Italian Tycoon, Secret Son. Lucy Gordon

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Italian Tycoon, Secret Son - Lucy Gordon Mills & Boon Romance

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softly, ‘I know just the oil to use.’

      ‘You think I’d be foolish to try my luck any further?’

      ‘Very foolish.’

      Renzo leaned forwards so that his mouth was close to hers. ‘A brave man would put that to the test.’

      ‘How brave are you?’

      ‘Shaking in my shoes.’

      The next step was so easy. She had only to say the word and she would be in his arms, his mouth on hers, relishing the kiss for which he’d been cleverly preparing her.

       Preparing her!

      Mandy froze as knowledge hit her like lightning.

      It was a game, a trick, and she’d walked into it with her eyes open. He’d probably taken a bet with himself that he could lure her into dropping her defences. And she’d fallen for it. Nearly.

      ‘Shaking in your shoes, hmm?’ she mused. ‘Well, I think that’s a very good idea. If you knew what I was thinking right now, you’d really shiver.’


      ‘Don’t treat me like a fool, Renzo. I know what you’re up to, and I’m ahead of you. You did it well, I admit, but not quite well enough.’

      ‘You think I’m—’

      ‘Just fooling. Admit it.’

      ‘Well—’he seemed to consider ‘—since you saw through me so easily, I guess that’s it. I might as well give up.’

      ‘You and Henry both,’ she said firmly.

      After that there was nothing to do but walk casually back indoors, bid a cheerful goodnight to everyone, go to bed, and lie staring into the darkness wondering if she was going mad.

      * * *

      The sun rose on another bright day and, to Mandy’s relief, the ghosts of the night before were dispelled. He’d laid a trap, she’d weakened but seen the danger in time. The world was good again.

      Renzo seemed to have forgotten about the night before. He had some words of advice for each of them.

      To Mandy he said, ‘Don’t rush it. You climb as if you’re always trying to prove something. Just take it easy.’

      They all set out cheerfully, taking deep breaths of the clear air, relishing the day to come.

      As they trod carefully along a narrow ridge, Mandy began to fantasise about reaching the top. How incredibly blue the sky was, how wonderful it would feel to be there! Entranced, she let her thoughts drift.

      Suddenly the ground, so firm beneath her a moment ago, simply ceased to exist. For a blinding moment the steep slope stretched away, yawning into the depths of infinity. Snow and sky became one, swirling sickeningly back and forth. Then the world steadied again. She was being drawn upwards, supported around her waist by an arm that seemed to be made of steel.

      ‘All right?’ said Renzo’s voice.

      She lay on her back, looking up into the heavens, her heart thundering, while the universe fell into its right place again.

      ‘What happened?’ she gasped.

      ‘You slithered, but it’s all right now,’ he said in a reassuring voice. ‘Take a few deep breaths. No rush.’

      ‘I’m fine,’ she said, sitting up.

      She began to get determinedly to her feet, accepting his support for a few moments. As they went on she put a brave face on it, but she felt shaken and it was a relief when Renzo said, ‘We’re not going so far today. There’s another hut soon up ahead. It’s not as grand as the one I was aiming for, but it’ll give us a much-needed rest.’

      Mandy was desperately glad. Weariness had caught up with her and there was a pain in her leg where she’d scraped it as she’d fallen. At last the hut came into view. As Renzo said, it was basic, but comfortable.

      In the bedroom, shared by four girls, Joan took charge of Mandy, helping her to undress and getting out her nightwear, a pair of pyjamas, consisting of a jacket and shorts, which revealed a long red mark down her calf.

      ‘Wow!’ Joan exclaimed.

      ‘It’s impressive, isn’t it?’ Mandy said, touching it gently. ‘It’s also sore.’

      There was a knock at the door and Renzo’s voice said, ‘Can I come in?’

      ‘Yes, fine,’ Joan called.

      ‘Joan, Peter’s looking for you,’ he said, entering. ‘I think he’s planning a romantic tryst in the moonlight. Shall I tell him you’re not interested?’

      ‘Don’t you dare,’ Joan said eagerly and slipped away.

      ‘Let me have a look at that leg,’ Renzo said.

      Mandy sat on the bed, swinging her legs up so that he could see the mark, and he seated himself, inspecting it critically and laying his hand over it.

      ‘It’ll be better when I’ve rubbed some of this in,’ he said, holding up a bottle.

      ‘What is it?’

      ‘Dr Renzo’s All Purpose Linctus is what you need. Stretch out.’

      His manner was so impersonal that it was easy to lean back, close her eyes and succumb to the soothing effect of his hands rubbing her leg rhythmically. It was wonderfully relaxing, and she soon felt warmth flowing through her.

      ‘Mmm!’ she said softly.



      ‘Got any more aches and pains?’

      ‘Everywhere,’ she murmured. ‘Neck, shoulders, arms, back—’

      ‘Turn over.’

      She did so and he continued massaging her back, sliding his hands under the cotton jacket until, almost without realizing what she was doing, she opened the buttons at the front and he pulled it off.

      How good it felt to have him massaging her spine, her shoulders, her neck, driving the strain away until she was floating in a cocoon of comfort. She was vaguely aware that she was being foolish, lying here, half naked, alone with a man who charmed his way through life. When he’d finished easing her ailments he would try once more to bring her under his spell, perhaps to avenge his defeat the night before.

      He’d do it by letting his hands wander just a little too far, drifting forwards to caress her breasts, pausing to see if she objected, but not really expecting it. Then she would have to be firm with him, which would be hard because she felt too contented to be firm about anything.

      ‘Right, that should do it,’ Renzo said, standing up. ‘I’ll send some food in,

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