Thunder Point. Jack Higgins

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Thunder Point - Jack  Higgins

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certainly is intriguing,’ Travers said.

      ‘You haven’t heard the best bit, old buddy. Remember all those stories about Martin Bormann having escaped from Berlin?’

      ‘Of course I do.’

      ‘Well I can’t read German, but I sure can read his name and it’s right here in the diary and another little bombshell for you. So is the Duke of Windsor.’

      Travers loosened his tie and took a deep breath. ‘Henry, old son, I must see that diary.’

      ‘Yes, that’s what I thought,’ Baker said. ‘There’s the British Airways overnight flight leaving Antigua around eight this evening our time. I should be able to make it. Last time I used it we got into London Gatwick at nine o’clock in the morning. Maybe you could give me a late breakfast.’

      ‘I’ll be looking forward to that,’ Travers said and replaced the receiver.

      The Professional Association of Diving Instructors, of which Henry was a certificated member, have strict regulations about flying after diving. He checked his book of rules and discovered that he should wait at least four hours after a single no-decompression dive at eighty feet. That gave him plenty of leeway, especially if he didn’t fly down to Antigua until the afternoon which was exactly what he intended.

      First he rang British Airways in San Juan. Yes, they had space in the first-class cabin on BA flight 252 leaving Antigua at 20.10 hours. He made the booking and gave them one of his Gold Card numbers. Next he rang Carib Aviation in Antigua, an air taxi firm he’d used before. Yes, they were happy to accept the charter. They’d send up one of their Partenavias early afternoon to St Thomas. If they left for the return trip to Antigua at four-thirty, they’d be there by six at the latest.

      He sat back, thinking about it. He’d book a water taxi across to Charlotte Amalie, the main town on St Thomas. Forty minutes, that’s all it would take, fifteen at the most by taxi to the airport. Plenty of time to pack and get himself ready, but first he had to see Jenny.

      The waterfront was bustling when he walked down into Cruz Bay this time. It was a picturesque little town, totally charming and ever so slightly run-down in the way of most Caribbean ports. Baker had fallen in love with the place the first time he’d seen it. It was everything he’d hoped for. He used to joke that all it needed was Humphrey Bogart in a sailor’s cap and denims running a boat from the harbour on mysterious missions.

      Jenny’s Place was slightly back from the road, just before Mongoose Junction. There were steps up to the verandah, a neon sign above the door. Inside it was cool and shaded, two large fans revolving in the low ceiling. There were several booths against the walls, a scattering of marble-topped tables across a floor of black-and-white tiles. There were high stools at the long mahogany bar, bottles on glass shelves against the mirrored wall behind. A large, handsome black man with greying hair was polishing glasses, Billy Jones, the barman. He had the scar tissue around the eyes and the slightly flattened nose of a professional fighter. His wife, Mary, was manager.

      He grinned, ‘Hi there, Mr Henry, you looking for Jenny?’

      ‘That’s right.’

      ‘Went down the front with Mary to choose the fish for tonight. They shouldn’t be too long. Can I get you something?’

      ‘Just a coffee, Billy, I’ll have it outside.’

      He sat in a cane chair on the verandah, drinking the coffee and thinking about things, was so much within himself that he didn’t notice the two women approach until the last minute.

      ‘You’re back, Henry.’

      He looked up and found Jenny and Mary Jones coming up the steps. Mary wished him good morning and went inside and Jenny sat on the rail, her figure very slim in T-shirt and blue jeans.

      She frowned. ‘Is something wrong?’

      ‘I’ve got to go to London,’ he told her.

      ‘To London? When?’

      ‘This afternoon.’

      Her frown deepened and she came and sat beside him. ‘What is it, Henry?’

      ‘Something happened when I was diving this morning, something extraordinary. I found a wreck about eighty or ninety feet down.’

      ‘You damn fool.’ She was angry now. ‘Diving at that kind of depth on your own and at your age. Where was this?’

      Although not a serious diver she did go down occasionally and knew most of the sites. He hesitated. It was not only that he knew she would be thoroughly angry to know that he’d dived in a place like Thunder Point, and it certainly wasn’t that he didn’t trust her. He just wanted to keep the location of the submarine to himself for the moment, certainly until he’d seen Garth Travers.

      ‘All I can tell you, Jenny, is that I found a German U-boat from 1945.’

      Her eyes widened. ‘My God!’

      ‘I managed to get inside. There was a briefcase, an aluminium thing. Watertight. I found the captain’s diary inside. It’s in German which I can’t read, but there were a couple of names I recognized.’

      ‘Such as?’

      ‘Martin Bormann and the Duke of Windsor.’

      She looked slightly dazed. ‘Henry, what’s going on here?’

      ‘That’s what I’d like to know.’ He took her hand. ‘Remember that English friend of mine, Rear-Admiral Travers?’

      ‘The one you served in the Korean War with? Of course, you introduced me to him the year before last when we were in Miami and he was passing through.’

      ‘I phoned him earlier. He’s got all sorts of records on the German Kriegsmarine. He checked on the boat for me. One-eighty, that’s what’s painted on the conning tower, but 180 was a different type boat and it went down in the Bay of Biscay in 1944.’

      She shook her head in bewilderment. ‘But what does it all mean?’

      ‘There were stories for years about Bormann, dozens of books, all saying he didn’t die in Berlin at the end of the war, that he survived. People had sightings of him in South America or so they said.’

      ‘And the Duke of Windsor?’

      ‘God knows.’ He shook his head. ‘All I know is this could be important and I found the damn boat, Jenny, me, Henry Baker. Christ, I don’t know what’s in the diary, but maybe it changes history.’

      He got up and walked to the rail, gripping it with both hands. She had never seen him so excited, got up herself, and put a hand on his shoulder. ‘Want me to come with you?’

      ‘Hell no, there’s no need for that.’

      ‘Billy and Mary could run things here.’

      He shook his head. ‘I’ll be back in a few days. Four at the most.’

      ‘Fine,’ she managed a smile. ‘Then we’d better get back to the house and I’ll help you pack.’

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