Breaking Bailey's Rules. Brenda Jackson

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Breaking Bailey's Rules - Brenda Jackson

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child as they’d assumed. She was certain there were even more Westmoreland relatives out there, other than the Outlaws, since they had recently discovered that Raphel and Reginald had an older brother by a different mother.

      In Walker’s estimation, the search initiated by the Westmorelands to find relatives had been a sincere and heartfelt effort to locate family. It had nothing to do with elbowing in on the Outlaws’ wealth or sabotaging Jess’s chances of becoming an Alaskan senator, as Bart assumed.

      Walker moved away from the window the exact moment his cell phone rang. He frowned when he saw the caller was none other than Bart Outlaw. Why would the old man be calling him?

      “Yes, Bart?”

      “So what have you found out, son?”

      Walker almost laughed out loud. Son? He shook his head. The only time Bart was extranice was when someone had something he wanted. And Walker knew Bart wanted information. Unfortunately, Bart wouldn’t like what Walker had to say, since Bart hated being wrong.

      “Found out about what, Bart?” Walker asked, deciding to be elusive. He definitely wouldn’t tell Bart anything before talking to Garth.

      He heard the grumble in Bart’s voice when he said, “You know what, Walker. I’m well aware of the reason Garth sent you to Denver. I hope you’ve found out something to discredit them.”

      Walker lifted a brow. “Discredit them?”

      “Yes. The last thing the Outlaws need are people popping up claiming to be relatives and accusing us of being who we aren’t.”

      “By that you mean saying you’re Westmorelands instead of Outlaws?”

      “Yes. We are Outlaws. My grandfather was Noah Outlaw. It’s his blood that’s running through my veins and no other man’s. I want you to remember that, Walker, and I want you to do whatever you have to do to make sure I’m right.”

      Walker shook his head at the absurdity of what Bart was saying. “How am I to do that, Bart?”

      “Find a way and keep this between us. There’s no reason to mention anything to Garth.” Then he hung up.

      Frowning, Walker held the cell phone in his hand for a minute. That was just like Bart. He gave an order and expected it to be followed. No questions asked. Shaking his head, Walker placed a call to Garth, who picked up on the second ring.

      “Yes, Walker? How are things going?”

      “Your father just called. We might have a problem.”

      * * *

      “I heard Walker Rafferty is a looker.”

      Bailey lifted the coffee cup to her lips as Josette slid into the seat across from her. Sharing breakfast was something they did at least two to three times a week, their schedules permitting. Josette was a freelance auditor whose major client was the hospital where Bailey’s sister Megan worked as a doctor of anesthesiology.

      “I take it you saw Megan this morning,” Bailey said, wishing she could refute what Josette had heard. Unfortunately, she couldn’t because it was true. Walker was a looker. Sinfully so.

      “Yes, I had an early appointment at the hospital this morning and ran into your sister. She was excited that the Outlaws had reached out to your family.”

      Bailey rolled her eyes. “Sending someone instead of coming yourself is not what I consider reaching out. One of the Outlaws should have come themselves. Sending someone else is so tacky.”

      “Yes, but they could have ignored the situation altogether. Some people get touchy when others claim them as family. You never know the reason behind it.”

      Since Bailey and Josette were pretty much regulars at McKays, the waitress slid a cup of coffee in front of Josette, who smiled up at the woman. “Thanks, Amanda.” After taking a sip, Josette turned her attention back to Bailey. “So tell me about him.”

      “Not much to tell. He looks okay. Seems nice enough.”

      “That’s all you know about him, that he looks okay and seems nice enough?”

      “Is there something else I should know?”

      “Yes. Is he single? Married? Divorced? Have any children? What does he do for a living? Does he still live with his mother?”

      Bailey smiled. “I didn’t ask his marital status but can only assume he’s single because he wasn’t wearing a ring. As far as what he does for a living, he’s a rancher. I do know that much. He raises bison.”

      “I take it he wasn’t too talkative.”

      Bailey took another sip of coffee as she thought of the time she’d spent with Walker yesterday. “He was okay. We had a polite conversation.”

      “Polite?” Josette asked with a chuckle. “You?”

      Bailey grinned. She could see why Josette found that amusing. Bailey wasn’t known for being polite. “I promised Dillon I’d be on my best behavior even if it killed me.” She glanced at her watch. “I’ve got to run. I’m meeting with the reporter taking my old job at nine.”

      “Okay, see you later.”

      After Bailey walked out of the restaurant, she couldn’t help but think about Josette’s questions. There was a lot Bailey didn’t know about Walker.

      She’d remedy that when she saw him later.

      * * *

      Walker was standing in front of Dillon’s barn when Bailey’s truck pulled up. Moments later he watched as she got out of the vehicle. Although he tried to ignore it, he felt a deep flutter in the pit of his stomach at seeing her again. Today, like yesterday, he was very much aware of how sensuous she looked. Being attracted to her shouldn’t be anything he couldn’t handle. So why was he having a hard time doing so?

      Why had he awakened that morning looking for her at the breakfast table, assuming she lived with Dillon and his wife, since she didn’t have her own place? Later, he’d found out from her brother Ramsey that Bailey floated, living with whichever of her brothers, sisters or cousins best fit her current situation. But now that most of her relatives had married, she stayed in her sister Gemma’s house since Gemma and her husband, Callum, had their primary home in Australia.

      He continued to watch her, somewhat surprised by his own actions. He wasn’t usually the type to waste his time ogling a woman. But with Bailey it couldn’t be helped. There was something about her that demanded a man’s attention regardless of whether he wanted to give it or not. Her brothers and cousins would probably skin him alive if they knew just where his thoughts were going right now.

      The cold weather didn’t seem to bother her as she moved away from the truck without putting on her coat. Dressed in a long-sleeved shirt, a long pencil skirt that complimented her curves and a pair of black leather boots, she looked ready to walk the runway.

      Squinting in the sun, he watched as she walked around the truck, checking out each tire. She flipped her hair away from her shoulders, and he imagined running his fingers through every strand before urging her

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