Fortune's Perfect Match. Allison Leigh

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Fortune's Perfect Match - Allison Leigh Mills & Boon Cherish

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dirt fell.

      Even though there was no point, she curled her arms around her head. Light appeared beyond her eyelids. Beyond her arms. But there was no sense of peace coming over her. No sense of welcome.

      Had she lived her life so wrongly that she wouldn’t even have that? Just this choking, oppressive aloneness? No future?

      She curled her arms tighter around her face. She tried to find the comforting lullaby again … but even the childhood song that had been circling over and over inside her head had deserted her.

      And then she heard another shout. Not inside her head at all. Hands clutched her arms, pulling them away from her head. She stared, squinting against the light and the dust still clouding the air, seeing only the shape of a fireman’s hat above her.

      “What—” She broke off, coughing again.

      He didn’t seem to notice. “Get me some help here,” he yelled, moving away from her.

      She heard more voices. Realized that there were a lot of voices. Yelling. Some screams. She swiped her hands down her face. Squinted at her hands. All she could see was black. She tried to push herself up until she was sitting, but could only raise herself a few inches. There was a tangle of metal pressing against her entire right side.

      “Hold on there.” Another voice found her. A different voice. Deeper. Gentler. Hands brushed against her, levering the metal off of her. A row of attached chairs from the airport’s waiting area, she realized.

      She tried to focus on the rescuer’s face, but everything seemed blurry. Covered in gray. But his eyes … his eyes were blue. She latched desperately on to that blue gaze. “What happened?”

      “There was a tornado.” His hands circled her arms. Pulling, she realized.

      “My feet.” She couldn’t utter more than that. Her throat had closed again; tears came harder.

      He immediately stopped pulling. Shifted away from her vision. She wanted to call him back. She managed to push herself up a few inches and saw the man, gesturing at the fireman. Her strength gave out and she fell back. She could feel sobs clawing at her chest.

      “Come on now.” The voice was back. “You made it this far.” He closed his hand around hers, squeezing gently. “You’re pinned by something, but they’re gonna get you out.” The dust covering his face creased into lines around his mouth as he smiled. “You’ve got a future just waiting for you to live it.”

       Chapter One


      “I’m sorry, Dad. I’m not flying back to Atlanta tomorrow just to handle one meeting. It’s completely unnecessary.” Emily’s hand tightened around her cell phone and she gave Wendy a rueful grimace. “I’ll join in by conference call.”

      Even through the phone line, she could feel her father’s irritation. John Michael Fortune had always expected his employees at FortuneSouth Enterprises to give him more than a hundred percent of their attention, and his children who worked for him were no exception. “There’s no reason for you to still be in Red Rock,” he stated. “It’s June, for God’s sake. Wendy had that baby months ago. I think even she might have learned how to heat a bottle and change a diaper by now.”

      Emily winced. She held the phone closer to her ear and hoped to heaven that Wendy—who was sitting in a lovely white glider near the nursery’s window—couldn’t hear. And even though tiny MaryAnne had been born in February, she’d still been early.

      Emily focused on the baby’s perfectly shaped head as Wendy slowly rocked and nursed.

      That’s what mattered, she thought to herself. “There’s nothing on my plate that I can’t handle long-distance,” she said into the phone. And there wasn’t. She was the director of advertising for their telecommunications company, and whether John Michael gave her many accolades or not, she knew she was doing her job well.

      Business was booming, after all.

      “I don’t know what’s gotten into you,” her father muttered, still clearly dissatisfied. “Ever since that tornado, nobody’s been the same. And you, with this baby nonsense—”

      “People died in that tornado, Dad,” Emily cut him off, not wanting to hear the rest. They’d all been the lucky ones, but there were others who hadn’t been so fortunate. Emily had ended up with only a sprained ankle. Her mother, thankfully, only a broken wrist. “It’s sort of a life-changing experience, you know.”

      She heard his enormously frustrated sigh. “Fine,” he snapped. “Conference into the meeting this time. But I’d better see your face on Friday at the first Connover meeting.”

      For a fleeting moment, Emily was tempted to ask what the unspoken “or else” was, but she fought the urge. Yes, she was bristling at the iron hand of her father’s management, but that didn’t mean she didn’t still respect his position both as her father and as the head of FortuneSouth. “I’ve already got the charter flight scheduled to be there,” she promised. “Say hello to Mother for me.”

      “Say hello yourself,” he returned bluntly. “She’s missing all of you a lot these days, since it seems half her family is deserting Atlanta for Red Rock.”

      Emily’s grip tightened on the phone again. She talked to her mother regularly, and John Michael knew it. Like her father, her mother didn’t entirely understand Emily’s actions these days, but, typically, she’d been far less critical about it. “I love you, Dad.”

      “Friday,” he returned.

      She sighed and hit the end button on her phone. Even under the best of circumstances John Michael wasn’t an affectionate soul. She looked over at Wendy. “Do you ever wonder what on earth attracted our parents to each other enough in the first place to get married and have six children together?”

      Wendy smiled a little impishly. “Frankly, Em, I don’t want to think too much about Mom and Dad getting busy making babies.” She leaned down to kiss her daughter’s perfectly pink forehead. “I prefer to think we were all immaculately conceived.”

      Emily smiled, too, though it took some effort. Her gaze fell on the cheerful hand-painted flowers bordering the walls. “Maybe I should start looking into that method, myself.” She plucked a stuffed white rabbit off a gleaming white shelf and bent its long ears. “Considering how everything else I’ve tried so far to become a mother has been a bust.”

      Wendy deftly adjusted her nightgown as she shifted the baby to her shoulder. “Honestly, Em. Only you would come out of a tornado with a spreadsheet in her head that lays out every possible way to become a mommy. Did you ever consider just trying to meet a man first?” She patted MaryAnne’s back and was quickly rewarded by a decidedly indelicate little burp. She grinned and stood up from the glider.

      “You’re sounding surprisingly old-fashioned. These days, I hardly need a man in my life to become a mother.” Emily reached out for her niece. “Let me take her.”

      Wendy surrendered the baby happily enough. “Far be it for me to suggest that you won’t handle being a single mother as admirably as you handle your career, but I am a

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