Maid for a Magnate. Jules Bennett

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Maid for a Magnate - Jules Bennett

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in close, Will whispered, “I’m not the man I used to be, either.”

      A shiver rippled through her. No, no he wasn’t. Now he was all take-charge and demanding. He hadn’t been like this before. He also hadn’t been as broad, as hard. He’d definitely bulked up in all the right ways...not that she cared.

      “What would your father say if he knew you were hiding in the bathroom with the maid?” she asked, hoping the words would penetrate through his hormones. He’d always been yanked around by Daddy’s wishes...hence their breakup, she had no doubt.

      Will shifted his face so his lips were a breath away from hers as his hands slid up to her waist, his thumbs barely brushing the underside of her breasts. “My father is smart enough to know what I’d be doing behind a closed door with a sexy woman.”

      Oh, man. Why did she have to find his arrogance so appealing? Hadn’t she learned her lesson the first time? Wanting Will was a mistake, one she may never recover from if she jumped in again.

      “Are you saying you’re not bowing down to your father’s commands anymore? How very grown up of you.”

      Why was she goading him? She needed to get out of here because the more he leaned against her, the longer he spoke with that kissable mouth so close to hers, the harder he was making her life. Taunting her, making her ache for things she could never have.

      “I told you, I’m a different man.” His lips grazed hers as he murmured, “But I still want you and nobody is going to stand in my way.”

      Why did her hormones and need for his touch override common sense? Letting Will kiss her again was a bad, bad idea. But she couldn’t stop herself and she’d nearly arched her body into his just as he stepped back. The heat in his eyes did nothing to suppress the tremors racing through her, but he was easing backward toward the closed door.

      “You’re leaving?” she asked. “What is this, Will? A game? Corner the staff and see how far she’ll let me take things?”

      He froze. “This isn’t a game, Cat. I’m aching for you, to strip you down and show you exactly what I want. But I need you to literally hurt for wanting me and I want you to be ready. Because the second I think we’re on the same level, you’re mine.”

      And with that, he turned and walked out, leaving the door open.

      Catalina released a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. How dare he disrupt her work and get her all hot and bothered? Did he truly think she’d run to him begging to whisk her off to bed?

      As much as her body craved his touch, she wouldn’t fall into his bed simply because he turned on the sex appeal. If he wanted her, then that was his problem.

      Unfortunately, he’d just made his wants her problem as well because now she couldn’t think of anything else but how amazing he felt pressed against her.

      Catalina cursed herself as she gathered the dirty towels. If he was set on playing games, he’d chosen the wrong opponent.

      Catalina lived for her weekends. Two full days for her to devote to her true love of designing and sewing. There was nothing like creating your own masterpieces from scratch. Her thick portfolio binder overflowed with ideas from the past four years. She’d sketched designs for every season, some sexy, some conservative, but everything was timeless and classy in her opinion.

      She supposed something more than just heartache and angst had come from Will’s exiting her life so harshly. She’d woken up, finally figured out what she truly wanted and opted to put herself, her dreams as top priority. And once she started achieving her career goals, she’d work on her personal dreams of a family. All of those were things she couldn’t find in Alma. This place had nothing for her anymore other than her mother, who worked for another family. But her mother had already said she’d follow Catalina wherever she decided to go.

      Glancing around, Catalina couldn’t remember where she put that lacy fabric she’d picked up in town a few weeks ago. She’d seen it on the clearance table and had nothing in mind for it at the time, but she couldn’t pass up the bargain.

      Now she knew exactly what she’d use the material for. She had the perfect wrap-style dress in mind. Something light and comfortable, yet sexy and alluring with a lace overlay. The time would come when Catalina would be able to wear things like that every single day. She could ditch her drab black button-down shirt and plain black pants. When she dressed for work every morning, she always felt she was preparing for a funeral.

      And those shoes? She couldn’t wait to burn those hideous things.

      Catalina moved around the edge of the small sofa and thumbed through the stack of folded materials on the makeshift shelving against the wall. She’d transformed this spare room into her sewing room just last year and since then she’d spent nearly all of her spare time in the cramped space. One day, though... One day she’d have a glorious sewing room with all the top-notch equipment and she would bask in the happiness of her creations.

      As she scanned the colorful materials folded neatly on the shelves, her cell rang. Catalina glanced at the arm of the sofa where her phone lay. Her mother’s name lit up the screen.

      Lunging across the mess of fabrics on the cushions, Catalina grabbed her phone and came back to her feet as she answered.

      “Hey, Mum.”

      “Sweetheart. I’m sorry I didn’t call earlier. I went out to breakfast with a friend.”

      Catalina stepped from her bedroom and into the cozy living area. “No problem. I’ve been sewing all morning and lost track of time.”

      “New designs?” her mother asked.

      “Of course.” Catalina sank down onto her cushy sofa and curled her feet beneath her. “I actually have a new summery beach theme I’m working on. Trying to stay tropical and classy at the same time has proven to be more challenging than I thought.”

      “Well, I know you can do it,” her mother said. “I wore that navy-and-gray-print skirt you made for me to breakfast this morning and my friend absolutely loved it. I was so proud to be wearing your design, darling.”

      Catalina sat up straighter. “You didn’t tell her—”

      “I did not,” her mother confirmed. “But I may have said it was from a new up-and-coming designer. I couldn’t help it, honey. I’m just so proud of you and I know you’ll take the fashion world by storm once you leave Alma.”

      Just the thought of venturing out on her own, taking her secret designs and her life dream and putting herself out there had a smile spreading across her face as nerves danced in her belly. The thought of someone looking over her designs with a critical eye nearly crippled her, but she wouldn’t be wielding toilet wands for the rest of her life.

      “I really think I’ll be ready in a couple of months,” Catalina stated, crossing back to survey her inventory on the shelves. “Saying a timeframe out loud makes this seem so real.”

      Her mother laughed. “This is your dream, baby girl. You go after it and I’ll support you all the way. You know I want you out from under the Rowlings’ thumb.”


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