A Love So Strong. Arlene James

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A Love So Strong - Arlene James Mills & Boon Love Inspired

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tear himself away. Yet, this time, observation felt strangely like being on the outside looking in.

      Was he suddenly so old, Marcus wondered, that he’d lost touch already with such fresh-faced youth as this? If so, then surely it was past time for God to bring him a wife.

      That wasn’t too much for a man to ask on his thirtieth birthday, was it? Then again, hadn’t he just told God that he’d be happy with those blessings already granted him?

      He stared at Nicole’s pretty profile, observing the animation with which she spoke, and knew that if his interest could be elicited by this mere girl, then he was in big trouble. Not only was she too young for him, she was entirely unsuitable.

      A minister’s wife did not dress in such eccentric fashion. She didn’t bounce around in her seat and gesture broadly as if physically incapable of sitting still. And she sure wouldn’t slide alarmingly coy looks across a table at a man she’d just met.

      It struck him then how laughingly desperate he had become.

      Nicole was little more than a child, whose life was, nevertheless, chock-full of stress and responsibility. At her age she probably batted her eyelashes at every male in the immediate vicinity without even knowing that she was doing it.

      And he was a thirty-year-old fool who obviously needed to remember that his priority in life was his ministry. That ministry included helping emotionally beleaguered young ladies find the faith to make difficult decisions. If the opportunity arose, that was precisely what he would do for Miss Nicole Archer.

      He had the unsettling feeling that such an opportunity would, indeed, arise and no understanding at all why that should alarm him.

      Chapter Two

      Nicole allowed both Marcus Wheeler and Ovida Cutler to escort her to the door, even though she knew it was an imposition for him. This was his birthday, after all, and the party had been going on without him for some time already. Still, she couldn’t resist. He was so…calm. Serene, even. And gorgeous—in a very buttoned-down and conservative way, which, oddly enough, she didn’t mind at all.

      Once in the spacious entry hall, Nicole took some time to look around her, stalling the moment when she must actually leave. Western chic wasn’t her thing, but the sheer proportions of the place were impressive, and she liked the colors and the rustic light fixture overhead.

      She’d barely noticed her surroundings when she’d arrived. Her pain and desperation had blinded her to everything except the need to find a little reassurance, some measure of comfort. At times like that she missed her mother so much that she literally hurt. That was when she reached out to Ovida.

      Lately, her father’s drinking had escalated and she’d been reaching out more and more. Surely things would calm down soon, though. Her father seemed to cycle in and out of these ongoing rages.

      He’d be surly and withdrawn for a while, then gradually would grow more belligerent until he began exploding over the smallest things. Finally he’d rage for hours, saying cruel, hurtful things to her and her brother. Eventually he’d drink himself into oblivion. Misery and apologies would follow the hangover. Then the cycle would begin again.

      She hoped they were at the end of that ugly cycle now, but even if they weren’t she still couldn’t bring herself to follow the pastor’s advice to call the police or even Family Services. She couldn’t bear the thought of her father in detox or jail or her brother in foster care. Such a thing would have been inconceivable while her mother lived. Every time Nicole thought of calling the police, she’d picture her mother’s face, see the sadness, disappointment and anguish in her eyes, and she couldn’t do it.

      No, she just couldn’t see herself following the good minister’s advice. That didn’t mean, however, that Nicole wasn’t glad to have met Marcus Wheeler. Far from it. Looking up now into his warm, moss-green eyes she felt safe, reassured, and not a little thrilled.

      Who knew that ministers were this good-looking? Not to mention young.

      Okay, he was a little older than the college crowd, but thirty wasn’t exactly over the hill. Besides, she didn’t fit in with that group all that well herself. She didn’t fit in anywhere, truth be told. In some ways she felt aeons older than her friends. In others she felt like a complete innocent. They were into partying and carefree escapades. She was into her family and fulfilling her responsibilities.

      For Nicole, it was all about making a future for herself and her little brother. She didn’t have time for parties and dates. She’d be tempted to make an exception for someone like Marcus, though. All antique gold and polished bronze, Marcus was not only handsome, he radiated strength, gentle confidence and genuine concern. Surely such a man would be a good influence on her little brother.

      At first, mortified to have broken in on a family gathering, Nicole was now glad that she had come here today. She’d found what she needed: the strength to go home again and put up with whatever awaited her there a little longer. On the way, she’d swing by the library and pick up Beau. Meanwhile, she owed this man, if only for his kindness.

      “I’m sorry about interrupting your birthday party.”

      He shook his head, smiling as laughter spilled out of the living room. “Doesn’t sound to me like you put a crimp in anything.”

      “Still, it was good of you to take time away from your guests to talk to me.”

      “It was my pleasure. I’ll be praying for you.”

      “Thank you.”

      “We’ll both be praying for you, honey,” Ovida broke in, hugging her. “Think about what the pastor said, will you?”

      Nicole nodded. She’d think about it, but she knew that she wouldn’t call the authorities.

      “I’d better go,” she said reluctantly. “The library closes at nine.”

      “Hug that brother of yours for me,” Ovida instructed.

      “I will.”

      “And don’t hesitate to reach out again if you need me.”

      “But if you should need another ally,” Marcus interjected smoothly, reaching into his shirt pocket and producing a small card, “I can usually be reached at one of these numbers.”

      Ridiculously pleased, Nicole took the card and slipped it into her glove. She would definitely be calling on the young minister, just as soon as she could come up with a valid reason. With one last squeeze of Ovida’s hand and a warm smile for Marcus Wheeler, Nicole slipped through the door that he opened for her.

      He stepped outside onto the low front stoop and watched from beneath the tall brick arch until she was safely inside her old car. In his shirtsleeves against the frosty February temperatures, he continued to stand there while she cranked and cranked the starter on her rattletrap vehicle. Then, once the engine finally turned over, he lifted a hand in farewell before rejoining the party inside. It seemed a very gentlemanly thing to do.

      Nicole smiled to herself as she drove off into the night, feeling the edges of his card against the back of her hand, where it nestled inside her glove.

      Their paths would cross again.


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