Pregnant!: Prince and Future...Dad? / Expecting! / Millionaire Cop & Mum-To-Be. Christine Rimmer

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Pregnant!: Prince and Future...Dad? / Expecting! / Millionaire Cop & Mum-To-Be - Christine  Rimmer

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was a moment. The two sisters looked at each other, both of them wondering what their brothers had been like, both of them wishing for what was never going to be: their broken family whole again, their dead brothers alive…

      Finally Liv spoke. ‘‘I thought Elli had settled that.’’ Elli had questioned their father. She’d received Osrik’s assurance that there was nothing suspicious in the way either of their brothers had died. Elli had believed him. So did Liv. She wasn’t crazy about the man who’d suddenly decided to try being a father to his daughters. But her brothers had been everything to him. They were the children he had kept—his chance that his own blood would claim the throne of Gullandria when he could no longer rule. If someone had murdered them, Osrik would have tracked the killers down and seen to it they paid for their crimes in a big way.

      Brit said, ‘‘I want to look into the situation a little for myself.’’

      ‘‘You still think there’s something…not right?’’

      ‘‘I don’t know. I just want to check around some more.’’

      Liv wasn’t so sure she liked the idea of Brit snooping around a strange country on her own. ‘‘What do you mean, ‘check around’?’’

      ‘‘Just what I said. Ask some questions.’’

      ‘‘Of whom?’’

      ‘‘Well, I’m not sure yet—but did you know that Kaarin Karlsmon and Valbrand were an item?’’

      Liv didn’t. ‘‘Before he disappeared at sea?’’

      ‘‘You got it.’’

      ‘‘Who told you that?’’

      ‘‘I asked around. It’s common knowledge.’’

      The lady Kaarin was jarl—of noble birth—a slim, graceful redhead perhaps a year or two older than the princesses. Kaarin was always meticulously turned out in gorgeous designer clothes and she made herself available to Liv and Brit whenever they asked for her. Cheerfully, Kaarin would accompany them anywhere they wanted to go; she’d provide lively chatter and well-bred companionship.

      The strap on Brit’s top had slid down her shoulder. She pushed it back in place. ‘‘You have to admit, it’s odd she never even mentioned that she and Valbrand had a thing going on.’’

      ‘‘Oh, Brit. Come on. I can think of several reasons why she wouldn’t want to talk about it. Especially if she really cared for him. It’s probably painful for her, to go into it—and I don’t see how her relationship with him could have had anything to do with his death.’’

      ‘‘I’m only saying, there’s a lot we don’t know—a lot I want to find out.’’

      ‘‘I don’t like it.’’

      ‘‘Well, I can’t help that.’’

      Liv got the message. Brit had made her decision and no matter what Liv said, Brit would not change her mind.

      ‘‘Fine.’’ Liv pointed at the phone on the nightstand. ‘‘Call Mom yourself. Now.’’

      Brit groaned. ‘‘Livvy, it’s barely seven in the morning there.’’

      ‘‘So you’ll be sure to catch her. I can’t stop you from sticking your nose in where I doubt it belongs. But I’m not getting stuck telling Mom what you’re up to because you just never manage to get around to calling her.’’

      ‘‘I will tell her.’’

      Liv only waited.

      Finally Brit muttered a couple of bad words and reached for the phone.

      Ingrid didn’t take the news well. She insisted on speaking to Liv. Brit was only too eager to pass Liv the phone.

      Liv was treated to her mother’s frantic voice uttering an endless series of pleas and demands that she make her crazy baby sister come home. Powerless to do any such thing, Liv babbled a bunch of meaningless placating noises and waited for Ingrid to wind down.

      Liv hung up the phone. ‘‘I’ve got a splitting headache and I’m going back to sleep.’’

      Brit took the tray, her laptop and her M&M’s and tiptoed out.

      Liv scooted down and pulled the covers over her head. Lord, what a weekend. Elli had married a huge, tattooed Viking berserker, she herself had spent the night in a field having wild sex with a virtual stranger, and Brit had pushed their mother to the verge of a nervous breakdown. What more delights might be in store?

      Liv didn’t want to know. She spent the remainder of the day and the evening in her rooms, avoiding any possibility of running into Finn, nursing the queasy end of her hangover, feeling totally fed up with herself and her sisters and the world in general, longing only for the next day when she’d be on the way home.

      Liv woke in the middle of the night. Her eyes popped open—wide. She was going to be sick again.

      With a miserable cry, she threw back the covers and sprinted for the bathroom.

      Brit found her a few minutes later, hugging the toilet—again.

      As she had the morning before, Brit stayed close. When it was finally over, she turned on the light and handed Liv a cool wet washcloth.

      Liv bathed her face, then chucked the washcloth toward the bathtub, flushed the toilet a final time and pushed herself upright, grabbing the edge of the wide sink basin when she swayed a little on her feet.

      ‘‘Livvy, maybe you shouldn’t—’’

      She gestured for silence. ‘‘Toothpaste,’’ she said. ‘‘Toothbrush…’’

      Brit helped her, getting the tube and squirting a line of paste on the brush while Liv clutched the sink rim and wondered why her head wouldn’t stop spinning.

      ‘‘Here.’’ Brit took Liv’s right hand and wrapped it around the base of the toothbrush.

      Liv looked down at the bristles, the neat line of mint-green paste. Doubtful, she thought. Her hand was shaking.

      ‘‘Oh, Livvy. What’s the matter? What is going on?’’

      Liv was wondering the same thing. Her hangover had faded hours ago. So she must really be sick now. Terrific. Just what she needed with a long flight ahead of her: a bad case of some awful stomach bug.

      She looked over to tell Brit not to worry. She was okay, just a bug of some kind.

      But her mouth stayed shut. Her fingers went nerveless; the toothbrush clattered into the sink at the same time her other hand let go of the rim. Then her knees gave way. She sank to the cool smooth tiles of the floor as, far in the distance, she heard Brit frantically calling her name.

       Chapter Three

      Liv opened her eyes. She was flat on her

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