Declan's Cross. Carla Neggers

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Declan's Cross - Carla Neggers

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wet spot that had fooled her.

      He climbed up onto her knoll and dropped his pack next to hers. “I like having you walk point,” he said with a grin.

      “No fair. You saw my footprint in the mud.”

      “I’ll never tell.”

      Emma leaned back against her outstretched arms. She had on a wool hat, her fair hair knotted at the nape of her neck. She had pulled her gloves on and off over the course of the day. She didn’t know if Colin had even packed a hat and gloves. He was, she thought, the sexiest man she had ever met. Small scars on his right cheek and by his left eye from fights he said he had won. She had no doubt. He was strongly built, rugged and utterly relentless.

      A good man to have on your side in a fight.

      She was fit and lean and could handle herself in a fight, and although she wasn’t tiny, he could easily carry her up a flight of stairs. In fact, he had, more than once.

      They had set out early. For the past two weeks, they had explored the southwest Irish coast on foot and by car, by mutual agreement avoiding talk of arms traffickers, thieves, poison, attempted murder and alligators. Colin would wink at her and say he especially didn’t want to talk about alligators, not that he had seen one on his narrow escape from killers in South Florida. Thinking about them had been enough.

      By unspoken agreement, he and Emma also avoided talk of their futures with the FBI—or even each other. His months of intense undercover work, in an environment where everyone was a potential enemy, had taken a toll, and he needed this time to be in the present, to be himself.

      Emma’s needs were simpler. She just wanted to be with him.

      It was her life that was complicated.

      She sat up straight, noticing that Colin’s boots and cargo pants were splattered with mud but not wet like hers. She grinned at him. “You do know I’ve spent more time hiking the Irish hills than you have, don’t you?”

      “Beneath that placid exterior beats the heart of a competitive federal agent.” He made no move to sit next to her. “Your mishap gives me an excuse to run a hot bath for you when we get back to the cottage.”

      “Life could be worse. You’re not bored, are you?”

      “I can go more than two weeks without anyone trying to kill me.”

      As he stood next to her on her boulder, his smile almost reached his stone-gray eyes.


      He offered her a sip from his water bottle, but she shook her head. He took a long drink as he gazed out at the hills. Except for the occasional baa of the grazing, half-wild sheep, the silence was complete.

      “What are you thinking about, Colin?”


      “A cold pint and a warm pub. Sounds perfect.”

      He leaned down and touched the curve of his hand to her cheek. “It’s been good being here with you.” He winked at her as he stood straight. “Mud and sheep dung and all.”

      Emma sighed as she slipped back into her trail shoes and tied the laces. “No escaping sheep dung out here, is there? I wasn’t distracted when I stepped in the wet spot. I just misjudged. There’s a difference.”

      “But you do have a lot on your mind,” Colin said.

      She always did. Their jobs with the FBI attested to their different natures. He was an undercover agent. She specialized in art crimes. She was analytical, methodical, detail-oriented. He was direct, intuitive, quick and decisive—and independent to a fault. Six weeks ago, he had been assigned to her small team in Boston, if only because the senior agent in charge was determined to rein him in.

      Good luck with that, Emma thought. She stood, lifted her backpack and slung it over her shoulders. “The rest of the way is all downhill.”

      “Have you ever done this hike before?”

      She shook her head. “First time.”

      “It’s a good spot,” he said, tucking his water bottle in his pack.

      “I’m glad we did this before I go home.”

      “Yeah. Me, too.”

      It was Monday. She had a flight back to Boston on Friday. She’d be at her desk a week from today. Colin had more time before he had to decide what was next for him. Not a lot more time, but he could stay in Ireland for a while longer, without her.

      She angled a look at him. “Anything on your mind, Colin?”

      “I had an email from Andy in my in-box this morning. He sent it last night. I didn’t read it until just now, while I ate an energy bar and admired the view. Reading email is against our hiking rules, I know.”

      “A sign it’s time to get back to work, maybe.” Emma gave him a moment but he didn’t take the bait and respond, and she let it go. “How are things in Rock Point?”

      “Andy says Julianne Maroney is leaving for Ireland tonight.”

      “Tonight? Isn’t that sudden?”

      “She’s just accepted a marine biology internship in Cork that starts in January. She decided to come for a couple weeks now and get herself sorted out. It’s sudden, but that’s Julianne.”

      “So, she’s staying in Cork?”

      “A village east of Cork. Declan’s Cross.”

      Declan’s Cross.

      Emma went still as a dozen images came at her at once. A pretty seaside Irish village of brightly colored shops and residences. A romantic mansion with sweeping views of cliffs and sea. Haunting Celtic crosses on a grassy hilltop.

      A tight-lipped old Irish sheep farmer.

      Her grandfather, Wendell Sharpe, a renowned art detective, pacing in his Dublin office as he admitted he and Sharpe Fine Art Recovery were after a thief they couldn’t catch.

      A thief, Emma thought, who had first struck in tiny Declan’s Cross on a lonely, rainy, dark November night ten years ago.

      She’d only become involved in the case four years ago, in the months between her life as Sister Brigid at the coastal Maine convent of the Sisters of the Joyful Heart and her life as a special agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation. She’d worked side by side with her grandfather in Dublin, learning everything he knew.

      Not everything.

      Wendell Sharpe never told anyone everything.

      She was aware of Colin’s eyes narrowed on her. He wouldn’t know about the thief. There was no reason for him to know.

      She pushed back her thoughts. “Why Declan’s Cross, Colin?”


      “Just tell me what you know. Please.”

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