Our First Dance. Judy Lynn Hubbard

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Our First Dance - Judy Lynn Hubbard Mills & Boon Kimani

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because he really hadn’t understood it himself; telling Natasha in person had just been something he had wanted to do, and so he had. No big deal.

      Shaking his head, he started down the hallway in the opposite direction. He had a million things to do before rehearsal started, and standing around contemplating his uncharacteristic behavior regarding Natasha wasn’t one of them.

      * * *

      An hour and a half later, Natasha along with the other dancers stood in the main auditorium listening to Damien welcome them to the troupe.

      “Good morning, everyone.” Damien received echoing responses from the occupants of the room and continued. “First let me congratulate all of you on beating out stiff competition for your respective parts.” He glanced at Natasha. “You are all here because you are the best and for no other reason.”

      He placed an arm around Rachel’s shoulders, and hers went around his waist. “You all know Rachel Weston, casting director,” Damien continued, “who is responsible in large part for your jobs.”

      “I’m highly susceptible to bribes—preferably chocolate.” Rachel smiled, causing a round of laughter. “I’m glad to be working with all of you, and if this guy gives you any trouble, I’ll do my best to get you out of it.”

      “I believe in hard work, and you may even come to think of me as an ogre.” He paused, allowing his words to sink in.

      “Truer words…” Rachel promised, causing another round of laughter, including Damien’s.

      “You keep me out of this.” Damien affectionately scowled at her before continuing. “But I promise you once it’s all over, the finished product will speak highly for itself.” He glanced at his dancers, focusing on Natasha. “I’m going to drive you hard—probably harder than you’ve ever been driven before,” he promised. “I apologize now for anything I might do to anger or offend anyone, because in two minutes when rehearsal starts, I’m sorry are two words you will never hear from me.” He walked back center stage and his facial expression hardened slightly. “I’m a perfectionist, and I’ll demand perfection from each of you. I’ll receive it, or you won’t be here,” he sternly promised. “Any questions?” When none was forthcoming, he clapped his hands. “Okay, let’s get to work.”

      “Let the fun begin.” Rachel laughed as Damien joined her in front of the stage.

      “Let’s start with the ensembles.” Damien began organizing groups. “The lead dancers should follow Ron and Carla, our assistant choreographers.” He waved the group, including Natasha, away.

      * * *

      Natasha and fifteen other dancers entered a large white room whose walls were lined with brown wooden benches and ballet barres. She tightened the belt of her white wraparound skirt, glancing up as a male dancer approached her.

      “Hi.” He extended his hand. “I’m Dennis, your partner.”

      “Hi.” She shook his hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”

      “You too.” His appreciative eyes traveled over her face and body.

      Natasha smiled tolerantly into his wolfish smiling eyes. It seemed she would have to put him in his place as she had numerous other partners in the past. He was tall, about six feet, with short black hair and dark brown skin. He definitely had a dancer’s body. She couldn’t help comparing him with Damien, who was a few inches taller and much more muscled and oh so more appealing.

      “I can’t wait to dance with you.”

      “We’ll have plenty of opportunity for that.”

      “Hmm.” He bobbed his eyebrows. “That suits me just fine.”

      “Dennis.” She shook her head in remonstration. “We’re here to work.” She paused for emphasis before concluding, “And that’s all I intend to do with you.”

      He sighed dramatically. “A guy can dream, can’t he?”

      She laughed. “Just make sure you can distinguish between fantasy and reality.”

      He grabbed her hand. “You’re gonna give me an inferiority complex.”

      She chuckled. “I don’t think there’s much chance of that, Romeo.”

      He brought her hand to his lips. “You know, Juliet, I think I like you.”

      “I like you too, as a friend. Got it?”

      “Got it,” he echoed, kissing her cheek lingeringly. “But it’s your loss.”

      “I think I’ll survive.” She playfully tapped his cheek, and he covered her hand with his before bringing it to his lips.

      Damien chose that moment to stick his head in, and his eyes narrowed at the apparent intimate scene between Natasha and Dennis, though he made no comment. He couldn’t blame the guy for being attracted to Natasha, but it seemed he would have to set Dennis straight about his strict no-fraternizing rule for his dancers; they were here to work, not engage in romance.

      “Dennis, Natasha, let’s try the courting dance.”

      Their heads turned in unison at his voice, and they moved to the center of the room. With Damien watching attentively, they performed the entire dance. “That was good, but I need it to be snappier and sexier.” Damien walked over to them and took Natasha’s hand. “Let me show you what I mean.”

      An effortless tug of his hand twirled her toward him and they began to dance. She vaguely registered the females were all swooning over him, and frankly she couldn’t blame them. They didn’t perform any strenuous moves, just teasing, testing, dancing close and moving away. They danced seductively, performing the same moves she had just done with Dennis; however, what had seemed tame with Dennis was positively scandalous with Damien. He touched her possessively as if it was his right, and their bodies were the perfect complements moving in complete sexy synchronization.

      He suddenly pulled her to him tightly before almost throwing her away again. She pirouetted back en pointes on the top of her toes elegantly before darting away. She leaped toward him, and he caught her midair and then allowed her to slide ever so slowly down his hard muscled body, ensuring that she felt every wonderful inch of his unbending strength against her giving softness. Their eyes met and held hypnotically for several intense seconds that seemed like hours. The breath caught in her throat when his head levitated toward hers slightly as if he was going to kiss her.

      He held her close for earth-shattering seconds before reluctantly releasing her. “See what I mean?”

      “Yes, I think so.” Dennis nodded in agreement.

      “Yes,” Natasha softly echoed.

      She moved into Dennis’s arms and noticed the immediate difference between the two men. Damien’s powerful touch diminished Dennis’s still-capable hands. She and Dennis mimicked the dance over and over again to perfect it. Damien fought down rising jealousy as they danced, as he had instructed and silently shouted at himself that this was about business; it wasn’t personal. They were giving him and, more important, the dance what was required, and he had to remember that. Forcing himself to watch them objectively, he made them repeat the dance until he was satisfied with

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