Provocative Territory. AlTonya Washington

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Provocative Territory - AlTonya Washington Mills & Boon Kimani

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No doubt she would notice him soon. It had never been easy for him to blend into the shadows, so he had never tried.

      Besides, Eli thought, the woman in his line of sight clearly had her mind set on seeking out Stan. Her steps picked up trace amounts of speed and sound as she searched around corners and the tall racks of clothing cluttering the fitting room.

      Elias appreciated her preoccupation, for it allowed him the chance to observe her unaware. The phone vibrated once in his hand to signal a new text or email coming through. It was promptly ignored.

      Using one word to describe Elias Joss, it would have to have been workaholic. Elias smiled at the familiar dig his partners never failed to sing in his presence. They knew him well enough, however, to agree that work always took a backseat when the opportunity arose to conduct an appraisal of the feminine form.

      And this one certainly demanded a closer, longer look Elias decided. His uncommon gaze surveyed the abundant curves beneath the provocatively cut dress gloving the woman’s Coke-bottle frame. Elias found himself appreciating the day’s forecast. The chill of autumn had not yet set in and many were enjoying the unseasonable warmth of the climate.

      The dress on Stanford’s appealing visitor was appropriate enough for business wear yet Eli surmised that the woman in his midst couldn’t have managed strictly business wear if she tried. Her body simply would not allow for that.

      She wasn’t quite short enough to be classed as such. He seriously wondered if the fullness of her ample bottom and bustline would even allow her to shop in the petite section. Elias cleared his throat to mask a softer, more basic sound which was gathering there. Subtle nudges of arousal were beginning to rattle his hormones.

      * * *

      The throat being cleared in the distance caught Clarissa David’s ear and she turned suddenly, expecting to find Stanford Crothers. The man who met her gaze instead literally stopped her.

      Taking a moment to size him up was the obvious next move. He definitely merited a closer, longer look. It was then that she heard the warning call of her name resounding in her head. The tone was reminiscent of the one Clarissa’s aunt used whenever Clarissa had said, done or was contemplating doing something that would make her look like a fool. Besides, she had more important things to take care of than drooling over one of her tailor’s clients. She did make a move toward the stranger, though. Perhaps he could help her locate the man in question.

      “Hello.” Clarissa nodded as she stepped closer and was again stopped by the extraordinary color of the stranger’s eyes. The blue-green orbs against the warm, rich caramel color of his complexion was an interesting mix.

      Okay this was just unfair, Clarissa issued the silent complaint. How was she not supposed to drool over this guy when he was a walking enticement?

      Clarissa... The warning tone resumed inside her head. Still, she indulged in a few additional moments of appraising the silent stranger’s unquestionably captivating face and broad frame.

      “I’m looking for Stanford Crothers,” she said eventually. “Is he anywhere around? His staff sent me down.” Clarissa pointed toward the ceiling to indicate the main floor of the shop.

      She waited a beat before tilting her head a fraction. The stranger was taking his time about answering. Clarissa found herself celebrating the fact that she wasn’t the only one having trouble talking.

      Elias’s silence was due mainly to the fact that he was standing there cursing himself over his rotten luck. The woman with the provocative body had an even more provocative face framed by the chic cut of her dark hair. It was who that exceptional face reminded him of that had him scrutinizing the current state of his misfortune.

      Thankfully, Stanford was returning to the cutting room floor. Elias shifted his gaze, barely tilting his head in silent reply to Clarissa’s query.

      Understandably curious about the stranger’s demeanor, Clarissa forced her mind back to her purpose for being there. She looked in the direction the man had glanced and her smile held more than its fair share of relief when she saw Stan.

      Stan, equally thrilled to see Clarissa, spread his arms wide. “Sunshine!” he greeted while enveloping her in a bear hug.

      “Stan.” Clarissa closed her eyes while cherishing the squeeze. “Sorry for just dropping in. I didn’t mean to interrupt you with a customer.” She glanced toward Elias, who had been observing the exchange between her and Stan.

      “Nonsense,” Stan balked, leaning back to smile down at Clarissa. “Never an interruption when it’s you.” His expression changed a bit as his eyes shifted between the two younger people. “Have you two met?” he asked.

      Clarissa shook her head. Elias merely looked over at Stan before bringing his gaze again to Clarissa.

      “Well, then.” Stan took Clarissa’s arm and led her over to remedy the situation. “This is Miss Clarissa David.”

      “David,” Elias repeated, a slight surprise holding his rich voice.

      Perceptive to a fault, Clarissa’s expression took on a knowing element. “Were you expecting a different last name? Perhaps Beaumont?”

      “Has anyone ever told you that you look like her? Like Jazmina Beaumont?” Eli questioned in a tone that was half awed and partly accusing.

      “Well, Clarissa should be the image of the woman!” Stan’s bellowing intruded. “She’s her aunt.”

      Elias responded with a lengthy nod as though he were resigning himself to the fact.

      “And you are?” Clarissa prompted.

      “Sorry, Clarissa, this is Mr. Elias Joss.”

      It was Clarissa’s turn to ease her curiosity. “Are you related to Joss Construction?”

      “Started by his daddy back in the seventies.” Stanford’s information sharing showed no signs of quelling.

      Clarissa’s dusky brown eyes narrowed a tad as she appeared to be assessing the new detail, but she made no additional comment. Instead, she turned to Stan. “By any chance is my dress ready?”

      “Lordy me.” Stan laid a hand against the soft salt-and-pepper whiskers that dusted the lower half of his face. “Did I miss a deadline?”

      “Oh, no, no, Stan, nothing like that.” Clarissa’s head shake warded off the man’s concerns. “I was on this end for another meeting so I thought I’d stop by and check on it before heading out to Jaz’s for a long weekend.”

      Stan rubbed his whiskers. “Well, there’s some stitching that needs to be completed but I expect that’ll be done in time for a Tuesday delivery before closing.”

      “Oh, that’s perfect.” Clarissa clasped her hands but winced. “Are you sure it won’t put you behind with your other clients?” She chanced a look at Elias Joss who still regarded her with unreadable eyes.

      Stan threw up a hand to wave dismissively. “You don’t even worry your pretty li’l self over that, you hear?”

      “Thanks, Stan.” Clarissa was beaming once again. “I hate to rush off, but you know how Jaz can get.”


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