Don't brood, be happy. Simone Janson

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Don't brood, be happy - Simone Janson

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it is the output of the wusel or you have reduced it or increased it, you will consciously perceive the moment when you have the impression that the appropriate size is the right one. The reason is not of interest here. It is only your perception that you should trust in this case.

      The Wusel Zoom

      Then switch to the next slider, which - similar to a photo lens - allows you to zoom around the wusel, thus reducing the distance between you and the wusel.

      You can also zoom out the wusel, thus increasing the distance between you and the wusel. Then select the appropriate setting that best suits you.

      The brightness control

      Does the brightness fit? If not, try to find out what happens when you use the brightness control. Brighter, darker, no problem. You determine what you like best.

      Color and sharpness

      There are many other controls that can change your visual perception of the wusel: you can focus the wusel, but also blurred.

      You can display it in monochrome, but also multicolored. You can change the colors. Treat yourself to the fun of trying each regulator in turn.

      Re-dress the wusel

      Have you already discovered the many small buttons on the dashboard? With these you can re-dress the Wusel, of course only if it fits into your imagination of the Wusel.

      The selection of buttons is great: sailor suit, clown costume, cowboy hat, light sword, astronaut suit, wizard hat, school bag, balloons, sunglasses, cardboard nose ... There is something for every Wusel here. In short, you can change the shawl the way you like it.

      The sliders for the sound

      Do you remember the voice of the Wusel? There are, of course, controls too. You can make the voice loud but also quiet. They can make them very high and even squeaky, or even very deep. Mainly, you have the impression that the voice so now better fits the wuschel, so you like it better.

      Do not take the wig seriously

      A client of mine did not change the voice of the Wusel, but linked the music from the Sesamstraße children's series. Since it was a whisper, with a very childish logic, she could always smile when the wusel began to play his usual game.

      Because together with the music from Sesame Street, she could no longer take the bustle of the hustle and bustle seriously. By the way of this example, you will notice that your imagination has no limits when it comes to changing the hustle and bustle.

      What to do with aggressive wusels?

      Even if this is really rare: Here is an important note in the event that your Wusel is a particularly aggressive item.

      They can also look at the wusel after its discovery by a thick pane of safety glass, lock it in a cage or hide it in Aladin's miracle lamp or something similar.

      The result

      After the first meeting with the Wusel, you have already made the first steps towards the change. Although they have not yet altered their actions, they have only changed the appearance, but in some cases this can also lead to a perhaps surprising improvement in the behavior of the Wusel.

      I used to know a scraper myself who appeared in my office at the worst moments, for example when I actually wanted to concentrate on a concept.

      Some things are not that complicated

      When I had put on a muddy trousers for this very childish muddle in my mind, and had placed a gorgeous Bonbonniere mentally on my desk, the solution was already there.

      Because whenever the Wusel went in and wanted to unwind his usual behavior, I put him in my slumber in the muddy pants, he could still choose a sweetie and then went out for him to play on the next playground.

      Sometimes things may not be as complicated as they look at first glance.

       Text comes from: Wuselmanagement: Wie Sie Selbstsabotage vermeiden und den inneren Kritiker für sich gewinnen (2013) by Claudia Hupprich, published by BusinessVillage Verlag, Reprints by friendly permission of the publisher.

      Negative thinking affects success: I'm stupid and the world is going under?

      // By Jens Korz

      Dealing with our own mindset should not be missing if you are seriously concerned with improving your self-efficacy. Because all too often we are most in the way of our own success.

      The fear of the future

      Excessive pessimism according to the motto "Help, the world is going under" or simply seeing black or catastrophizing is another hurdle that stands in the way of our personal success - and which can also be followed in Germany in the current refugee debate.

      The thought that what we're going to do will end up in a disaster is a mind-killer where we basically assume that the future holds something unpleasant. This creates a kind of fear of tomorrow. It contradicts any rational reality, but some of us like to make the famous mosquito an elephant.

      From the mosquito to the elephant

      In us, a sense of life of existential insecurity arises, and thus every event in our life is experienced as the harbinger of a terrible destruction scenario.

      Some also say that it is a typical German thought to perceive the world always badly and filled by catastrophes. But in any case, as a result of the development of one 's own personality, such a mistake of thinking is like a bankruptcy.

      Bankruptcy of the personality

      Reorientations are virtually impossible, because we are in a kind of sacrifice, which is best described with an omnipotent impotence. We are in the sacrificial land and can not do anything about it since every attempt to get out of this condition will end up in a catastrophe.

      I experience this thinking with my clients over and over again. People come to me because they are dissatisfied, but do not want to change their own situation because they believe that the new situation would be an even bigger disaster. This way of thinking creates a kind of endless loop from which a person can rarely free himself alone.

      Resignation instead of change

      There are enough examples in our everyday lives for catastrophic thinking. Take a look around or have a look at yourself.

       How many people cling to relationships that make them unhappy?

       How many keep their jobs,

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