Tough Justice: Betrayed (Part 7 Of 8). Tyler Anne Snell

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Tough Justice: Betrayed (Part 7 Of 8) - Tyler Anne Snell Harlequin

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quiet. His earlier sour mood at working with Xander hadn’t dissipated. In fact, he seemed more agitated than before. Not that Lara could blame the man. She bet she didn’t look so cheerful either. When he realized all eyes were on him, he continued. “This is Cass we’re talking about here. We know her, and now we’re trying to say she’s some big criminal mastermind? She may have done some crazy shit, but she isn’t responsible for all the deaths, Mei’s included.” His whole demeanor seemed to slam down on that point. Absolute belief in his words. “No way, I don’t believe that for a second.”

      Lara was about to agree with that sentiment when Victoria spoke up. The rings beneath her eyes told a very clear story of no sleep and unending hard work. A part of her team had been killed. No matter how much she believed in the healing powers of resting, she wasn’t having any of it herself.

      “I agree with you to a point,” she started. “But the sad fact of the matter is, if you snap, you snap.” The room quieted as she let her words sink in. Not even Ty defended against their blunt truth. “And if Cass has snapped, then that isn’t good for her and especially not good for us. We don’t know what she’s capable of, but I have my suspicions, as well as I’m sure you all do, that a woman with her intelligence and skills could do some damage if she wanted. So, Lara, you will go meet her at the location she provided, while the rest of us will set up around the perimeter as backup. We’ll even pull in some more bodies to help. We will take every precaution available to us. You will wear a wire, and at the first sign of any trouble, team member or not, we will take her down. Is that understood?” The question wasn’t just aimed at Lara. It blanketed the room.

      One by one they all agreed.

      “Good. Now let’s get us some fucking answers for once.”

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