Her Christmas Romeo. Carole Mortimer

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Her Christmas Romeo - Carole  Mortimer

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‘Help!’ she cried desperately, even as she moved over to the doors. ‘Please help us!’ Her voice broke emotionally.

      She couldn’t help it. She had always had a thing about lifts, and being stuck in the dark wasn’t one of her favourite things, either. Even if it was with a man who looked as delicious as Rob.

      ‘Who’s “us”?’ the voice enquired.

      ‘Does that really matter?’ Juliette came back impatiently. ‘The lift is stuck. And I want out!’ Her voice rose, and she slapped her hand against the closed metal doors as her earlier panic returned with a vengeance.

      ‘Don’t do that,’ Rob instructed firmly as he grasped both her hands and held them immobile. ‘There are two people in here,’ he answered the person on the intercom tersely. ‘Have you called an engineer?’

      ‘On his way,’ the voice reassured them. ‘Just try to stay calm, and we’ll have you out of there shortly.’

      Juliette closed her eyes. Calm? He wanted them to stay calm? When they were stuck in a sealed metal box, suspended God knew how far from the ground floor, with only a couple of wires preventing them from dropping like a stone, to be crushed to death in the fall?

      ‘Okay. Thanks,’ Rob told the man, his grasp tightening on Juliette’s hands as she fought to be free.

      ‘It is not okay!’ she gasped breathlessly as she realised they were once again alone. ‘I hate lifts! I hate being in the dark! I wish I’d never come here to work in the first—Oh!’ Juliette was silenced as Rob muttered something under his breath, pulled her into his arms and kissed her.

      She was already disorientated enough without being wrapped in masterfully strong arms and kissed in a way that made her knees weak and her toes curl!

      In fact, she had never been kissed like this in her life—crushed against the hard strength of his chest so that she could feel every rigid outline of his body, his mouth exploring hers in a way that made it impossible for her to stand without clinging to him. Or was that just the result of her undeniable fear about being stuck in this lift? Whatever. Her knees were shaking. If it weren’t for the fact that Rob was holding her so tightly she knew she really would have collapsed on the floor.

      She hadn’t had time to reason any of this out when she found herself just as suddenly released, strong hands steadying her as she would have swayed. She was grateful for the gloom in the lift as she felt her cheeks heating furiously again.

      She had just been very thoroughly kissed by a complete stranger! Well … not a complete stranger; she did know that his name was Rob, and, although she couldn’t remember seeing him before, he obviously worked at Romeo’s.

      None of which changed the fact that he had just kissed her!

      ‘Opportunist!’ she hissed accusingly, stepping back until she felt the lift wall behind her.

      He sighed. ‘My dear Juliette—’

      ‘I’m not your dear anything!’ she cut in indignantly. ‘Keep your hands to yourself!’ Trust her to get stuck in a lift with someone who wasn’t averse to taking advantage of the situation, no matter how gorgeous he was! ‘Touch me again at your peril,’ she warned, not caring if she sounded like the heroine from a 1930s movie.

      White teeth flashed in the darkness. He obviously found her indignation amusing. ‘Or else what?’ he enquired mildly.

      He was laughing at her! First he had kissed her, and now he had the effrontery to laugh at her!

      Juliette’s anger rose to such a pitch she was actually shaking. ‘Oh, yes, that’s right—let’s laugh at the poor hysterical female! Just because I’m only temporary Christmas staff and you’re obviously part of management doesn’t mean that I’m not going to report your behaviour to your superior!’ As soon as she knew which superior to report him to …

      He was leaning back against the opposite wall now, strong arms crossed in front of that broad chest. ‘Why am I “obviously part of management”?’

      Her eyes widened. She had just told him off for laughing at her, threatened to report his over-familiar behaviour to—well, whoever his superior was, and all he could come back with was to ask how she had known he was one of Romeo’s executives!

      She gave a scornful snort. ‘Probably because I haven’t ever seen any of the sales personnel wearing expensive Italian suits and handmade leather shoes!’

      ‘No?’ he drawled.

      He was still laughing at her, damn it. She didn’t care who this man was. Even if he turned out to be the Managing Director himself, she intended—

      ‘You said you’re a temporary member of staff for the Christmas period?’ he asked with interest.

      ‘And as such expendable?’ she challenged him, her voice scathing. ‘Well, just try it, that’s all. I can assure you, I won’t go quietly.’ Getting the sack once had been quite enough, thank you very much.

      ‘That hasn’t been my experience so far in our acquaintance, so why should I think it will be any different once we’re out of this lift?’ he came back derisively.

      ‘You—I—’ Juliette glared at him. ‘It’s all right for you. You aren’t the one who’s got stuck in the lift with a pervert!’

      There was a tense silence after her last accusation—long seconds when Juliette could only hold her breath at the enormity of what she had just said. She had really done it now. Not only had she threatened to report one of the management, she had just accused him of being a pervert, too.

      What would he do?

      She heard a noise. A low, husky-sounding noise that she didn’t instantly recognise. And then she did. Rob was no longer inwardly laughing at her, he was actually chuckling out loud now!

      It wasn’t funny, damn it. She had ruined a pair of new boots, got stuck in a lift, been kissed very thoroughly and all this man could do was laugh at her.

      ‘I wish I had never even heard of Romeo’s!’ she ground out with frustration. If even one male customer looked her up and down today, and then decided that his girlfriend/wife/mistress was ‘probably about the same size as you up top’, she would not be responsible for the consequences!

      ‘Why did you come to work here?’ Rob asked curiously. ‘You don’t exactly sound as if you’re having a good time.’

      Oh, she was grateful to have a job at all; although not excessive, the wage did at least pay most of her bills. She just couldn’t remember the last time she’d genuinely had a ‘good time’ …

      ‘In fact,’ he continued, ‘it doesn’t sound to me as if working in any type of store is what you enjoy doing.’

      She didn’t not enjoy it. It was just … There was no way she could even begin to explain to this man how she had moved to London six months ago with such high hopes for her future, her job as a PA to a successful businessman having proved to be every bit as exciting as she had hoped it would. She had travelled with her boss to America, Germany and France, and it had been an amazing experience.

      But all of that had ended five weeks

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