His New Nanny. Carla Cassidy

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His New Nanny - Carla Cassidy Mills & Boon Intrigue

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hope we’ll be friends,” Amanda said.

      Melanie stared at her warily, then gave a curt nod of her head. This was a child who would not trust easily, Amanda thought. It was going to take time and patience to earn her trust.

      “I’ve invited some friends to join us for dinner,” Sawyer said. “James and Lillian Cordell. Lillian went to high school with my wife and they’re Melanie’s godparents and good friends. They should be arriving anytime. They live in the house closest to us.” He gestured her toward a chair across from the sofa.

      Again she noticed the seething, just-below-the-surface energy that emanated from him, which slightly repelled and attracted her. She had so many questions for him about her position here, but it seemed as if none of them would be answered until after dinner.

      Before any conversation could continue, the doorbell rang and Sawyer got up to answer, leaving Melanie and Amanda alone. Melanie stared at her folded hands in her lap. A sadness about her made Amanda want to join Melanie on the sofa and wrap her in a tight, loving embrace.

      Instead she softly spoke her name, and Melanie looked up at her. “I know it’s kind of scary to meet new people,” Amanda said. “But I think we’re going to get along just fine. I don’t know about you, but I like to do all kinds of things.” Melanie tilted her head quizzically and Amanda continued. “I like to draw and I love to color. I like to tell stories and play dress up. I like to have tea parties and sometimes I even like to collect bugs.”

      One corner of Melanie’s lips twitched upward in a faint smile. It’s a start, Amanda told herself. Now if she could just get even a half smile out of Sawyer Bennett she might feel a little bit at ease.

      He returned to the living room with an attractive couple. “James, Lillian, I’d like to introduce you to my new nanny, Amanda Rockport.”

      Amanda stood and smiled. “Nice to meet you both,” she said.

      “It’s wonderful to meet you,” Lillian exclaimed and took Amanda’s hand in hers. “It will be so nice to have woman conversation again.” She released Amanda’s hand and went directly to Melanie. “And there’s my girl,” she said, and pulled Melanie into a tight embrace. Melanie returned the embrace, then stepped back.

      “Dinner is ready, so we can go on into the dining room,” Sawyer said.

      Sawyer sat at the head of the table with Melanie on his right and Amanda on his left. Lillian sat next to Amanda and James sat at the opposite end of the table.

      An elderly woman Sawyer introduced to Amanda as Helen served them. Her sharp gaze perused Amanda as if taking stock of her character. Once the meal was served she silently disappeared back into the kitchen.

      It would have been easy for Amanda to feel out of place. Melanie remained silent as did Sawyer, but the blond, vivacious Lillian engaged Amanda in conversation immediately.

      “So, where are you from?” Lillian asked Amanda as Lillian buttered a biscuit the size of her fist.

      “Kansas City,” Amanda replied.

      Lillian looked at Sawyer in surprise. “How on earth did you find her?”

      “Amanda’s brother and I went to college together,” Sawyer said. “I mentioned to him that I was in the market for a nanny, and it just so happened that Amanda was in the market for a job.”

      “You know I was perfectly happy taking care of Melanie,” Lillian exclaimed. “We had lots of fun, didn’t we, sweetheart?” She smiled at Melanie, who replied with a quick nod of her head.

      “I couldn’t allow you to continue to ignore your own work,” Sawyer said smoothly. He looked at Amanda, those dark green eyes of his enigmatic. “Lillian is an artist who has neglected her work for the past couple of months to help me out with Melanie.”

      “An artist? What kind of art?” Amanda asked.

      “I dabble in a little bit of everything,” she replied.

      “She’s being modest.” James looked at his wife affectionately. “One of the things she ‘dabbles’ in is making Mardi Gras masks that are unbelievable. People come from all over the country to buy a Lillian mask for the celebration.”

      It didn’t take long for Melanie to finish eating and look at her father with pleading eyes. He told her she was dismissed from the table, and it seemed she couldn’t escape the room of grown-ups fast enough.

      “Poor little thing,” Lillian said when she was gone. “My heart just aches for her.”

      “She’ll be fine,” Sawyer replied. “With Amanda here we can establish a routine and before long she’ll be back to her old self.” He said it forcefully, as if by sheer willpower alone he could make it so.

      Once again Amanda wondered under what circumstances Melanie had stopped speaking. Was it grief over her mother’s death that had stolen her desire to talk? She couldn’t wait until dinner was over and the Cordells had gone home so she and Sawyer could have a conversation about the daily work schedule and Melanie.

      “You must let me show you around Conja Creek,” Lillian said to Amanda. “I can show you the best place to have your hair done, what shop carries the best clothes in town and where all the ladies have lunch.”

      “I don’t know how much time I’ll have to shop or do lunch,” Amanda replied. “My number-one priority is, of course, Melanie.”

      “As it should be,” Lillian replied. “But surely you’ll have some time off.” She turned her attention to Sawyer. “You mustn’t be a slave driver, Sawyer.”

      “I have no intention of that,” he replied. “Amanda and I will work out an agreeable schedule that I’m sure will allow her to do whatever it is you ladies like to do in your spare time.”

      “Shop,” James said, once again casting an affectionate gaze at his wife. “That’s what my Lilly likes to do.”

      “And you wouldn’t have it any other way,” she replied with a laugh.

      As Amanda watched the loving interplay between James and Lillian, she felt a pang of wistfulness. She’d thought she’d had that kind of relationship with Scott, but when her life had fallen apart he’d run as fast as he could from her.

      “Conja Creek. It’s an interesting name,” Amanda said.

      “Conja is Cajun and it means to put a spell on,” Sawyer replied.

      “Legend has it that the creek bewitches people, puts a spell on them and they never want to leave,” Lillian said. “Personally, the creek hasn’t gotten to me. I could move out of here tomorrow if my dear husband would. I’d love the hustle and bustle of Shreveport.”

      “Ah, but remember, here you’re a big fish in a little pond and in Shreveport you’d be a little fish in a big pond,” James teased.

      Dinner might have been pleasant if Amanda hadn’t been so aware of the simmering tension that seemed to be in the air around Sawyer. More than once throughout the meal she felt his gaze lingering on her, making her incredibly self-conscious and ill at ease.

      It was

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