The Return Of Rafe MacKade: the classic story from the queen of romance that you won’t be able to put down. Нора Робертс

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The Return Of Rafe MacKade: the classic story from the queen of romance that you won’t be able to put down - Нора Робертс

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needed tending, she thought, with an affection that surprised her. Someone to love it, and accept its character for what it was. Someone who would appreciate its strengths and understand its weaknesses.

      She shook her head and laughed at herself. It sounded as though she were thinking of a man—one, perhaps, like Rafe MacKade—rather than a house.

      She walked closer, through the deep, powdery drifts. Rocks and overgrown brush made uneven lumps in the snow, like children under blankets waiting to do mischief. Brambles were sneaky enough to grab at her trousers with sharp, wiry fingers. But once the lawn had been lush and green and vivid with flowers.

      If Rafe had any vision, it would be again.

      Reminding herself that the landscaping was his problem, she puffed her way to the broken front porch.

      He was, she thought with a scowl, late.

      Regan looked around, stomped her feet for warmth and glanced at her watch. The man could hardly expect her to stand out in the cold and the wind and wait. Ten minutes, tops, she told herself. Then she would leave him a note, a very firm note on the value of keeping appointments, and leave.

      But it wouldn’t hurt to take a peek in the window.

      Maneuvering carefully, she inched her way up the steps, avoided broken planks. There should be wisteria or morning glories climbing up the side arbor, she mused, and for a moment she almost believed she could catch the faint, sweet scent of spring.

      She caught herself moving to the door, closing her hand over the knob before she realized that had been her intention all along. Surely it was locked, she thought. Even small towns weren’t immune to vandals. But even as she thought it, the knob turned freely in her hand.

      It was only sensible to go in, out of the wind, begin to site the job. Yet she pulled her hand back with a jerk. Her breath was coming in gasps, shockingly loud on the silent air. Inside her neat leather gloves, her hands were icy and trembling.

      Out of breath from the climb, she told herself. Shivering from the wind. That was all. But the fear was on her like a cat, hissing through her blood.

      Embarrassed, she looked uneasily around. There was no one to see her ridiculous reaction. Only snow and trees.

      She took a deep breath, laughed at herself, and opened the door.

      It creaked, of course. That was to be expected. The wide main hall gave her such a rush of pleasure, she forgot everything else. Closing the door, she leaned back against it and sighed.

      There was dust and mold, damp patches on the walls, baseboards ruined by gnawing mice, spiderwebs draped like filthy gauze. She saw rich, deep green paint, creamy ivory trim, the buff and shine of waxed pine floors under her feet, a runner blooming with cabbage roses.

      And there, she thought a hunt table, with a Dresden bowl spilling more roses, flanked by silver candlesticks. A little walnut hall chair with a pierced back, a hammered brass umbrella stand, a gilded mirror.

      How it had been, and could be, spun through her mind, and she didn’t feel the cold that sent her breath ahead of her in clouds as she wandered.

      In the parlor, she marveled over the Adam fireplace. The marble was filthy, but undamaged. She had twin vases in the shop that would be perfect for the mantel. And a needlepoint footstool that was meant for weary feet in front of this very hearth.

      Delighted, she pulled out her notebook and got to work.

      Cobwebs dragged through her hair, dirt smudged her cheek, dust covered her boots, as she measured and plotted. She was in heaven. Her mood was so high that when she heard the footsteps, she turned with a smile instead of a complaint.

      “It’s wonderful. I can hardly—” She was talking to thin air.

      Frowning, she walked out of the parlor and into the hall. She started to call out, then noted that there were no footprints in the dust but her own.

      Imagining things, she told herself, and shuddered. Big, empty houses made all sorts of noises. Settling wood, wind against the windows…rodents, she thought with a grimace. She wasn’t afraid of mice or spiders or creaking boards.

      But when the floor groaned over her head, she couldn’t muffle the shriek. Her heart flew straight to her throat and beat like a bird’s. Before she’d managed to compose herself again, she heard the unmistakable sound of a door closing.

      She was across the hall in a dash, fumbling for the knob when it hit her.

      Rafe MacKade.

      Oh, he thought he was clever, she thought furiously. Sneaking into the house ahead of her, creeping through the back, she imagined. He was up there right now, doubled over at the idea of her bolting from the house like some idiotic Gothic heroine with a heaving bosom.

      Not on your life, she thought determinedly, and straightened her shoulders. She thrust her chin up and marched to the curving stairs.

      “You’re not funny, MacKade,” she called out. “Now, if you’ve finished your pathetic little joke, I’d like to get some work done.”

      When the cold spot hit her, she was too shocked to move. The hand she’d gripped on the rail went numb with it, her face froze with it. There, halfway up the graceful sweep of stairs, she swayed. It was her own whimper that broke her free. She was up to the first landing in four effortless strides.

      A draft, she told herself, cursing her own sobbing breaths. Just a nasty draft.

      “Rafe.” Her voice broke, infuriating her. Biting her lip, she stared down the long hallway, at the closed and secretive doors that lined it. “Rafe,” she said again, and struggled to put irritation in her voice, rather than nerves. “I have a schedule to keep, even if you don’t, so can we get on with this?”

      The sound of wood scraping wood, the violent slam of a door, and a woman’s heartbroken weeping. Pride forgotten, Regan flew down the stairs. She’d nearly reached the bottom when she heard the shot.

      Then the door she’d rushed to meet groaned slowly open.

      The room whirled once, twice, then vanished.

      “Come on, darling, snap out of it.”

      Regan turned her head, moaned, shivered.

      “All the way out, pal. Open those big blue eyes for me.”

      The voice was so coaxing, she did. And found herself looking into Rafe’s.

      “It wasn’t funny.”

      A bit dizzy with relief, he smiled and stroked her cheek. “What wasn’t?”

      “Hiding upstairs to scare me.” She blinked to bring the world back into sharp focus and discovered she was cradled on his lap on the window seat in the parlor. “Let me up.”

      “I don’t think so. You’re still a little shaky on your pins. Just relax a minute.” He shifted her expertly so that her head rested in the crook of his arm.

      “I’m fine.”

      “You’re white as a sheet. If

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