Not-So-Secret Baby. Jo Leigh

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Not-So-Secret Baby - Jo Leigh

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about her, that he’d put everything in jeopardy. So what if her reasons had been more complicated?

      His gaze went to the boy. How had he gotten here? Nick hadn’t heard a word about it. Why not? Why hadn’t Todd filled him in? Sweet had clearly known, but then, Sweet knew everything. Almost everything. He hadn’t known Nick had helped Jenny escape, or Nick would have been a corpse a long time ago.

      Where was he, anyway? Todd couldn’t itch without Sweet scratching, and yet, here was this tender reunion scene and Henry Sweet was nowhere to be seen.

      This whole situation stunk. And with what was coming down, Nick had better get to the bottom of it damn fast.

      “You look like hell.”

      Nick shifted his attention to Todd. It was like old times, the way the man looked at Jenny. Todd was made of granite, except when he was around her. Nick had never met anyone who could master his emotions like C. Randall Todd. It was one of the things that made him so dangerous. And yet as he sat there on the edge of his bed, his face showed his lust, his need, his anger. So vividly, Nick had to stop himself from grabbing Jenny and the kid and running like hell.

      Had she really come back to this of her own volition? Impossible. Obviously, Todd had found her, found out about his son, and from that moment there wasn’t a force on earth that could have stopped him from getting the boy.

      Todd considered himself the ruler of all he surveyed. And what could be more important to a ruler than an heir to the empire?

      Jenny stood, holding fiercely to her son. “What I look like is no concern of yours.”

      Todd smiled. Nick felt his blood chill. Damn it, what was she thinking? She knew better than to provoke him.

      “Get out, Nick. But don’t go far. You’ll be helping Jenny move into her old suite.”

      “Yes, sir,” he said. There was nothing else he could say. He glanced at Jenny, but her attention was fully on Todd. It didn’t matter. He had to go. Now. He was in no position to help her. Not today. Not at all.

      Jenny was on her own.

      SHE HEARD THE DOOR behind her open and close behind Nick. Her bravado faltered, badly. Todd’s gaze was enough to put the fear of the devil in anyone, but she knew, she remembered too intensely, just who she was facing.

      “When we met, I thought your impertinence was charming. That was a long time ago.”

      “I’m still me, Todd. That’s something you can’t change.”

      “No?” He rose. She’d forgotten just how formidable a man he was, as if her memories could only hold so much of him and no more. At six foot two, he was a little shorter than Nick, but his attitude made him seem huge. He’d kept trim, which didn’t surprise her. He had a personal trainer, played tennis and golf, swam daily. He took pride in his body and, just like everything else of his, it had to be a little better, a little stronger. He looked years younger than fifty-eight, something he never tired of hearing.

      “No. I wish I could have been more…forthright about leaving, but the fundamental reasons haven’t changed at all. I don’t want to be here, Todd. You can have anyone. Anyone at all.”

      “That’s right. I can. And I want you.”

      He reached her side and it was all she could do to maintain her ground. She couldn’t give in to her terror. Not that he didn’t already know she was quaking inside. But she didn’t want Patrick to see. He was scared enough as it was.

      “Mommy, I want to go home.”

      She kissed his pale forehead. “I know, sweetie. Me, too.”

      Todd smiled at the boy, showing off his even, white teeth. Perfect. Fake. “You are home. This is your new home, son.”

      “He’s not—” Jenny stopped herself. She’d gone over it and over it since the moment Patrick had disappeared. She didn’t dare tell Todd that Patrick wasn’t his. He wouldn’t believe her; he’d insist on proof. Once he discovered that Nick was Patrick’s father, the two of them were dead. What she didn’t know, and didn’t dare find out, is if it would also mean Patrick’s death. Unthinkable, but Todd was just vicious enough to do something that heinous.

      “He doesn’t understand,” she said feebly.

      “Then we’ll help him understand, won’t we?” Todd declared, reaching out with his long fingers.

      She flinched, but he only touched the side of her cheek. She closed her eyes, held Patrick tighter.

      “Before you arrived, I explained to Patrick that I’m his father. That we’ll become very good friends. That he’ll have the best of everything from this moment forward. The best tutors, the best toys. And you, Jenny, will pull yourself together.” He looked her up and down, shaking his head as if her jeans were a personal affront.

      “You’re back with me now.”

      She bit back a smart-ass retort. It wouldn’t help things. God, the helplessness was like drowning. How could she take it? “I didn’t bring any clothes.”

      “There are some in your suite, and we’ll get more when the time comes.” A moment passed with his gaze burning into hers. He arched a white brow, waiting.

      “Yes, sir,” she said, making sure her voice sounded small, weak.

      “Good. Now, go with Nick and get settled. I’ve put the boy next door to you, along with his nanny. I’ll expect you back here in an hour. Alone. We need to set some ground rules.” He smiled at her, but not with the warmth he’d shown Patrick. This was a feral smile, filled with the cruelty she’d learned to dread. “And we have some unfinished business to take care of, yes?”

      She bit her lower lip to stop it from trembling as she nodded.

      He leaned down and kissed her cheek, his breath a combination of mint and cloves that resurrected more of her past. She’d tried so hard to forget. But some horrors are not forgotten, ever.

      He patted Patrick on the head. “Go. You haven’t much time. And, Jenny, I want your hair down.”

      She turned, too fast. His hand was jolted from Patrick’s head. She’d pay for that sin, too.

      NICK LEANED against the open door of the last suite on the private floor, next to a middle-aged woman he’d just met, waiting for Jenny and Patrick. The woman, Regina Norris, was a professional nanny, British, who, she’d just told him, had once taken care of William and Harry, when the princess had been alive. Of late, she’d overseen the three children of a British Lord, and had come to America after being lured by an unimaginable sum by C. Randall Todd. Nick was faintly surprised. He’d have figured Todd would find someone more malleable for the job of watching his heir. Someone, say, from an old European family, but then again, it was his only son. Never settle for anything but the best, that was Todd’s credo.

      She looked like a nice woman. Well-kempt, prim. Sort of a Maggie Smith type. He quelled the urge to tell her to get out before it was too late. Before she made a mistake that could cost her everything. It wasn’t his business.

      Unfortunately, Todd had made Jenny Nick’s business once again. He’d

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