique beauty-products company out of New York called Lush Beauty.”

      “I’ve heard of Lush,” said Seth with a nod.

      Sinclair thought that fact boded well for the discussions, but Hunter’s expression remained neutral.

      “We’re in Paris for a few days,” explained Hunter, “looking for partners in the upcoming launch of a promising new line called Luscious Lavender.”

      Sinclair mentally prepared herself to talk about the products. She’d start with skin care, move to cosmetics, then introduce some of the specialty personal care items.

      “With Osland International’s involvement,” Hunter continued, “we’re in a position to launch simultaneously in North America and Europe. A spa would naturally be an ideal outlet for us, and we believe Castlebay’s clientele are dead center for our target market.”

      Seth continued nodding, which Sinclair took to be a great sign.

      “Under normal circumstances,” he said, “I would agree with you. And I’ve no doubt that Luscious Lavender would serve our client market well. But, there’s a complication.”

      Sinclair’s stomach sank.

      Hunter waited.

      “There’s an offer on the table to purchase Castlebay Spas in its entirety.”

      “What kind of an offer?” asked Hunter.

      “I’m sure you realize I’m not in a position to discuss the particulars.”

      Hunter sat back in his chair. “Let me put it another way.”

      This time Seth waited.

      So did Sinclair.

      “What would it take to get the offer off the table?”

      Seth looked puzzled. “In terms of …”

      “In terms of another offer to purchase.”

      Seth’s eyes narrowed. “Are you empowered—”

      “I’m empowered.”

      Seth stood up, crossing to a telephone on a side table, and picked it up.

      Sinclair stared at Hunter.

      Seth asked, “Do you mind if the head of my legal department joins us?”

      “Not at all,” replied Hunter. “I assume you have a prospectus and some financials I could review?”

      “It’s all in order. Plus a full set of appraisals.”

      “Thank you,” said Hunter.

      Then he turned to Sinclair, he penned a few words on a business card he’d pulled from his pocket and handed it to her. “Could you call Richard Franklin? Have him set up a meeting at our hotel this afternoon. I’ll meet you there.”

      Sinclair palmed the card and quietly left the room.

      On the way across the lobby, heart pounding, mouth dry, she flipped over the card. On the back was Richard’s name, his number and the phrase NO ONE ELSE.


      When Hunter reached the ground floor of the office building that housed Castlebay Spas, Sinclair was waiting on a bench near the exit.

      She jumped to her feet as he neared. “I couldn’t wait,” she said.

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