Midnight Touch. Karen Kendall

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Midnight Touch - Karen Kendall Mills & Boon Blaze

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      “Oh, very flattering. I say something nice, and I’m told I need an eye appointment. I suppose I need a cane and some Viagra, as well?”

      “You tell me,” she said, before she could stop herself.

      “I’d be more than happy to show you that I don’t.”

      Kate experienced a flash of heat, but she just laughed.

      He cleared his throat. “It’s been a pleasure talking with you, my stiff-necked little Yankee. Enjoy your weekend.”

      “You, too.” Suddenly she didn’t want to end the conversation, but she’d already given the signal. She wondered what gorgeous, strapping Latin men did on weekends in Miami, then looked down at the row of juicy bottoms in their thongs again and decided she didn’t want to know.

      Despite her Harvard degree, Alejandro had the last word. “And Kate? While I maintain that I don’t need Viagra, you definitely need new shoes.”


      KATE STARED AT the forty-seven-pound miniature pot-bellied pig outside her building’s freight elevator. It stared right back with a porky little grin.

      “Meet Gracious,” said Alejandro, who had her on a leash just like a dog.

      Kate was torn between helplessly admiring his biceps and chest in the tight, black T-shirt he wore, and fascination with the animal. The men she knew wore loose golf attire or heavy, cable-knit wool sweaters. They didn’t look as if they’d stepped off the set of Miami Vice. And if they had anything on a leash, it was more likely to be a springer spaniel or a golden retriever, not Vietnamese livestock.

      Alejandro was perfectly proportioned, like a classical statue out of a coffee table art book. His torso stretched in a triangle from wide shoulders down to a trim waist over long, lean legs. Snug denim covered those. The black T-shirt was tucked into the jeans, he wore no belt, and on his feet were black European-style slip-on shoes of high-quality leather. The only other accessory he wore was that killer white smile of his. Oh, and the dreadful gold chain around his neck—but she decided to ignore that.

      “Gracious,” he said as they rode up to her floor in the elevator, “likes raisins, dried fruit, grapes, melon and veggies. Her favorite thing in the world is dried apricots.”

      Gracious was black with light brown eyes and fuzzier than Kate had expected, though the fuzz was wiry and her skin was visible in places. She had pink discolorations on her snout that looked like big freckles. Kate swallowed as the pig cocked her head at her and came forward to sniff at her ankles. She made a grunting noise and looked up at Kate with surprising intelligence. The animal was quite cute in a homely way.

      “How did you, er, meet Gracious?” Kate asked, starting to regret her impulsive decision to board the pig while Cousin Wendell mooched her guest room.

      “She belongs to my next-door neighbor, and periodically she gets under the fence and hangs out in my yard.”

      “And your neighbor is okay with loaning her out?”

      “He’s an artist with a great sense of humor. I told him that Gracious was needed for a family pest-control situation.” Alejandro grinned.

      They exited the elevator and walked to her apartment, where she unlocked the door and held it open. “You’re sure that Gracious is house-trained?”

      “Positive. She even has a litter box. She’ll also go outdoors, though. She’s happier outside during the day, but unless she has her baby pool it’s just too hot right now.”

      “Baby pool?”

      He nodded. “Pigs don’t sweat, and they overheat very easily. So my neighbor always has one of those kiddie pools going for her. You’ll need to take her for regular walks, twice a day minimum.”

      “Wendell will just love this.” Kate smirked.

      Alejandro handed her the pig’s leash while he hauled a bag of food and a large plastic under-bed storage container into her condo. “I’ll have to go back down for the litter. I left it in the car.” He took a moment to look around. “Nice place, Kate. But what do you sit on?”

      “The floor. I’ll get around to furniture one of these days.”

      “Where do you study? Do you pull a chair up to the stove?”

      “I read and work on my laptop in bed.”

      His eyes gleamed, and suddenly she had an image of his lean, muscular body and smooth brown skin against her cool white sheets. The moisture disappeared from her mouth; it felt filled with sand.

      She rejected the image. She was here in Miami to get an MBA and figure out who Just Kate was, not to party naked with a dangerously attractive, highly unsuitable Peruvian man. She didn’t want to lose her identity to some guy before she even had a handle on it herself. Especially not a guy who was so smooth that he could probably talk her clothes into flying off her body by themselves.

      Kate frowned and changed the subject, before she could reflect that partying naked with Alejandro could fit in quite nicely with that revolution she was planning—and might even lead straight to the table she wanted to dance on.

      “Gracious is probably here illegally. I doubt the zoning in this building allows livestock, so I’ll use the freight elevator when I take her out and just hope nobody sees me.” Alejandro nodded. “I have a bag of toys for her. If she doesn’t have toys to play with, she’ll root, meaning you could find tiles or molding pried up.”

      While he went to get the toys, the pig walked over to the window and stood looking out at the view. She sat down on her haunches.

      Kate eyed her and went to the refrigerator to see if she had any acceptable piggy cuisine. Alejandro had said something about grapes, hadn’t he? She pulled out a bowl of seedless purple grapes and plucked a couple off the stem. Then she walked back into the living room and sat down a few feet from the animal.

      “Look what I have, Miss Piggy. Would you like one?”

      Gracious trotted over immediately and snuffled the grape out of her palm. She made happy little porcine noises as she consumed it, and Kate laughed. She scratched the pig’s head, surprised that she didn’t smell bad at all.

      They’d made friends by the time Alejandro got back—the pig sat leaning into Kate’s thigh, her eyes closed as she savored having her ears rubbed.

      “She’ll sleep with you if you let her,” he said. The gleam shot back into his eyes, as if to say that he would, too. “But if you don’t want her on your bed, you can just fold up a blanket on the floor for her.” He walked to the sliding glass door and looked out at Biscayne Bay.

      “You have an amazing view.”

      While he looked out at the water, she couldn’t help looking up at him. Up the length of those long, masculine legs to the certifiably fine ass and the casual cock of his hips. He was so close that she could smell the detergent he used to wash his jeans and the leather of his shoes. She caught a whiff of breezy aftershave, too.

      Gracious seemed to understand and empathize with her appreciation of the man. She

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