Return of the Border Warrior. Blythe Gifford

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Return of the Border Warrior - Blythe Gifford Mills & Boon Historical

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then,’ he retorted, wincing and wanting to clutch himself again. He’d have to walk the pony back from here.

      She did, but he called out before she was beyond earshot, ‘And don’t let that beast growl at me again.’

      She looked over her shoulder with that barely-a-smile crooked corner of her mouth that made him think she might be laughing at him.

      He might not be a man to be feared, but some man was. He wondered who. And why.

      Chapter Four

      Cate had a long, hard fight with herself as she ran away from him, back to the tower.

      She had not allowed a man so close since …

      Since then.

      Though the Brunsons were family, they did not treat her as her father had, hugging her goodnight or ruffling her hair in play. Red Geordie was sparing with a hug, even for his own children.

      That suited her. Here, she was protected, but no one tried to come too close.

      Except this man, who knew no better than to put comforting arms around her shoulders.

      She had stiffened at his touch, braced against the fear that would come and steal her mind, afraid she might spear him with her dirk before she could stop herself.

      It did come, the fear, her old enemy, then left near as quickly as it came. And if she wounded his manhood and his pride, at least she didn’t leave him bloody.

      Because his embrace had not felt like an attack, or even the prelude to a kiss. Instead, held against his chest, she had felt warm and comforted.


      When had she last felt that way?

      Braw Cate, they called her. Cate the Bold. They thought her brave and bold and unafraid because she dressed in breeches and waved a blade.

      She was not fearless. She was terrified.

      Only with sword and dagger in hand did she dare to face those fears. Only when breeches disguised her womanhood could she rise from bed to face the world. Only with Belde within reach of her hand could she survive the most ordinary day. Going beyond the tower walls, as she must to train him, took every bit of her strength. And when she did, she always kept a clear view and an eye open for the enemy.

      Now, this man had touched her and, for a few minutes, she had not felt fear.

      And that frightened her more than anything else.

      Inside the tower, with Belde at her side, she entered the hall, empty of mourners now. Black Rob sat alone, shrouded by mourning, looking every bit of his name.

      Her heart ached for him. For all of them. She had lost a father, too.

      She did not often speak idly with Rob. It was not their way. Words were worth no more than air. Necessary for breath, a menace in excess.

      But today, she wanted words that might help her understand this tall, lean, blue-eyed stranger who bore the Brunson name. He barely seemed their kin, though he and Bessie shared a certain slant of the eye, an arch of the brow that spoke of pride. And action.

      Bessie had told her of the boy, but it was the man she sought to understand, the man who was getting too close, not only to her body.

      She hovered beside the table, waiting for Rob to look up.

      When he saw Belde, he smiled, the first one she’d seen from him all day. ‘So you’ve let the beast inside again, eh?’

      She nodded and sat across the table. The dog lay down beside her, close to the hearth, as if glad to be back.

      She let the silence lay a while. Rob waited for her to speak.

      ‘So,’ she began finally. ‘John comes home.’

      Not a question. That would be too difficult. Too personal. It would indicate she cared.

      The smile disappeared. ‘Aye.’

      Belde stretched out, his yawn a squeak in the silence.

      She tried again. ‘He’s been gone a while.’

      ‘Long enough to change.’

      She looked up and his eyes met hers as if he knew why she asked. ‘Change?’

      ‘He’s no Brunson now.’

      She might have agreed an hour ago. Certainly, his tongue had little Brunson in it and his ideas did not belong to the Borders. But he was as stubborn as the rest of his kin, that she was sure. ‘Maybe not, but he shares your blood. Nothing replaces that.’


      She was here, safe, only because Red Geordie had taken her in. It was their code. It was how they lived. For family. For loyalty. For kin. To be cast away from the family was to be a broken man, wandering alone like the outlaws who prowled the no man’s valley of the Debatable Land.

      Even Johnnie did not deserve that fate.

      Rob’s shrug said the same. ‘Maybe, but he won’t be here long.’

      ‘Because you want him to leave?’

      ‘Because he doesn’t belong.’

      She sighed. Johnnie had said as much. Her sense of safety was an illusion. He’d return to court, where he belonged, beside that king he spoke of and surrounded by the kind of ladies who would people such a place.

      And she’d still be here. Alone.

      Barely able to walk, John watched Cate and her dog disappear through the gate. After he’d recovered, he limped back to the tower, leaving the pony to graze near the west gate. He wondered whether her dagger might have inflicted less damage than her knee.

      Understanding women had never been so difficult before. Living beside the king, he had never had to spare an extra thought for them. Women were fickle, accommodating creatures, ever ready to please you, in bed or out.

      At least, the women at court were.

      His sister was not like that, of course. And his mother had not been, either. Perhaps Border women were as different as their men. He’d ask Bessie about this Gilnock woman. Subtly, of course. He would not want her to feel forced to choose between her brothers.

      * * *

      He found Bessie in the courtyard’s kitchen hall, kneading a ball of light brown dough with calm, rhythmic strokes and blinking against tears.

      Heedless of her sticky hands, he gave her the hug Cate had refused and she rested her forehead on his shoulder. ‘Are you all right, Bessie?’

      She shook her head, not lifting it. ‘I knew we would lose him one day. Every time he went on a raid I prepared, but not … not for this.’

      Some men prayed to

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