Katie's Rescue. Pamela Tracy

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Katie's Rescue - Pamela Tracy Mills & Boon Heartwarming

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to these animals, plus my employer and employees. Right now my number one priority is keeping Aquila alive. And, apparently, I need your help.”

      Katie didn’t say anything.

      His voice grew firmer. “Aquila was the inspiration for my purchasing your father’s menagerie, and I’m sure you’re aware I paid top dollar.”

      Yes, Katie knew to the penny what the man had paid for each animal and for some extras. He’d made a wise investment. George, the brown bear, had appeared in more than one movie. The camel, Kobie, could untie a knot in a rope. Ollie, the orangutan, waved and blew kisses.

      Aquila, however, had been the reigning prince of Bob Vincent’s menagerie. He could jump through a ring of fire, dive into a swimming pool and he actually danced to Cyndi Lauper’s “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun.”

      Katie hadn’t always agreed with her father’s ideas of what his animals should do, but Aquila’s affinity for dancing was entirely Katie’s doing. Most of Bob’s animals had been good dancers, at least to Katie’s music.

      Well, maybe not the snakes.

      Luke went on. “If he can’t perform, then I made a bad deal. One I cannot afford to keep. There’s a six-month reversal clause for breach of contract, so I’m going to have my lawyer contact your lawyer...”

      Katie opened her mouth but no sound came out, and she sank to the cold, hard, tiled floor. The reversal clause would be for the whole kingdom, not just Aquila. She didn’t have any place to put four large animals. Her father’s house and land had been sold, allowing her to pay his bills and bury him. The money from the animals had allowed her to pay off her debts, get Janie into college and move into a decent apartment.

      As for the lawyer, she barely knew him. Plus, from what she remembered of her dad’s lawyer, he’d be on the side of the animals.

      Not that she wasn’t, but... Two deep breaths later, she managed to croak out, “Mr. Rittenhouse, are you aware I’ve not been in contact with Aquila for years?”

      “Yes, Jasper told me.”

      Katie all but collapsed against a wall and tried to ignore the students hurrying down the hall. She could have been one of them, if not for her life experiences and responsibilities.

      “Jasper’s with you?” she whispered.


      The man had to be nearing eighty. He’d been like a grandfather to her once, and yet Katie had never looked into how he was doing after her father died. He and Bob had worked together for almost thirty years.

      Guilt tapped her on the shoulder again.

      “It was Jasper who suggested I call you before I called my lawyer,” Luke said. “He’s sure that Aquila would remember you and pull through.”

      Pulling together every ounce of stamina she could manage, Katie said, “Mr. Rittenhouse, wild animals aren’t supposed to pine for people. Besides, I don’t think you realize what you’re asking. Last time I worked with Aquila, I was a kid. I’m a different person now.”


      She didn’t know if he was agreeing with her or encouraging her to go on. No matter, Katie had a feeling the man on the other end of the phone didn’t think much of the different person she’d become.

      “Mr. Rittenhouse, the animal kingdom is no longer my world. I have no desire to work with animals again....”

      She didn’t mention she also had no desire to sacrifice her job, schooling or endanger herself or her family. She didn’t say any of these things because if he worked with animals, he was a showman, and he accepted the sacrifices and ignored the risks.

      “Lady, I don’t have the time or willingness to play games. I’ve gone over the sales agreement for Bob’s Backyard Animal Kingdom, and I’m real comfortable with my rights. You either show up here within twenty-four hours to help with Aquila, or my lawyer will begin proceedings to enforce the reversal clause.”

      “Twenty-four hours? I’ve already told you, I have a job. I have a home. I have a little sister to take care of.”

      “Just give me two weeks. Bring your sister along if you have to. Help me with Aquila. Then you can go back to whatever you’re doing now. Two weeks. Jasper said you could do it. See you in twenty-four hours.” He hung up.

      Katie stared openmouthed at her cell phone until the silence of the hallway caught her attention. Thursday-morning classes had started and students were either cocooned safe inside their rooms or were already in the student union or out in the parking lot. As an interpreter for the deaf, she belonged in statistics class with her student, and no doubt both student and instructor were growing concerned. Her student, all of nineteen and extremely bright, could read lips, but this particular instructor spoke English with a heavy accent. More than once Katie had signed, “One hungry student” when the instructor had really said, “One hundred students.” The instructor also tended to speak louder whenever he looked at the deaf student, which made the class giggle.

      Katie didn’t like the man.

      Well, this might be her last day in Mr. Hungry Student’s class. Luke Rittenhouse had backed her into a corner. And since she’d already gotten in trouble for breaking the “Thou Shalt Not Let Thy Cell Phone Ring During Class” rule, it looked like the perfect time for a change.

      Too bad Katie didn’t want one.

      * * *

      LUKE HUNG UP the phone and walked to the far wall of his office where a dry-erase board displayed his five-goals-in-five-years plan. Standing in front of it, he reminded himself that people who didn’t take risks were often people who stood still. Bridget’s had stood still for way too long. His job was to change things for the better.

      NEW ACQUISITIONS was number five on his list, and the only one with a check mark next to it.

      That had been his risk, the one that kept him awake at night worrying.

      The purchase was supposed to be a step forward, but it ultimately might be the undoing of the four items above it: EMPLOYEE SALARIES AND BENEFITS, GENERAL OPERATIONS, FACILITIES MAINTENANCE AND CAPITAL RENEWAL. He’d chosen the order of importance. And he’d been the one to act on the dead-last goal first.

      He moved to the window and watched as the day-to-day operations of Bridget’s AZ Animal Adventure carried on.

      At the front of Bridget’s, his friend Adam was painting the grand entrance. It was an ongoing work that might never be finished.

      He’d met Adam fifteen years ago in a taekwondo studio. Adam, aged ten at the time, took lessons with his twin brother who’d been born disabled. Luke, then a junior in high school, did his homework while his sister Bridget had a lesson.

      Adam quit lessons and soon was asking Luke for help with math. Seemed he’d doodled during every math class and was now behind. They’d been friends ever since.

      Five years ago, Luke asked for a favor in return.

      Even at twenty-five, Adam was still a kid—a kid without a high school diploma, but a kid who could replicate anything he put his mind

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